this morning,i got up early to make breakfast.after did that,i went to the first market to buy some fresh seafishes.fresh seathings in there are much fresher than the seathings in walmart.this afternoon.,i fecthed a fish? which was bought yesterday from smelled a little 臭。i dont really want to cook it and eat i decide i will buy more fresh seathings for my family from the first market.because when they? are having them happily ,i also feel happily.happy is the most important thing in our life.
To buy some fresh seathings from? the first market? is the most important thing in my daily action.
i took a rest when i got home.then i walked to yongdu supermarket to go took me one hour to do it.but walking can make me strong.
so walking for two hours everyday is an important thing for our health.just keep on it then you will be more activity in life.