1、 Walking on sunshine 心情非常愉快和開心的狀態(tài)。例句:After receiving good news, she felt like she was walking on sunshine.(收到好消息后涕蜂,她感到心情非常愉快和開心。)
2蠕趁、 Walking on air 心情愉快到飄飄欲仙的狀態(tài)垃它。例句:He was walking on air after receiving praise for his artwork.(因?qū)ψ约旱乃囆g(shù)作品受到贊揚,他感到心情愉快到飄飄欲仙肉盹。)
3昔驱、 Upbeat 心情積極、充滿活力的狀態(tài)上忍。例句:The music at the party created an upbeat atmosphere and everyone started dancing.(派對上的音樂營造出一種積極向上的氛圍骤肛,每個人都開始跳舞。)
4窍蓝、 Tickled to death 非常高興和滿意的狀態(tài)腋颠。例句:She was tickled to death with the surprise party her friends planned for her.(她朋友為她策劃的驚喜派對讓她非常高興和滿意。)
5吓笙、 Tickled pink 非常高興和滿意的狀態(tài)淑玫。例句:He was tickled pink to receive a hand-written letter from his favorite author.(收到最喜歡的作家的親筆信,他非常高興和滿意面睛。)
6絮蒿、 Tickled 開心得想笑的狀態(tài)。例句:The funny movie tickled her and she couldn't stop laughing.(那個有趣的電影讓她覺得好笑叁鉴,她停不住笑歌径。)
7、 Thrilled to the max 開心到極致的狀態(tài)亲茅。例句:He was thrilled to the max when he achieved his lifelong dream.(實現(xiàn)一生的夢想時回铛,他開心到了極致狗准。)
8、 Thrilled to the core 開心得入骨的狀態(tài)茵肃。例句:She was thrilled to the core when she received the job offer.(收到工作邀請時腔长,她開心得入骨。)
9验残、 Thrilled to the bone 興奮到骨子里的狀態(tài)捞附。例句:She was thrilled to the bone when she got accepted into her dream university. (被夢寐以求的大學錄取時,她興奮到骨子里您没。)
10鸟召、 Thrilled to pieces 高興得心花怒放的狀態(tài)。例句:She was thrilled to pieces when she received a surprise gift. (收到意外的禮物時氨鹏,她非常高興欧募。)
11、 Thrilled to bits 非常激動和高興的狀態(tài)仆抵。例句:She was thrilled to bits when she won the award for her artwork.(當她因自己的藝術(shù)作品而獲獎時跟继,她非常激動和高興。)
12镣丑、 Thrilled beyond words 非常非常開心和興奮的狀態(tài)舔糖。例句:He was thrilled beyond words when he met his idol.(當他見到自己的偶像時,他非常非常開心和興奮莺匠。)
13金吗、 Thrilled beyond measure 難以言喻的興奮狀態(tài)。例句:He was thrilled beyond measure when he received recognition for his work.(因工作獲得認可時趣竣,他興奮得難以言喻辽聊。)
14、 Thrilled beyond belief 非常興奮到達難以置信的程度期贫。例句:They were thrilled beyond belief when they won the championship.(贏得冠軍時,他們非常興奮到了難以置信的程度异袄。)
15通砍、 Thrilled 興奮、激動的狀態(tài)烤蜕。例句:She was thrilled to meet her favorite celebrity in person.(她能親自見到她最喜歡的名人封孙,感到非常激動。)
16讽营、 Squealing with joy 興奮地尖叫著的狀態(tài)虎忌。例句:The kids were squealing with joy on the amusement park rides.(在游樂場上,孩子們興奮地尖叫著橱鹏。)
17膜蠢、 Sparkling with joy 充滿喜悅和閃耀的狀態(tài)堪藐。例句:Her eyes were sparkling with joy when she received the surprise party.(收到驚喜派對時,她的眼睛充滿喜悅和閃耀挑围。)
18礁竞、 Smiling with pure delight 因純粹的喜悅而微笑的狀態(tài)。例句:She was smiling with pure delight when she received an unexpected gift.(收到意外的禮物時杉辙,她因純粹的喜悅而微笑模捂。)
19、 Smiling from ear to ear 笑得合不攏嘴的狀態(tài)蜘矢。例句:She was smiling from ear to ear when she received a surprise gift.(收到意外的禮物時狂男,她笑得合不攏嘴。)
20品腹、 Satisfied and content 滿足和滿意的狀態(tài)岖食。例句:After a delicious meal, they felt satisfied and content.(吃過一頓美味的飯菜后,他們感到滿足和滿意珍昨。)
