Comma Gets a Cure
By Douglas N. Honorof, Jill McCullough & Barbara
1)Well, here's a story for you: Sarah Perry was a veterinary nurse who had been working daily at an old zoo獸醫(yī)護(hù)士a veterinary nurse/?vet?r?ner/2) in a deserted district of the territory, so she was very happy to start a new job at a superb private practice in North Square near the Duke Street Tower.本州偏僻的地方in a deserted district of the territory一個極好的死人診所 a superb private practice 3)That area was much nearer for her and more to her liking. Even so, on her first morning, she felt stressed.她超喜歡哪里胃榕,而且離她家還近拔创。4)She ate a bowl of porridge, checked herself in the mirror and washed her face in a hurry.喝了一碗粥劣纲,鏡前整理了一下快速洗完臉。 5)Then she put on a plain yellow dress and a fleece jacket, picked up her kit and headed for work.樸素的黃色連衣裙,羊毛 [flis] 夾克kit工具包head for去工作
6)When she got there, there was a woman with a goose waiting for her.句式,there is doing7) The woman gave Sarah an official letter from the vet. 獸醫(yī)診所8)The letter implied that the animal could be suffering from a rare form of foot and mouth disease, which was surprising, because normally you would only expect to see it in a dog or a goat.口蹄病foot and mouth disease9) Sarah was sentimental, so this made her feel sorry for the beautiful bird.多愁善感的体捏,feel sorry憐愛
10)Before long, that itchy goose began to strut around the office like a lunatic, which made an unsanitary mess. 沒一會兒,itchy發(fā)癢的糯崎,像一個瘋子一樣亂沖撞几缭,臟兮兮亂糟糟。11)The goose's owner, Mary Harrison, kept
calling, “Comma, Comma,” 1which Sarah thought was an odd choice for a name.奇怪的名字12) Comma was strong and huge, so it would take some force to trap her, but Sarah had a different idea. 需要費些力氣沃呢,想了一個辦法13)First she tried gently stroking the goose's lower back with her palm, then singing a tune to her. Finally, she administered ether.手掌撫摸鵝的后背奏司,哼著曲調(diào),注射了乙醚樟插。14)Her efforts were not futile.有效果韵洋,雙重否定,沒有無效徒勞[?fju:tail] 15) In no time, the goose began to tire, so Sarah was able to hold onto Comma and give her a relaxing bath.馬上黄锤,疲憊搪缨, hold onto 緊緊抓住give her a relaxing bath給她洗了個澡
16)Once Sarah had managed to bathe the goose, she wiped her off with a cloth and laid her on her right side.給 洗澡 bathe the goose,bath名詞[b?θ]鸵熟,bathe動詞 [bee] 17)Then Sarah confirmed the vet's diagnosis.對動物確診18)Almost immediately, she remembered an effective treatment that required her to measure out a lot of medicine.配大劑量的藥measure out a lot of medicine 19)Sarah warned that this course of treatment might be expensive-either five or six times the cost of penicillin.療程 this course of treatment20) I can't imagine paying so much, but Mrs. Harrison-a millionaire lawyer-thought it was a fair price for a cure.沒想到這么貴I can't imagine paying so much副编,療程價格還公道 a fair price for a cure
By Steve Pavlina
1)Ask yourself, “What is the inspiration of this moment? What am I inspired to do now? What is the next wave of energy?”句式,下一波能量是什么流强,where is the next peak 痹届?
2)Pause and listen for a moment, but not with your ears. 3)Listen like a radio antenna listens for a radio signal.收音機天線接收信號一樣,listens for a radio signal4) When you catch the edge of the signal, tune into its frequency. 抓住一點點信號打月,調(diào)節(jié)那個頻率5)Let it become stronger, louder, clearer, just as you might manually tune an analog radio dial.類似于收音機刻度調(diào)節(jié)
6)Recognize that you’re an analog being too. 類似物7)You don’t simply press a button and lock into inspiration immediately. 8)You have to tune into the signal.
