? ? 5歲10個月男孩古瓤,喜歡玩車止剖,玩樂高,唱歌也喜歡湿滓,靜不下來滴须,對英語沒有特別大的興趣。因為有數(shù)學(xué)叽奥,語文,圍棋各種課程要學(xué)習(xí)痛侍,所以每天學(xué)習(xí)時間1小時里能分給英語的時間不是很多朝氓。希望寶貝提高對英語的興趣,在日常生活中主動的運用英文主届。
? ? 我選的童謠是《The Farmer In The Dell》赵哲,
? ? The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell ,
? ? Hi-ho!the derry-o, the farmer in the dell.
? ? The farmer takes a child, the farmer takes a child,
? ? Hi-ho! the derry-o, The farmer takes a child.
? ? The child takes the cat, the child takes the cat,
? ? Hi-ho! the derry-o, the child takes the cat.
? ? The cat takes the rat, the cat takes the rat,
? ? Hi-ho!the derry-o, the cat takes the rat.
? ? The rat takes the cheese, the rat takes the cheese,
? ? Hi-ho!the derry-o, the rat takes the cheese.
? ? The rat takes the cheese, the rat takes the cheese,
? ? Hi-ho!the derry-o, the rat takes the cheese.
之后做拓展練習(xí)岔霸,把這首童謠里的一些單詞和句子抽出來,比如單詞farmer 俯渤,dell 呆细,child,cat稠诲,rat侦鹏,以及句子 in the ~,takes the ~臀叙,孩子可以用自己學(xué)過的其他詞來替換略水,比如bus driver,teacher劝萤,school渊涝,bus,dog床嫌,cow等等跨释。
游戲方面,孩子喜歡搭建樂高厌处,喜歡玩車鳖谈,所以可以用樂高搭建公交車,然后小人當(dāng)司機阔涉,一邊搭建缆娃,一邊可以唱The driver on the bus,the driver on the bus瑰排,Hi-ho!the derry-o, the driver on the bus贯要。