21县耽、 Satisfied 滿足、滿意的狀態(tài)镣典。例句:She felt satisfied with her performance in the exam.(她對自己的考試表現(xiàn)感到滿意兔毙。)
22、 Rejoicing 欣喜的狀態(tài)兄春。例句:They were rejoicing over their team's victory.(團隊獲勝后澎剥,他們欣喜異常。)
23赶舆、 Rapturous 興高采烈的狀態(tài)哑姚。例句:The audience gave a rapturous applause at the end of the performance.(演出結(jié)束時,觀眾掌聲雷動芜茵,興高采烈叙量。)
24、 Radiating pure joy 散發(fā)純粹喜悅的狀態(tài)九串。例句:She was radiating pure joy after a successful performance.(演出成功后绞佩,她散發(fā)著純粹喜悅。)
25猪钮、 Radiating positive energy 散發(fā)正能量的狀態(tài)品山。例句:She was radiating positive energy, brightening up the room.(散發(fā)著正能量,照亮了房間烤低。)
26肘交、 Radiating joy 散發(fā)出喜悅的狀態(tài)。例句:She was radiating joy as she celebrated her graduation.(她慶祝畢業(yè)時散發(fā)出喜悅的狀態(tài)扑馁。)
27涯呻、 Radiating happiness 散發(fā)出快樂的狀態(tài)凉驻。例句:She was radiating happiness after achieving her long-cherished dream.(在實現(xiàn)她長久以來的夢想后,她散發(fā)著快樂魄懂。)
28沿侈、 Radiant with joy 充滿喜悅的狀態(tài)。例句:He was radiant with joy on his wedding day.(婚禮當天市栗,他充滿喜悅缀拭。)
29、 Radiant with happiness 幸福洋溢的狀態(tài)填帽。例句:She was radiant with happiness on her wedding day.(婚禮當天蛛淋,她幸福洋溢。)
30篡腌、 Radiant 發(fā)光發(fā)亮和散發(fā)出幸福的狀態(tài)褐荷。例句:The bride looked radiant on her wedding day.(新娘在婚禮當天看起來光彩照人。)
31嘹悼、 Pleased as punch 非常非常滿意和高興的狀態(tài)叛甫。例句:He was pleased as punch with the results of his hard work.(他對自己辛勤工作的成果非常滿意和高興。)
32杨伙、 Pleased 感到滿足其监、高興的狀態(tài)。例句:He was pleased with the positive feedback he received for his artwork.(他對自己的藝術(shù)作品收到的積極反饋感到高興限匣。)
33抖苦、 Pleasant 令人愉快的狀態(tài)。例句:The weather was pleasant for a picnic in the park.(天氣適宜在公園野餐米死,令人愉快锌历。)
34、 Packed with joy 充滿快樂的狀態(tài)峦筒。例句:The surprise party was packed with joy as friends and family gathered to celebrate.(朋友和家人聚在一起慶祝的驚喜派對充滿了快樂究西。)
35、 Overwhelmed with joy 充滿喜悅的狀態(tài)物喷。例句:She was overwhelmed with joy when she received recognition for her hard work. (因為辛勤工作得到認可時卤材,她充滿喜悅。)
36脯丝、 Overwhelmed with happiness 幸福感已經(jīng)超出極限的狀態(tài)。例句:She was overwhelmed with happiness when she achieved her lifelong dream.(實現(xiàn)夢想時伏伐,她幸福感已經(jīng)超出極限宠进。)
37、 Overjoyed to the hilt 非常高興到了極致的狀態(tài)藐翎。例句:He was overjoyed to the hilt upon receiving a promotion.(晉升后材蹬,他非常高興到了極致实幕。)
38、 Overjoyed 非常非常高興的狀態(tài)堤器。例句:She was overjoyed to hear the good news.(她聽到好消息后非常高興昆庇。)
39、 Overflowing with joy 幸福洋溢的狀態(tài)闸溃。例句:He was overflowing with joy when he achieved his dream job.(實現(xiàn)夢想工作時整吆,他幸福洋溢。)
40辉川、 Overflowing with happiness 幸福溢出的狀態(tài)表蝙。例句:She was overflowing with happiness on her birthday.(生日時,她幸福溢出乓旗。)
41府蛇、 Over the moon 歡天喜地、高興得不得了的狀態(tài)屿愚。例句:He was over the moon when he received a promotion at work.(當他在工作中獲得晉升時汇跨,他高興得不得了。)
