- 若左子樹不空切揭,則左子樹上所有結點的值均小于或等于它的根結點的值妈倔;
- 若右子樹不空及志,則右子樹上所有結點的值均大于或等于它的根結點的值攒读;
- 左朵诫、右子樹也分別為二叉查找樹;
package com.zhuke.datastruct;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Created by ZHUKE on 2017/9/6.
public class BSTUtils<T extends Comparable<T>> {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
BSTUtils<Integer> BST = new BSTUtils<>();
BinaryNode<Integer> rootTree = null;
rootTree = BST.insert(100, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(80, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(120, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(90, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(85, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(95, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(110, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(150, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(115, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(180, rootTree);
rootTree = BST.insert(140, rootTree);
BSTUtils<Integer> BST1 = new BSTUtils<>();
BinaryNode<Integer> rootTree1 = null;
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(-1, rootTree1);
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(31, rootTree1);
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(81, rootTree1);
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(-36, rootTree1);
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(188, rootTree1);
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(-2, rootTree1);
rootTree1 = BST1.insertNoRecursive(9, rootTree1);
System.out.println("Search result = " + BST.search(100, rootTree).data);
System.out.println("Search with no recursive result = " + BST.searchNoRecursive(100, rootTree).data);
System.out.println("BST max value = " + BST.findMax(rootTree).data);
System.out.println("BST min value = " + BST.findMin(rootTree).data);
System.out.println("BST with no recursive max value = " + BST.findMaxNoRecursive(rootTree).data);
System.out.println("BST with no recursive min value = " + BST.findMinNoRecursive(rootTree).data);
ArrayList<Integer> preOrderResult = new ArrayList<>();
BST.preOrderTraversal(rootTree, preOrderResult);
System.out.println("PreOrder traversal result = " + JSON.toJSONString(preOrderResult));
BST.preOrderTraversalNoRecursive(rootTree, preOrderResult);
System.out.println("PreOrder traversal with no recursive result = " + JSON.toJSONString(preOrderResult));
ArrayList<Integer> inOrderResult = new ArrayList<>();
BST.inOrderTraversal(rootTree, inOrderResult);
System.out.println("InOrder traversal result = " + JSON.toJSONString(inOrderResult));
BST.inOrderTraversalNoRecursive(rootTree, inOrderResult);
System.out.println("InOrder traversal with no recursive result = " + JSON.toJSONString(inOrderResult));
ArrayList<Integer> postOrderResult = new ArrayList<>();
BST.postOrderTraversal(rootTree, postOrderResult);
System.out.println("PostOrder traversal result = " + JSON.toJSONString(postOrderResult));
BST.postOrderTraversalNoRecursive(rootTree, postOrderResult);
System.out.println("PostOrder traversal with no recursive result = " + JSON.toJSONString(postOrderResult));
ArrayList<Integer> breadthResult = new ArrayList<>();
BST.breadthTraversal(rootTree, breadthResult);
System.out.println("Breadth traversal result = " + JSON.toJSONString(breadthResult));
BST.delete(120, rootTree);
* 在BST中插入一個數(shù)據(jù)值為data的節(jié)點
* @param data 數(shù)據(jù)值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return 插入了一個數(shù)據(jù)值為data的BST根節(jié)點
public BinaryNode<T> insert(T data, BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
tree = new BinaryNode<>(data, null, null, null);
return tree;
int compareResult = data.compareTo(tree.data);
if (compareResult < 0) {
tree.leftNode = insert(data, tree.leftNode);
tree.leftNode.parentNode = tree;
} else if (compareResult > 0) {
tree.rightNode = insert(data, tree.rightNode);
tree.rightNode.parentNode = tree;
} else {
return tree;
return tree;
* 使用非遞歸方式薄扁,在BST中插入一個數(shù)據(jù)值為data的節(jié)點
* @param data 數(shù)據(jù)值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return 插入了一個數(shù)據(jù)值為data的BST根節(jié)點
public BinaryNode<T> insertNoRecursive(T data, BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
tree = new BinaryNode<>(data, null, null, null);
return tree;
int compareResult = data.compareTo(tree.data);
if (compareResult == 0) {
return tree;
} else {
BinaryNode<T> targetInsertLocation = compareResult > 0 ? tree.rightNode : tree.leftNode;