9)You may perceive multiple signals vying for your attention. Feel free to float the dial to listen to one for a bit, then another. 覺察perceive競爭vying自由浮動調(diào)節(jié)float10)Pick your favorite just as you’d pick a radio station. 11)You may like several different stations, but it only makes sense to listen to one at a time. 一次聽一個12)Setting your dial between two different stations would only give you static.靜電干擾13) You can always listen to different stations later.
14)As you begin to sense a stronger lock, let the signal’s energy flow through you. 更強的信號角度队腐,a stronger lock15)Let it create oscillations in your mind, your heart, your body.振蕩oscillations16) Let it infect you completely. Enjoy the feeling. Recognize how easy it is.感染infect
17)Then when you feel the energy is strong enough, let that signal animate you. Let it flow into easy, effortless, energized action.激活animate
18)Ride the inspiration like a surfer rides a wave. There’s no need to paddle. The wave will carry you all the way to the shore.
19)You may find yourself flowing into action for many hours at a stretch. 一口氣at a stretch20)Time will pass, but you’ll scarcely be aware of its passing. 21)You’ll be too mesmerized by timelessness to notice the clock.沉迷著迷mesmerized 22)Stay with the signal as long as you can, till your batteries run low and you must disconnect to recharge.
23)These signals are always broadcasting 24/7.24) Perhaps they come from the collective consciousness of humanity. Perhaps they come from somewhere else.集體意識collective consciousness of humanity
25)If you learn to tune into these signals and ride their waves of energy, you’ll never run out of inspiration.永遠(yuǎn)充滿靈感 26)You’ll never be at a loss for what to do next. You’ll never suffer from writer’s block. at a lost不知所措 writer’s block作家的低潮期
27)Unless you forget how to use your radio, that is.But who forgets a thing like that?
'No Man is an Island'
By John Donne
1)No man is an island, entire of itself; 沒有人是單獨的,一個人的整體
2)every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.大陸的一部分
3)If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less,土塊被沖走
4)as well as if a promontory were, 海角奏篙,隆起
5)as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were.莊園
6)Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; 減少
7)and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee喪鐘為誰而鳴柴淘,為你而鳴
My Marriage Didn't End When I Became a Widow
By Lucy Kalanithi
1)When my husband died from cancer last March at age 37, I was so grief-stricken I could barely sleep.極度悲傷grief-stricken2)One afternoon, I visited his grave — in a field high in the Santa Cruz Mountains, overlooking the Pacific
Ocean — and lay on top of it.俯瞰整個太平洋。3) I slept more soundly than I had in weeks. 睡得很香4)It wasn't the vista that calmed my restless body; it was Paul, just there, under the earth. 撫平我焦躁不安的身體秘通,5)His body was so easy to conjure — limbs that had linked with mine at night, soft hands that I had grasped during the birth of our daughter, eyes that had remained piercing even as cancer thinned his face — and yet, impossible to hold.召喚conjure 肢體limbs为严,深邃的延伸piercing6)I lay on the grass instead, my cheek against the ground.
7)I had loved Paul since we met in 2003 as first-year medical students. He was the kind of person who makes truly funny people laugh (as an undergraduate, he visited London in a full gorilla suit— posing by the gates at Buckingham Palace, riding the tube)大猩猩gorilla.8) But he was also deeply intellectual. He considered following his master's degree in English iterature with a Ph.D., but entered medical school instead, yearning, as he later wrote, “to find answers that are not in books … to keep following the question of what makes human life meaningful, even in the face of death and decay.”衰落腐朽
9)We married on the shores of the Long Island Sound before driving across the country to start our residencies.盛大sound,定居residencies肺稀,10) In the hospital, we worked 80-hour weeks; outside of it, we hiked the winding trails near our California home, holding hands and planning our future.崎嶇晚宴的道路winding trails
11)Then, 10 years after we met, while we were finishing our final years of training at Stanford, Paul's health began to falter. 衰弱12)After a battery of tests, we learned that his back pain and weight loss were not symptoms of exhaustion, but metastatic lung cancer.一連串測試a battery of13) It was now our turn to face mortality and,more than ever, to follow the question of what makes human life meaningful.面對死亡 face mortality超出任何時候 more than ever
5 Ways to Simplify Today
By Leo Babauta
1)Living a life of simplicity can be a beautiful thing. But simplifying itself can seem like an overwhelming process.難以忍受的an overwhelming process第股,overwhelming:too much
2)So I recommend simplicity in your simplifying.極簡的簡化方法
3)Instead of trying to simplify your whole life, tossing out all your clutter and paring your schedule to just meditation and writing your novel … how about just simplifying one thing?扔掉,排除你的雜物话原, tossing out all your clutter 夕吻,逐漸消減日程安排paring your schedule to
4)Simplifying one thing is doable. You don’t have to simplify everything today — you’ve got ages to do all of that.