42妆距、 On top of the world 感到非常幸福和成功的狀態(tài)穷遂。例句:He felt on top of the world after receiving the prestigious award.(獲得那個崇高的獎項后,他感到非常幸福和成功毅厚。)
43塞颁、 On cloud seven 如坐云端的狀態(tài),非常幸福和快樂吸耿。例句:After a successful concert, he was on cloud seven.(成功演唱會后祠锣,他非常幸福和快樂。)
44咽安、 On cloud nine 處于極度幸福和開心的狀態(tài)伴网。例句:She felt like she was on cloud nine after her wedding.(結(jié)婚后,她感覺自己處于極度幸福和開心的狀態(tài)妆棒。)
45澡腾、 On a natural high 自然而然感到興奮和快樂的狀態(tài)。例句:After completing a marathon, he was on a natural high.(完成馬拉松后糕珊,他自然而然感到興奮和快樂动分。)
46、 Mirthful 愉快的狀態(tài)红选。例句:He was in a mirthful mood at the party. (在派對上澜公,他心情愉快。)
47喇肋、 Merry 愉快坟乾、歡樂和愉悅的狀態(tài)迹辐。例句:They had a merry time singing and dancing at the party.(在派對上他們唱歌跳舞玩得很開心。)
48甚侣、 Light-hearted 心情輕松愉快的狀態(tài)明吩。例句:He felt light-hearted after a relaxing weekend. (經(jīng)過一個輕松愉快的周末,他心情輕松殷费。)
49印荔、 Lighthearted 心情輕松愉快的狀態(tài)。例句:They had a lighthearted conversation and laughed together.(他們進行了一次輕松愉快的對話宗兼,一起笑了起來躏鱼。)
50、 Leaping for joy 歡喜地跳躍的狀態(tài)殷绍。例句:He was leaping for joy when he received the news of his acceptance into his dream university. (收到進入夢寐以求的大學的消息時染苛,他歡喜地跳躍。)
51主到、 Laughing with joy 開心地笑的狀態(tài)茶行。例句:They were laughing with joy at the funny movie.(看到有趣的電影時,他們開心地笑了登钥。)
52畔师、 Laughing uncontrollably 無法控制地大笑的狀態(tài)。例句:She was laughing uncontrollably at the comedy show. (在喜劇表演中牧牢,她無法控制地大笑看锉。)
53、 Jumping with joy 高興得跳起來的狀態(tài)塔鳍。例句:The kids were jumping with joy when they got their favorite toys.(當孩子們拿到自己喜歡的玩具時伯铣,他們高興得跳起來。)
54轮纫、 Jumping with glee 快樂地跳躍的狀態(tài)腔寡。例句:He was jumping with glee when he got accepted into his dream university.(被夢想大學錄取時,他快樂地跳躍掌唾。)
55放前、 Jumping with delight 開心地跳躍的狀態(tài)。例句:He was jumping with delight when he won the competition.(贏得比賽時糯彬,他開心地跳躍凭语。)
56、 Jumping for pure joy 純粹喜悅而跳躍的狀態(tài)撩扒。例句:The kids were jumping for pure joy when they saw their favorite cartoon characters.(看到自己喜歡的卡通人物時似扔,孩子們純粹喜悅而跳躍。)
57、 Jumping for joy 歡躍虫几、快樂地跳躍的狀態(tài)。例句:The children were jumping for joy when they received their presents.(孩子們在收到禮物時快樂地跳躍挽拔。)
58辆脸、 Jubilantly happy 歡欣愉快的狀態(tài)。例句:They were jubilantly happy after their successful project completion.(成功完成項目后螃诅,他們歡欣愉快啡氢。)
59、 Jubilant 興高采烈术裸、歡騰的狀態(tài)倘是。例句:The team was jubilant after winning the championship.(球隊在贏得冠軍后歡呼雀躍。)
60袭艺、 Joyous 充滿喜悅和快樂的狀態(tài)搀崭。例句:The atmosphere at the party was joyous as everyone celebrated together.(派對上的氛圍充滿了喜悅和快樂,大家一起慶祝猾编。)
61瘤睹、 Joyful 充滿喜悅和愉快的狀態(tài)。例句:The children were joyful when they saw the colorful balloons.(孩子們看到五顏六色的氣球時感到非常愉快答倡。)
62轰传、 Jovial 快樂、友善和活潑的狀態(tài)瘪撇。例句:He had a jovial personality and always made others laugh.(他性格開朗友善获茬,總是讓別人笑起來。)
63倔既、 Infectiously happy 快樂感染他人的狀態(tài)恕曲。例句:Her presence in the room made everyone infectiously happy.(她在房間里的存在讓每個人都感到快樂。)
