Journey of my dream
We would like to go to Thailand.In our opinion,it's very attractive.I am going to travel there by plane with my roommates and we will stay there two weeks in the summer vacation.
We want to experience the local culture , learn about religious beliefs. Besides we go to visit The Ground Palace (大王宮透硝,附圖一喂江,二). It is so magnificent that we will take lots of photos.And? we're going to see the sirens(人妖筛璧,附圖三)历葛,doing fish therapy(魚療庄吼,附圖四).Of course, tasting local delicious food is important too!
Finally,I and my roommates always want to go to Thailand because of Thailand is very close to us and we saw films of ?Detective Chinatown? (《唐人街探案》)and ?lost in Thailand?(《泰囧》) we are very interested in Thailand.So for us this is the journey of our dreams.