5)Simplicity is the path.
6)You can pick one of the ideas below and implement it today. If it works well, continue it tomorrow. Or try one of the other ideas. And do it with a smile!
7)1. Single-task.The next thing you choose to do … do only that. Close everything else, put your phone away, and just focus on that one task. 8)If you’re reading this article, stay with it and do nothing else until you’re done reading.呆在那只做這件事兒诲锹,其余的都不管。9) When you decide to check social media, check one at a time and do it fully and with mindfulness. 靜觀10)When you go for a walk, have nothing to listen to or look at, other than the nature all around you. 11)One thing at a time: wash one dish, just write, just eat. This is such a simple idea, and it’s doable right now.
12)2. Use in-between spaces as mini-meditations. 間隙13)When you’re done with one thing, instead of rushing to the next, pause.沖進(jìn)下一個14) Enjoy this in-between space. Notice how you’re feeling, what’s around you, what you just did, what your intention is for what you’re about to do. 你將要做的這事兒的意義是什么15)When you’re going somewhere else, whether it’s just another part of the office or another part of your city … just enjoy this time fully, as if it’s just as important as anything else you do, and don’t rush past it.錯過
16)3. Let go of one commitment.讓自己不去承諾17) Our lives are so full because we say yes to so much, and our commitments pile up over time.堆積起來18) You can greatly simplify your life by letting go of one commitment. 19)What isn’t fulfilling you? 什么讓你不滿意What can you get out of today by telling them you just don’t have space for it? 20)Practice saying no with confidence and love.試著去拒絕
21)4. Be fully present with someone.好好陪伴某人22) Pick someone today to be with fully. Put away your phone, let go of anything else you’re thinking about, and just be with them. Listen to them. Try to fully see them. Open your heart to them. Send them your love. 23)If you do this with one person a day, which is such a simple thing to do, your life will become better through better relationships and connection.更好的關(guān)系和連接
24)5. Clear one space. Find one little area in your work space or home, and declutter it.清理出一小片地方25) Just the amount of space that you can hug. For example, just a little space on your desk or kitchen counter.柜臺26) Let this be the blissful oasis of peace and simplicity that will ripple outward to the rest of your life!快樂的綠洲blissful oasis漣漪波紋ripple
27)These are five little things you can do no matter what you have going on today — don’t do all five things, but just pick one.
28)And enjoy the simplicity that comes with the doing.享受隨之而來的簡單快樂
Bridgewater Principles & Culture
1)Our unique success is the direct result of our unique way of being.直接后果2) We want an idea meritocracy in which meaningful work and meaningful relationships are pursued through radical truth and radical transparency. 精英領(lǐng)導(dǎo)梭冠,追求根本的真理和絕對透明3)We require people to be extremely open, air disagreements, test each other's logic, and view discovering mistakes and weaknesses as a good thing that leads to improvement and innovation.air disagreements,air是動詞改备,開誠布公控漠,把分歧爭議擺在明面兒。4) It is by continually striving together for the highest levels of truth and excellence that we create meaningful work and meaningful relationships.