64叉存、 In seventh heaven 如身處七重天的狀態(tài)码俩,非常快樂和滿足歼捏。例句:After winning the lottery, she felt like she was in seventh heaven.(中了彩票后稿存,她感到非常快樂和滿足瞳秽。)
65瓣履、 In high spirits 心情高昂的狀態(tài)。例句:They were in high spirits after winning the game.(贏得比賽后练俐,他們心情高昂袖迎。)
66、 In a state of pure bliss 處于純粹幸福的狀態(tài)。例句:After a day at the spa, she was in a state of pure bliss.(溫泉一天后燕锥,她感到純粹的幸福辜贵。)
67、 In a state of euphoria 處于欣快愉悅的狀態(tài)归形。例句:They were in a state of euphoria after their team won the championship.(球隊獲得冠軍后托慨,他們欣快愉悅。)
68暇榴、 In a state of bliss 幸福的狀態(tài)厚棵。例句:They were in a state of bliss during their honeymoon. (蜜月期間,他們處于幸福的狀態(tài)蔼紧。)
69婆硬、 High-spirited 精神飽滿的狀態(tài)。例句:They were high-spirited after a successful performance.(演出成功后奸例,他們精神飽滿彬犯。)
70、 Heart-filled with happiness 心中充滿幸福的狀態(tài)查吊。例句:They felt heart-filled with happiness on their anniversary.(結(jié)婚紀念日時躏嚎,他們心中充滿幸福。)
71菩貌、 Having a ball 玩得很開心的狀態(tài)卢佣。例句:They were having a ball at the amusement park.(在游樂園里他們玩得很開心。)
72箭阶、 Happy-go-lucky 樂天派的狀態(tài)虚茶。例句:He has a happy-go-lucky personality and is always cheerful.(他性格樂天派,總是很開朗仇参。)
73嘹叫、 Happy as a clam 像蛤蜊一樣開心的狀態(tài)。例句:She was happy as a clam when she received a surprise gift.(收到意外的禮物時诈乒,她像蛤蜊一樣開心罩扇。)
74、 Happy 感到愉快和滿足的狀態(tài)怕磨。例句:I feel happy when I spend time with my friends.(我和朋友們在一起時感到開心喂饥。)
75、 Grinning with sheer happiness 十分開心地咧嘴笑的狀態(tài)肠鲫。例句:He was grinning with sheer happiness when he achieved his goal.(實現(xiàn)目標時员帮,他十分開心地咧嘴笑。)
76导饲、 Grinning like a Cheshire cat 笑得像切爾西貓一樣合不攏嘴的狀態(tài)捞高。例句:He couldn't stop grinning like a Cheshire cat after getting a promotion.(晉升后氯材,他笑得像切爾西貓一樣合不攏嘴。)
77硝岗、 Grinning from ear to ear 笑得合不攏嘴的狀態(tài)氢哮。例句:He couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear when he heard the good news.(當他聽到好消息時,他笑得合不攏嘴型檀。)
78命浴、 Grateful 充滿感激和感恩的狀態(tài)。例句:She felt grateful for the support and help from her friends.(她對朋友們的支持和幫助感到非常感激贱除。)
79、 Glowing with happiness 幸福充斥的狀態(tài)媳溺。例句:She was glowing with happiness on her wedding day.(在婚禮當天月幌,她幸福充斥。)
80悬蔽、 Gleeful 感到興高采烈和幸福的狀態(tài)扯躺。例句:The little girl was gleeful when she received a toy as a gift.(小女孩收到玩具作為禮物時感到非常高興。)
81蝎困、 Gleaming with happiness 充滿幸福的狀態(tài)录语。例句:His eyes were gleaming with happiness when he saw his family waiting for him at the airport.(當他看到家人在機場等他時,他的眼睛充滿幸福禾乘。)
82澎埠、 Giggly 咯咯笑的、開心得發(fā)笑的狀態(tài)始藕。例句:The girls were giggly during their fun sleepover party.(女孩們在有趣的宿營派對上咯咯地笑蒲稳。)
83、 Giddy with joy 興奮得眩暈的狀態(tài)伍派。例句:She was giddy with joy when she received a surprise gift.(收到意外的禮物時江耀,她興奮得眩暈。)
84诉植、 Giddy with happiness 幸福得頭暈眼花的狀態(tài)祥国。例句:He was giddy with happiness after winning the lottery.(中了彩票后,他幸福得頭暈眼花晾腔。)