if (targetInsertLocation == null) {
if (compareResult > 0) {
tree.rightNode = new BinaryNode<>(data, null, null, tree);
} else {
tree.leftNode = new BinaryNode<>(data, null, null, tree);
return tree;
while (true) {
compareResult = data.compareTo(targetInsertLocation.data);
if (compareResult == 0) {
return tree;
} else {
if (compareResult > 0) {
if (targetInsertLocation.rightNode != null) {
targetInsertLocation = targetInsertLocation.rightNode;
} else {
targetInsertLocation.rightNode = new BinaryNode<>(data, null, null, targetInsertLocation);
return tree;
} else {
if (targetInsertLocation.leftNode != null) {
targetInsertLocation = targetInsertLocation.leftNode;
} else {
targetInsertLocation.leftNode = new BinaryNode<>(data, null, null, targetInsertLocation);
return tree;
* 刪除節(jié)點值為data的節(jié)點
* @param data 數(shù)據(jù)值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return 刪除節(jié)點值為data后的BST
public BinaryNode<T> delete(T data, BinaryNode<T> tree) {
BinaryNode<T> searchedNode = search(data, tree);
if (searchedNode == null) {
return tree;
if (searchedNode.leftNode == null && searchedNode.rightNode == null) {
int parentLeftCompareResult = searchedNode.parentNode.leftNode.data.compareTo(data);
searchedNode.parentNode = null;
if (searchedNode.count.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
if (parentLeftCompareResult == 0) {
searchedNode.leftNode = null;
} else {
searchedNode.rightNode = null;
} else if (searchedNode.leftNode != null && searchedNode.rightNode != null) {//同時有左子樹和右子樹
BinaryNode<T> replacedNode = findMin(searchedNode.rightNode);
searchedNode.data = replacedNode.data;
replacedNode.parentNode.leftNode = null;
replacedNode.parentNode = null;
} else {
if (searchedNode.leftNode != null) {
int searchedNodeCompareToParentNode = searchedNode.data.compareTo(searchedNode.parentNode.data);
if (searchedNodeCompareToParentNode > 0) {
searchedNode.parentNode.rightNode = searchedNode.leftNode;
} else {
searchedNode.parentNode.leftNode = searchedNode.leftNode;
} else {
int searchedNodeCompareToParentNode = searchedNode.data.compareTo(searchedNode.parentNode.data);
if (searchedNodeCompareToParentNode > 0) {
searchedNode.parentNode.rightNode = searchedNode.rightNode;
} else {
searchedNode.parentNode.leftNode = searchedNode.rightNode;
return tree;
* 查找指定值在BST中的所在節(jié)點
* @param data 數(shù)據(jù)值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return 節(jié)點值為data的節(jié)點
public BinaryNode<T> search(T data, BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
int compareResult = data.compareTo(tree.data);
if (compareResult > 0) {
return search(data, tree.rightNode);
} else if (compareResult < 0) {
return search(data, tree.leftNode);
} else {
return tree;
* 非遞歸方式哎壳,查找指定值在BST中的所在節(jié)點
* @param data 數(shù)據(jù)值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return 節(jié)點值為data的節(jié)點
public BinaryNode<T> searchNoRecursive(T data, BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
int compareResult = data.compareTo(tree.data);
if (compareResult == 0) {
return tree;
} else {
BinaryNode<T> targetNodeLocation = compareResult > 0 ? tree.rightNode : tree.leftNode;
while (targetNodeLocation != null) {
compareResult = data.compareTo(targetNodeLocation.data);
if (compareResult == 0) {
return targetNodeLocation;
} else {
targetNodeLocation = (compareResult > 0 ? targetNodeLocation.rightNode : targetNodeLocation.leftNode);
return null;
* 查找BST的最小值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return BST中的最小值
public BinaryNode<T> findMin(BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
if (tree.leftNode == null) {
return tree;
} else {
return findMin(tree.leftNode);
public BinaryNode<T> findMinNoRecursive(BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
if (tree.leftNode == null) {
return tree;
} else {
BinaryNode<T> targetNodeLocation = tree.leftNode;
while (true) {
if (targetNodeLocation.leftNode == null) {
return targetNodeLocation;
} else {
targetNodeLocation = targetNodeLocation.leftNode;
* 查找BST的最大值
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @return BST中的最大值
public BinaryNode<T> findMax(BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
if (tree.rightNode == null) {
return tree;
} else {
return findMax(tree.rightNode);
public BinaryNode<T> findMaxNoRecursive(BinaryNode<T> tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
if (tree.rightNode == null) {
return tree;
} else {
BinaryNode<T> targetNodeLocation = tree.rightNode;