5)We are both idealistic and practical. We believe that creating excellent outcomes requires setting ambitious goals and applying our understanding of how the world works, as reflected in principles, to achieve them.正如原則反映出的那樣6) Our Principles are ways of dealing with situations. They are the evolving record of our understanding of what works well. 進(jìn)化記錄7)They're not just read and followed, but stress-tested on an individual and collective level as our shared approach to working together.stress-tested壓力測試檢驗悬钳,as作為代替主句里的表語意思盐捷,這句話的表語倒裝,they默勾。to doing表示一種持續(xù)現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài)碉渡。 8)As Bridgewater is an idea-meritocracy in which we value independent thinking, we urge you to read and assess them for yourself.
How Long Have I Got Left?
By Paul Kalanithi
1)AS soon as the CT scan was done, I began reviewing the images. 一出來,我就…2)The diagnosis was immediate: Masses matting the lungs and deforming the spine. 診斷很快出來母剥,大量堆起的重影滞诺,使脊椎變形Cancer.In 3)my neurosurgical training, I had reviewed hundreds of scans for fellow doctors to see if surgery offered any hope.to see if surgery offered any hope.看有無必要做手術(shù)4) I'd scribble in the chart “Widely metastatic disease — no role for surgery,” and move on.快速潦草地寫,metastatic 轉(zhuǎn)移性的 no role for surgery沒必要做手術(shù)5) But this scan was different: It was my own.I have sat with countless patients and families to discuss grim prognoses: It's one of the most important jobs physicians have.grim嚴(yán)肅的 prognoses預(yù)測的疾病發(fā)展physicians 內(nèi)科醫(yī)生6) It's easier when the patient is 94, in the last stages of dementia and has a severe brain bleed.dementia老年癡呆7) For young people like me — I am 36 — given a diagnosis of cancer, there aren’t many words. My standard pieces include “it's amarathon, not a sprint, so get your daily rest” and“illness can drive a family apart or bring it together —be aware of each other's needs and find extra support.”it's a marathon, not a sprint, so get your daily rest.這句話說的是病人不要想著馬上治愈环疼,每天該干嘛干嘛习霹,除了對抗疾病意外,也要時刻注意保持休息炫隶。sprint短跑比賽淋叶。
8)I learned a few basic rules. Be honest about the prognosis but always leave some room for hope. 9)Be vague but accurate: “days to a few weeks,” “weeks to a few months,” “months to a few years,” “a few years to a decade or more.” 10)We never cite detailed statistics, and usually advise against Googling survival numbers, assuming the average patient doesn't possess a nuanced understanding of statistics.assuming后面表示前面這么做的原因。nuanced細(xì)微差別的伪阶。11)People react differently to hearing “Procedure X has a 70 percent chance of survival” and “Procedure Y has a 30 percent chance of death.” 12)Phrased that way, people flock to Procedure X, even though the numbers are the same. phrased that way煞檩,那樣的措辭,人們聚焦flock.....即使數(shù)字一樣栅贴。
13)When a close friend developed pancreatic cancer, I became the medical maven to a group of people who were sophisticated statisticians.胰腺癌pancreatic cancer行家maven14) I still dissuaded them from looking up the statistics, saying five-year survival curves are at least five years out of date. 勸阻dissuaded them from 失效過期斟湃,無效的out of date15)Somehow I felt that the numbers alone were too dry, or that a physician's daily experience with illness was needed for context.dry枯燥無味的。內(nèi)科醫(yī)生需要context環(huán)境檐薯,背景16)Mostly, I felt that impulse: Keep a measure of hope我總是有一種沖動桐早。內(nèi)心總是懷有一點點希望。 a measure of 一點點厨剪,
Parenting: Who is it really for?
By Derek Sivers
1)For the last five years, I’ve spent at least 30 hours a week with my kid, just one-on-one, giving him my full attention. 這句話用于陳述自己過去那么長時間做的事情哄酝,注意giving這種動詞用法。2)But I’ve never written about parenting before. Why not?
3)Because parenting is a touchy subject.棘手的話題Teaching is a touchy subject.4) I don’t think others should do what I do. I don’t want to get into debates about it. So why am I writing about it today?get into 陷入祷膳。I don’t want to get into quarrel.爭吵
5)Because I realized that the parenting things I do for him are also for myself. And that’s an idea worth sharing.我意識到寫英語公眾號為了家人陶衅,也為了自己。I realized that writing once a week I do for my family is also for myself.
