Been Done
- Work: 8 hours
- Resolve Popshop issue(5hours)
- EnergyClub: planning meeting, pickup compare pricing story(2hour),
- Pairing Learning:
- AntiTesting(1hour)
- Meditation(15 mins)
- Running(30 mins)
- ShuHari
Shu: Concentrates on how to do the task, without worrying too much about the underlying theory
Ha: Learn the underlying principles and theory behind the technique
Ri: He creates his own approaches and adapts what he's learned to his own particular circumstances
- empty? vs blank?
.empty? # will through an error if it's null .blank? # will get false if it's null, so if you are going to check if a value is null, or empty string, use blank instead
- FactoryGirl
- Test the right function
- Critical code - breaks often, gets most of new features, big impact on application users
- Core code - breaks sometimes, gets few new features, medium impact on the application users
- Other code - rarely changes, rarely gets new features , has minimal impact on application users.
- What's really matter than test coverage:
- PDWT (Percent of Developers who Write Tests)
- PBCNT (Percent of Bugs that Create New tests).
- PTVB (Percent of Tests that Verify Behavior and not implementation)
- PTD (Percent of Tests that are Deterministic to total tests).
- affiliates 接納…為成員 /?'f?l?et/
Time passes by and business decides that a new customer type with value 2 is needed for affiliates