QuickServe 1
QuickServe is a home repair company.? quickservice是一家家居維修公司遭京。
It provides quick, reliable repair services to homes.它為家庭提供快速癞埠、可靠的維修服務。
QuickServe handles plumbing and electrical issues 24 hours a day. QuickServe 24小時處理管道和電氣問題继找。
It also cleans roofs, fixes internet connections and replaces broken windows.它還能清潔屋頂捍歪,修復互聯(lián)網(wǎng)連接畅姊,更換破碎的窗戶。
For a small fee, customers subscribe to the service.只需支付少量費用卢肃,客戶就可以訂閱這項服務疲迂。
Its main customers are theelderly, which means older people.?它的主要客戶是老年人,也就是說老年人莫湘。
Whenever customers have a problem, they can call for help.當客戶有問題時尤蒿,他們可以打電話尋求幫助。
There is also a small service charge for each service call.每打一個服務電話還要收取一小筆服務費幅垮。
The company was established 5 years ago, and is growing rapidly.該公司成立于5年前腰池,目前發(fā)展迅速。
It started in one city, but is now in 5 cities.它開始在一個城市军洼,但現(xiàn)在在5個城市巩螃。
The company plans to expand to 10 cities within the next 24 months.該公司計劃在未來24個月內(nèi)將業(yè)務擴展到10個城市。
In each city, there is a small central office in a low-rent area of the city.?在每個城市的廉租房區(qū)都有一個小的中心辦公室匕争。
The central office handles the business, advertising,payrolland billing.?中央辦公室處理業(yè)務避乏、廣告、工資和帳單甘桑。
It also takes calls from customers, either online or by telephone.?它還接受客戶的電話拍皮,無論是在線電話還是電話。
It takes calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.它需要一天24小時跑杭,一周7天的電話铆帽。
60% of the company’s employees work from their homes.該公司60%的員工在家辦公。
When a customer calls in to central office, a service employee is contacted.當客戶打電話到中心辦公室時德谅,會與服務人員聯(lián)系爹橱。
The service employee then contacts the customer andsets upan appointment.然后服務人員與客戶聯(lián)系并安排一個約會。
These service employees are highly trained and provide excellent service.這些服務人員訓練有素窄做,提供優(yōu)質(zhì)服務愧驱。
In emergencies, such as a serious plumbing problem, service can be provided within an hour.在緊急情況下慰技,例如嚴重的管道問題,可以在一小時內(nèi)提供服務组砚。
One reason for this is that the service employees live in different parts of the city.原因之一是服務人員居住在城市的不同地區(qū)吻商。
They are not centrally located, so it’s quicker and easier for them to travel to a customer’s home.它們不是位于中心位置,所以對它們來說糟红,到客戶家中旅行更快捷艾帐、更容易。
QuickServe 2
QuickServe has an excellent reputation.快速服務有著良好的聲譽盆偿。
Its prices are reasonable and its services are quick and efficient.價格合理柒爸,服務快捷高效。
The company’s service employees are clean, polite and efficient.公司的服務人員干凈陈肛、禮貌揍鸟、高效兄裂。
In this type of business, person to person contact is the key to success.?在這種類型的業(yè)務中句旱,人與人之間的聯(lián)系是成功的關(guān)鍵。
With each satisfied customer, more customers subscribe.每一個滿意的客戶晰奖,都會有更多的客戶訂閱谈撒。
Satisfied customers recommend QuickServe to their friends.滿意的客戶向他們的朋友推薦quickservice。
This kind of word-of-mouth advertising is very cost effective.這種口口相傳的廣告非常劃算匾南。
Cost effective means that the results are good without paying a high price.成本效益是指在不付出高昂代價的情況下啃匿,結(jié)果是好的。
In other words, quality service provides its own reward to the company.?換句話說蛆楞,優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務為公司提供了自己的回報溯乒。
The company takes great pride in being honest with its customers.?這家公司以對顧客誠實為榮。
There are no hidden charges for their services.他們的服務沒有隱藏的費用豹爹。
As a result, the number of customers in each city is growing rapidly.?因此裆悄,每個城市的顧客數(shù)量都在迅速增長。
With the aging population, there are more elderly people who need home repair services.隨著人口老齡化臂聋,越來越多的老年人需要家庭維修服務光稼。
These people need to have confidence in the service provider.這些人需要對服務提供者有信心。
They don’t want to be cheated.他們不想被騙孩等。
These people don’t mind paying a reasonable fee for high quality service.?這些人不介意為高質(zhì)量的服務支付合理的費用艾君。
High quality service should be rewarded.應該獎勵高質(zhì)量的服務。
The company provides a range of service plans, each with a different subscription price.該公司提供一系列的服務計劃肄方,每個計劃都有不同的訂閱價格冰垄。
The least expensive service plan is called the basic plan.最便宜的服務計劃叫做基本計劃。
This plan provides non-emergency services with a very low service charge.這項計劃以極低的服務費提供非緊急服務权她。
The most expensive service plan is their VIP plan.最昂貴的服務計劃是他們的VIP計劃虹茶。
The VIP plan provides emergency services 24 hours a day with no additional service charge.貴賓計劃24小時提供緊急服務冀瓦,不收取額外服務費用。
It also provides rebates to customers who don’t call for any service during the year.它還為年內(nèi)不需要任何服務的客戶提供折扣写烤。
In addition, QuickServe gives bonus points to customers for each year that they subscribe.此外翼闽,quickservice還為客戶訂閱的每一年提供額外的積分。
These bonus points can be used to buy new appliances such as stoves and refrigerators.這些積分可以用來購買爐子和冰箱等新電器洲炊。
If the business continues to grow, the owners may decide to take the company public.如果業(yè)務繼續(xù)增長感局,所有者可能會決定讓公司上市。
This means that the public can buy shares of the company.這意味著公眾可以購買該公司的股票
It will then change from a privately-owned company to a public company.然后暂衡,它將從一家私營公司轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐患疑鲜泄尽?/p>
The owners believe that their business is successful and can expand around the world.?業(yè)主們相信他們的業(yè)務是成功的询微,可以擴展到世界各地。
They also believe that taking their company public can make them rich.他們還認為狂巢,將公司上市可以讓他們變得富有撑毛。