Clean slate Let’s clean-slate it. 讓我們重新開始琢歇。 Slate石板,巖板的意思尸昧,以前人們用木板或者石板記事详囤。c...
Be freaked out I’m a little freaked out. 我有點緊張霜定。 freak作為名詞有“怪物噩翠,反常的事物”的意思巡球,...
Hit me like ton of bricks The problem was, no matter where I went, as lo...
Flip out Everyone’s flipping out about it.每個人都激動的不行言沐。 Flip作動詞為“快速翻轉”的意思,比...
Man/woman about town Bust man about town. 社交名流酣栈,你好潮跋找取! Man/woman about tow...
Lay it on me. What? Okay. Lay it on me. 怎么了矿筝,說吧起便。 Lay是個及物動詞,表示放置,安放缨睡。lay it...
On the fence But you know, I’m still on the fence at best. 但我還是有點遲疑鸟悴。 Fen...
On top of that On top of that, she has a minor heart condition. 而且,她有輕度心...
I’m pooped. But I have to get some sleep, kid. I’m pooped. Poop是名詞“大便”奖年,或...