6)For example, here are the things I’ve been doing for my 5-year-old since he was born:表示一直做某事直晨。I’ve been reading for three hours.
7)long attention span長時間的專注力搀军。
8)I’ve been deliberately cultivating his long attention span.培養(yǎng) cultivating a habit培養(yǎng)一個習(xí)慣膨俐。
9)Whatever he’s interested in, that’s the most important thing, so I encourage him to keep doing that as long as possible.不論如何,……,我會鼓勵他堅持做.keep on doing罩句。No matter what happens, I will keep encouraging you to try again.
10)I never say, “Come on! Let’s go!”
11)We’ll go to the beach or forest, and make things with sticks for five hours before he’s ready to switch.轉(zhuǎn)換
12)Other families come to the playground for 20 or 30 minutes, but we’d just stay there for hours, immersed in some newly invented game.沉浸.immersed in dreams/meditation.沉浸在夢鄉(xiāng)/冥想焚刺。
13)Nobody else can hang with us like this. Not even his mom. Everyone else gets so bored.駐足hang with
14)Of course my adult mind wanders to all the other things we could be doing. But I let it go, and return to that present focus.
15)enter his world
16)I’m very ambitious, and try to do a lot with my life.
17)But when I’m with him, I stop everything else. Phone off. Computer off.
18)I try to enter his world. To see things through his eyes. To put myself into his mind, emotionally too. 19)When he gets upset at someone, I try to remember what it was like to be that age, when everything felt like a huge deal, and relate at that level. relate at that level.把 聯(lián)系起來 relate
20)When he makes up stories, I go right along in his invented world.21) If he says we’re cats in Paris, we’re cats in Paris. The minotaur is chasing us? We both run.
21)Of course I’m tempted to check my phone. 總是想看手機。22)Most of us have that addiction now. But I ask myself “what’s more important?”, and leave it off.我總是問自己什么更重要门烂,然后放棄了乳愉。
23)broad inputs
24)I want him to have a wide range of inputs into his senses.我想要他見多識廣。
25)We go play in as many different forests, beaches, mountains, and towns as possible. Touching and smelling everything we can.我們?nèi)ケM可能多的不同的地方 盡情玩耍
26)The music he hears is as broad as can be.
The music he hears is as broad as (broad)can be.第一個as是副詞屯远,作“一樣”講蔓姚;第二個as是連詞,作“如同”慨丐,“像”講坡脐。The garden is as still as still can be.這座花園再寂靜不過了。Her answer is as plain as plain can be.她的答復(fù)再明白也沒有了房揭。
27) As he plays, he’s listening to Persian traditional, Indian classical, 60’s jazz, glitch, Bartok, Stevie Wonder (from ’72 to ’76), lots of Bach, Bulgarian choir, or whatever.
28)We’ve got season tickets to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.年票season tickets (He loves that Malavika always waves to him from the stage.)29) I took him to the opera “Carmen” last week, and he was riveted from start to finish.吸引住riveted.從開始到結(jié)束都被吸引备闲。['r?v?t?d]
30)We get a dozen new books from the library every week, and read together for an hour every night.
31)We watch a huge variety of movies. (Everything from GKIDS is great.) For the big Disney/Pixar blockbusters, we watch the Portuguese, French, or Chinese version.
32)and now, my point:
33)The reason I’m finally writing about this is because I realized that I’m doing all of these things for myself, as much as for him.as much as和......一樣多。
34)By cultivating his long attention span, I’m cultivating my own.
35)By entering his world, I’m letting go of my own, like meditation.放空自己捅暴,就像冥想浅役。
36)By broadening his inputs, I’m broadening my own, and keeping a wide variety in my life.開闊視野,增長見識伶唯,拓展生命的寬度觉既。
37)He’s away for two weeks right now, and I really miss these things!38) I thought I was being selfless, playing for hours, or entering his world. 39)But actually these things benefit me as much as him, like most things we consider “selfless”.
38)P.S. You won’t find his name or face online. I don’t think it’s right to put someone online without their permission. He’ll put himself online when he’s ready.