while (true) {
if (targetNodeLocation.rightNode == null) {
return targetNodeLocation;
} else {
targetNodeLocation = targetNodeLocation.rightNode;
* 前序遍歷BST
* @param tree BST根節(jié)點
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void preOrderTraversal(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
if (tree != null) {
addTraversalToResultList(tree, traversalResult);
preOrderTraversal(tree.leftNode, traversalResult);
preOrderTraversal(tree.rightNode, traversalResult);
* 非遞歸方式前序遍歷BST
* @param tree BST根節(jié)點
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void preOrderTraversalNoRecursive(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
if (tree != null) {
Stack<BinaryNode<T>> stack = new Stack<>();
BinaryNode<T> node = tree;
while (node != null || !stack.isEmpty()) {
while (node != null) {
addTraversalToResultList(node.clone(), traversalResult);
node = node.leftNode;
x top_node
/ / \
top_node node=null right_node
/ \
node=null null
// 所以按照相同步驟遍歷訪問其右子樹
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
node = stack.pop();
node = node.rightNode;
* 中序遍歷BST
* @param tree BST根節(jié)點
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void inOrderTraversal(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
if (tree != null) {
inOrderTraversal(tree.leftNode, traversalResult);
addTraversalToResultList(tree, traversalResult);
inOrderTraversal(tree.rightNode, traversalResult);
* 非遞歸方式中序遍歷BST
* @param tree BST根節(jié)點
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void inOrderTraversalNoRecursive(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
if (tree != null) {
Stack<BinaryNode<T>> stack = new Stack<>();
BinaryNode<T> node = tree;
while (node != null || !stack.isEmpty()) {
while (node != null) {
node = node.leftNode;
x top_node
/ / \
top_node node=null right_node
/ \
node=null null
// 此時可以進行訪問棧頂元素
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
node = stack.pop();
addTraversalToResultList(node.clone(), traversalResult);
node = node.rightNode;
* 后序遍歷BST
* @param tree BST根節(jié)點
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void postOrderTraversal(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
if (tree != null) {
postOrderTraversal(tree.leftNode, traversalResult);
postOrderTraversal(tree.rightNode, traversalResult);
addTraversalToResultList(tree, traversalResult);
* 非遞歸方式撒轮,后序遍歷BST
* @param tree BST根節(jié)點
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void postOrderTraversalNoRecursive(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
if (tree != null) {
Stack<BinaryNode<T>> stack = new Stack<>();
Stack<BinaryNode<T>> output = new Stack<>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
BinaryNode<T> pop = stack.pop();
if (pop.leftNode != null) {
if (pop.rightNode != null) {
while (!output.isEmpty()) {
addTraversalToResultList(output.pop(), traversalResult);
* 廣度優(yōu)先遍歷
* @param tree BST
* @param traversalResult 遍歷結果
public void breadthTraversal(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> traversalResult) {
Queue<BinaryNode<T>> queue = new LinkedList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
BinaryNode<T> node = queue.remove();
addTraversalToResultList(node, traversalResult);
if (node.leftNode != null) {
if (node.rightNode != null) {
* 對二叉排序樹進行升序排序顶瞳,即是對BST進行中序遍歷的結果
* @param tree 根節(jié)點
* @param sortedData 升序排序的結果
public void sort(BinaryNode<T> tree, List<T> sortedData) {
inOrderTraversal(tree, sortedData);
private void addTraversalToResultList(BinaryNode<T> node, List<T> traversalResult) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.count.intValue(); i++) {
* 二叉查找樹的節(jié)點數(shù)據(jù)結構
* @param <T> 數(shù)據(jù)節(jié)點的類型玖姑,必須實現(xiàn)Comparable接口
class BinaryNode<T extends Comparable<T>> {
* 數(shù)據(jù)類型
T data;
* 左節(jié)點
BinaryNode<T> leftNode;
* 右節(jié)點
BinaryNode<T> rightNode;
* 父節(jié)點
BinaryNode<T> parentNode;
* 數(shù)據(jù)data出現(xiàn)的次數(shù),
* 用于支持BST可以插入相同data的值慨菱,
* 以便節(jié)點數(shù)據(jù)值的比較
AtomicInteger count;
public BinaryNode(T data) {
this.data = data;
public BinaryNode(T data, BinaryNode<T> leftNode, BinaryNode<T> rightNode, BinaryNode<T> parentNode) {
this.data = data;
this.leftNode = leftNode;
this.rightNode = rightNode;
this.parentNode = parentNode;
this.count = new AtomicInteger(1);
protected BinaryNode<T> clone() {
BinaryNode<T> clonedNode = new BinaryNode<>(this.data, null, null, null);
clonedNode.count = new AtomicInteger(this.count.intValue());
return clonedNode;