85舌稀、 Giddy with excitement 因興奮而眩暈的狀態(tài)。例句:He was giddy with excitement before his trip to Disneyland.(去迪士尼樂園之前灼擂,他因興奮而眩暈看彼。)
86、 Giddy with delight 高興得眩暈的狀態(tài)翁都。例句:She was giddy with delight when she won the competition.(贏得比賽時姨谷,她高興得眩暈康谆。)
87、 Giddy 興奮得有些頭暈目眩的狀態(tài)嫉到。例句:She felt giddy with joy when she got accepted into her dream school.(當她被夢寐以求的學校錄取時沃暗,她感到興奮得有些眩暈。)
88何恶、 Full of joy 充滿喜悅的狀態(tài)孽锥。例句:She was full of joy when she received good news.(收到好消息時,她充滿喜悅细层。)
89惜辑、 Full of exuberance 興高采烈的狀態(tài)。例句:He was full of exuberance after completing a successful project.(成功完成一個項目后疫赎,他興高采烈盛撑。)
90捧搞、 Full of bliss 充滿幸福的狀態(tài)抵卫。例句:He was full of bliss after a successful performance.(成功表演后,他充滿幸福胎撇。)
91姻采、 Flying high 處于欣喜和興奮的狀態(tài)。例句:He was flying high after achieving his long-term goal.(實現(xiàn)長期目標后,他感到非常欣喜和興奮正蛙。)
92、 Fluttering with delight 由于開心而心跳不已的狀態(tài)荞胡。例句:She was fluttering with delight on her wedding day.(婚禮當天,她由于開心而心跳不已。)
93、 Floaty 如飄飄欲仙的狀態(tài),非常幸福和歡快劣砍。例句:She felt floaty and carefree on her vacation by the beach.(在海灘度假時,她感到飄飄欲仙锌雀、無憂無慮惩歉。)
94、 Floating on air 如坐云端底靠、非常幸福快樂的狀態(tài)雕凹。例句:He felt like he was floating on air after getting a promotion.(晉升后,他感到非常幸刚常快樂枚抵,如坐云端。)
95明场、 Filled with delight 充滿愉悅的狀態(tài)汽摹。例句:He was filled with delight when he received a promotion.(升職時,他充滿愉悅苦锨。)
96竖慧、 Feeling on top of the world 感覺處于世界之巔的狀態(tài),非常幸福和成功逆屡。例句:After achieving her lifelong dream, she was feeling on top of the world.(實現(xiàn)了一生的夢想后圾旨,她感到非常幸福和成功。)
97魏蔗、 Feeling on cloud nine 感覺如坐云端的狀態(tài)砍的,非常幸福和快樂。例句:She was feeling on cloud nine after a successful performance.(表演成功后莺治,她感到非常幸福和快樂廓鞠。)
98帚稠、 Feeling elated 興高采烈的狀態(tài)。例句:They were feeling elated after a successful event. (活動成功后床佳,他們興高采烈滋早。)
99、 Exulting 狂喜的狀態(tài)砌们。例句:They were exulting in their remarkable achievement.(他們對自己的顯著成就感到狂喜杆麸。)
100、 Exultant 歡欣鼓舞的狀態(tài)浪感。例句:The team was exultant after their victory in the tournament.(在錦標賽中獲勝后昔头,團隊歡欣鼓舞。)
101影兽、 Exuding happiness 散發(fā)幸福感的狀態(tài)揭斧。例句:She was exuding happiness on her wedding day.(婚禮當天,她散發(fā)著幸福感峻堰。)
102讹开、 Exuberantly happy 非常開心和興奮的狀態(tài)。例句:They were exuberantly happy after winning the championship.(贏得冠軍后旦万,他們非常開心和興奮。)
103桐筏、 Exuberant with joy 興高采烈的狀態(tài)纸型。例句:He was exuberant with joy when he got a new job offer.(收到新的工作邀請時拇砰,他興高采烈梅忌。)
104、 Exuberant 活力四溢除破、精力充沛的狀態(tài)牧氮。例句:The crowd was exuberant as they celebrated the victory of their favorite team.(慶祝他們最喜歡的球隊獲勝時,人群充滿活力瑰枫。)
105踱葛、 Exhilarated to the max 狂喜至極的狀態(tài)。例句:He was exhilarated to the max when he won the championship.(贏得冠軍時光坝,他狂喜至極尸诽。)
106、 Exhilarated beyond words 難以言表的興奮狀態(tài)盯另。例句:He was exhilarated beyond words when he achieved his dream of climbing Mount Everest.(成功攀登珠穆朗瑪峰時性含,他的興奮難以言表。)
