【作者】:Eileen Caddy
What do you expect from life? Do you expect the very best, or are you one of those souls who is always afraid the worst is going to happen, that things will go wrong? If you are, you deserve what is coming to you, for you attract to you that which you love or that which you hate and fear. When your consciousness is negative, you draw negativity towards you like steel to a magnet, and you will find yourself keeping company with those souls of like mind, for like attracts like. When your consciousness is of love, when you are bubbling over with the joys of life and when your heart is filled with gratitude for everyone and everything, you will find yourself drawing towards you those happy, joyful souls who radiate love and joy wherever they go. Your life will be filled with the very best life can offer. Why not see the very best in every situation? See the very best being drawn to you now.