Quick serve has an excellent reputation.
Its prices are reasonable and it services are quick and efficient(高效).
The company’s service employees are clean, polite and efficient.
In this type of business, person to person contact is the key to success.
With each satisfied(滿意) customer, more customers subscribe(訂閱).
Satisfied customers recommend(推薦) quick serve to their friends.
This kind of word-of-mouth(口頭的) advertising is very cost effective(有效的).
Cost effect means that the results are good without paying a high price.
In other words, quality(優(yōu)質(zhì)的) service provides(提供) its own rewards(報酬) to the company.
The company takes great pride(以…為驕傲) in being honest(誠實的) with the customers.
There are no hidden charges for their services.
As a result, the number of customers in each city is growing rapidly(迅速地).
With the aging(老齡化) population, there are more elderly(老人) people who need home repair services.
These people need to have confidence(信心) in the service provider.
They don’t want to cheated(欺騙).
These people don’t mind paying a reasonable fee(費用) for high quality service.
High quality services should be rewarded(回報).
The company provides a range(范圍) of service plans, each with a different subscription price.
The least expensive service plan is called the basic plan.
This plan provides non-emergency(非緊急) service with a very low service charge.
The most expensive service’s plan is their VIP plan.
The VIP plan provides emergency(緊急的) services 24 hours a day with no additional(額外的) service charge.
It also provides rebates(折扣) to customers who don’t call for any service during the year.
In addition, quick serve gives bonus(獎勵) points to customers for each year they subscribe.
These bonuses points can be used to buy new appliances(電器) such as stoves(火爐) and refrigerators(冰箱).
If the business continues to grow, the owners may decide to take the company public(上市).
This means that the public can buy shares of the company.
It will then change from privately-owned company to a public company.
The owners believe that their business is successful and can expand(擴大) around the world.
They also believe that taking their company public can make them rich.
They think that by taking their company public they can become rich.
Customers never want to be rewarded.