107鸳惯、 Exhilarated 興奮得充滿活力的狀態(tài)商蕴。例句:She was exhilarated after a thrilling roller coaster ride.(在刺激的過山車游樂設施上后叠萍,她興奮得活力充沛。)
108绪商、 Excited beyond belief 難以置信地興奮的狀態(tài)苛谷。例句:He was excited beyond belief when he met his favorite celebrity.(遇到最喜歡的名人時,他興奮得難以置信格郁。)
109腹殿、 Euphoric 處于極度幸福和愉悅的狀態(tài)。例句:Winning the lottery made him feel euphoric.(中了彩票使他感到非常幸福理张。)
110赫蛇、 Enthusiastic 熱情洋溢的狀態(tài)。例句:He was enthusiastic about the new project and couldn't wait to get started.(他對新項目充滿熱情雾叭,迫不及待地想要開始悟耘。)
111、 Enraptured 被迷住的狀態(tài)织狐,非常開心和愉悅暂幼。例句:She was enraptured by the beautiful scenery during her vacation.(度假期間,她被美麗的風景所迷住移迫,感到非常開心和愉悅旺嬉。)
112、 Elated beyond words 因快樂難以言表的狀態(tài)厨埋。例句:They were elated beyond words when they received their dream wedding gift.(收到心儀婚禮禮物時邪媳,他們高興得難以言表。)
113荡陷、 elated ?激動的雨效;興高采烈的狀態(tài)。例句:They were elated after a successful performance.(成功表演后废赞,他們感到興高采烈徽龟。)
114、 Elated 激動得興奮不已的狀態(tài)唉地。例句:He was elated when he found out he got accepted into his dream university.(當他得知自己被夢寐以求的大學錄取時据悔,他激動得無法自持。)
115耘沼、 Effervescent 愉快极颓、興奮的狀態(tài)。例句:The party was filled with effervescent laughter and conversation.(派對上充滿愉快的笑聲和交談群嗤。)
116菠隆、 Ecstatically thrilled 極度興奮和開心的狀態(tài)。例句:They were ecstatically thrilled when they heard about the good news.(聽到好消息時,他們極度興奮和開心浸赫。)
117闰围、 Ecstatically happy 極度開心的狀態(tài)。例句:She was ecstatically happy when she won the first prize.(贏得一等獎時既峡,她非常開心羡榴。)
118、 Ecstatic 激動得難以自控的狀態(tài)运敢。例句:He was ecstatic after winning the championship.(他在贏得冠軍后非常激動校仑。)
119、 Eco-friendly 充滿生機和快樂的狀態(tài)传惠。例句:The eco-friendly festival was filled with joy and happiness.(這個環(huán)境友好的節(jié)日充滿了生機和快樂迄沫。)
120、 Eagerly delighted 熱切地開心的狀態(tài)卦方。例句:They were eagerly delighted to receive the good news.(他們熱切地開心地接收到好消息羊瘩。)
121、 Deliriously happy 非常非撑慰常快樂的狀態(tài)尘吗。例句:They were deliriously happy when they found out they were expecting a baby.(當他們發(fā)現(xiàn)即將迎來一個寶寶時,他們非常非辰阶快樂睬捶。)
122、 Deliriously delighted 極度開心的狀態(tài)近刘。例句:She was deliriously delighted when she received a surprise party.(收到意外的派對時擒贸,她極度開心。)
123觉渴、 Delirious with joy 快樂得瘋狂的狀態(tài)介劫。例句:She was delirious with joy when she won the lottery.(中彩票時,她開心得瘋狂疆拘。)
124蜕猫、 Delightfully thrilled 非常高興的狀態(tài)寂曹。例句:She was delightfully thrilled when she got the job offer.(收到工作邀請時哎迄,她非常高興。)
125隆圆、 Delightfully happy 極其開心的狀態(tài)。例句:They were delightfully happy on their anniversary trip.(周年旅行時渺氧,他們極其開心。)
126侣背、 Delightful 令人愉快的狀態(tài)慨默。例句:The picnic in the park was a delightful experience for everyone.(在公園里的野餐是每個人的愉快體驗弧腥。)
127、 Delighted to the core 感到非常開心管搪、高興到極點的狀態(tài)。例句:She was delighted to the core when she received a surprise visit from her best friend.(最好的朋友突然來訪更鲁,她感到非常開心霎箍、高興到極點。)
128澡为、 Delighted to no end 非常高興到了極端的狀態(tài)漂坏。例句:They were delighted to no end when they received a surprise gift.(收到意外禮物時,他們非常高興到了極端媒至。)
129樊拓、 Delighted beyond words 高興得無法用言語表達的狀態(tài)。例句:He was delighted beyond words when he received the surprise gift.(當他收到那份驚喜禮物時塘慕,他高興得無法用言語表達筋夏。)
130、 Delighted beyond measure 非常高興得無法用言語形容的狀態(tài)图呢。例句:They were delighted beyond measure when they received a surprise visit from their favorite musician.(他們從最喜歡的音樂家得到驚喜拜訪時条篷,他們高興得無法用言語形容。)
131蛤织、 Delighted as can be 非常高興的狀態(tài)赴叹。例句:He was delighted as can be with his graduation achievement.(他對自己的畢業(yè)成績非常高興。)
132指蚜、 Delighted 非常高興和滿足的狀態(tài)乞巧。例句:She was delighted to receive a surprise gift.(她收到一個驚喜禮物,感到非常高興摊鸡。)
133绽媒、 Dancing with joy 帶著快樂跳舞的狀態(tài)。例句:She was dancing with joy when she heard the good news.(當她聽到好消息時免猾,她帶著快樂跳舞是辕。)
134、 Dancing with happiness 幸福的舞動狀態(tài)猎提。例句:They were dancing with happiness at their anniversary celebration.(在周年慶典上获三,他們幸福地舞動。)
135、 Dancing on air 如踏在空中跳舞的狀態(tài)疙教。例句:She felt like she was dancing on air when she got the job offer.(收到工作邀請時棺聊,她感覺自己如踏在空中跳舞躺屁。)
136犀暑、 Dancing for joy 快樂跳舞的狀態(tài)耐亏。例句:They were dancing for joy when they received good news. (收到好消息時广辰,他們快樂跳舞择吊。)
137几睛、 Dance of joy 快樂舞蹈的狀態(tài)所森。例句:She performed a dance of joy after winning the competition.(贏得比賽后焕济,她表演了快樂的舞蹈晴弃。)
138上鞠、 Contented 滿足和滿意的狀態(tài)旗国。例句:She felt contented as she sat by the fireplace, reading her favorite book.(坐在壁爐邊,讀著最喜歡的書肿轨,她感到滿足和滿意。)
139驼唱、 Content 滿足和安心的狀態(tài)玫恳。例句:After a long day's work, he felt content sitting by the fireplace.(工作了一整天后京办,他坐在壁爐旁感到滿足和安心惭婿。)
140财饥、 Chuffed to bits 非常滿意和開心的狀態(tài)钥星。例句:He was chuffed to bits with the results of his hard work.(對辛苦工作的成果他非常滿意和開心打颤。)
141编饺、 Chuffed 開心透且、滿足的狀態(tài)豁鲤。例句:He was chuffed with his new car.(他對他的新車感到滿足和開心锅论。)
142最易、 Chuckling with joy 快樂地笑的狀態(tài)。例句:She was chuckling with joy after hearing a funny joke.(聽到有趣的笑話后剔猿,她快樂地笑了归敬。)
143汪茧、 Chuckling with happiness 幸福地輕笑的狀態(tài)陆爽。例句:She was chuckling with happiness while reading a funny book. (讀著有趣的書時慌闭,她幸福地輕笑驴剔。)
144丧失、 Chuckling with delight 開心輕笑的狀態(tài)布讹。例句:She was chuckling with delight at the funny video. (看到搞笑視頻時描验,她開心輕笑膘流。)
145呼股、 Cheery 快樂的狀態(tài)彭谁。例句:He had a cheery disposition that brightened up the room.(他性情開朗缠局,讓整個房間變得明亮起來甩鳄。)
146妙啃、 Carried away with happiness 因開心而失控的狀態(tài)揖赴。例句:He was carried away with happiness when he achieved his lifelong dream.(實現(xiàn)終身夢想時抑胎,他因開心而失控阿逃。)
147恃锉、 Carefree 無憂無慮破托、無所顧慮的狀態(tài)土砂。例句:During summer vacation, children can enjoy a carefree time without any worries.(在暑假期間吴叶,孩子們可以無憂無慮地享受時光晤郑。)
148造寝、 Cackling with laughter 非常開心地大笑的狀態(tài)诫龙。例句:They were cackling with laughter at the funny movie.(看著搞笑的電影签赃,他們非常開心地大笑歹嘹。)
149尺上、 Bursting with pure delight 充滿純粹喜悅的狀態(tài)怎抛。例句:She was bursting with pure delight when she saw her favorite band perform live.(看到自己喜歡的樂隊現(xiàn)場演出時马绝,她充滿純粹喜悅富稻。)
150椭赋、 Bursting with laughter 充滿笑聲的狀態(tài)纹份。例句:She was bursting with laughter at the comedian's jokes.(聽到喜劇演員的笑話時蔓涧,她笑聲不已。)
151茉盏、 Bursting with joy 充滿喜悅的狀態(tài)鸠姨。例句:He was bursting with joy when he heard about his promotion.(聽說晉升的消息時讶迁,他充滿喜悅核蘸。)
152啸驯、 Bursting with happiness 充滿幸福的狀態(tài)。例句:He was bursting with happiness when he received the news of his promotion.(當他收到晉升消息時祟峦,他充滿幸福罚斗。)
153、 Bursting with excitement 充滿興奮的狀態(tài)宅楞。例句:The children were bursting with excitement on Christmas morning.(在圣誕節(jié)早晨针姿,孩子們充滿興奮。)
154咱筛、 Bursting out laughing 開懷大笑的狀態(tài)搓幌。例句:They were bursting out laughing at the funny joke. (聽到搞笑的笑話時杆故,他們開懷大笑。)
155奕塑、 Bursting into laughter 開懷大笑的狀態(tài)换棚。例句:They were bursting into laughter at the hilarious joke.(聽到搞笑的笑話時夕玩,他們開懷大笑揩页。)
156尘喝、 Bursting at the seams with joy 充滿喜悅的狀態(tài)缔赠。例句:He was bursting at the seams with joy when he won the award.(贏得獎項時,他充滿喜悅离唬。)
157、 Bursting at the seams with delight 充滿喜悅而即將爆裂的狀態(tài)。例句:They were bursting at the seams with delight when they received their dream vacation tickets.(收到夢想假期的機票時,他們充滿喜悅而即將爆裂。)
158、 Buoyant 心情愉快、積極向上的狀態(tài)叁扫。例句:She felt buoyant after a successful presentation.(成功演講后,她心情愉快软驰、積極向上戴已。)
159桦沉、 Bubbly with happiness 幸福歡快的狀態(tài)。例句:He was bubbly with happiness after receiving a promotion.(升職后,他幸福歡快遵班。)
160腹暖、 Bubbly 快樂、活力四溢的狀態(tài)粤蝎。例句:She had a bubbly personality, always bringing joy to those around her.(她個性開朗活潑墓懂,總是給身邊人帶來快樂。)
161帆调、 Bubbling with joy 充滿喜悅和快樂的狀態(tài)芹务。例句:They were bubbling with joy as they danced together in celebration.(在慶祝中他們一起跳舞枣抱,充滿喜悅和快樂维雇。)
162、 Bubbling over with happiness 幸福感溢出的狀態(tài)。例句:They were bubbling over with happiness after their successful performance.(演出成功后柳骄,他們幸福感溢出悼泌。)
163、 Brimming with happiness 滿滿的幸福感的狀態(tài)夹界。例句:She was brimming with happiness on her wedding day.(婚禮當天馆里,她滿滿的幸福感溢于言表。)
164可柿、 Brimming with glee 充滿歡樂的狀態(tài)鸠踪。例句:He was brimming with glee after winning the competition. (贏得比賽后,他充滿歡樂复斥。)
165营密、 Brimful 充滿的狀態(tài)。例句:They were brimful with joy at the sight of their newborn baby.(看著新生嬰兒目锭,他們滿心歡喜评汰。)
166、 Bouncing with joy 興高采烈的狀態(tài)痢虹。例句:The children were bouncing with joy when they saw the amusement park.(當孩子們看到游樂園時被去,他們興高采烈。)
167奖唯、 Bouncing off the walls 快樂得無法克制的狀態(tài)惨缆。例句:The kids were bouncing off the walls with excitement before their birthday party.(在生日派對前,孩子們由于興奮而快樂得無法克制丰捷。)
168坯墨、 Blissing out 完全陶醉在幸福中的狀態(tài)。例句:She was blissing out while enjoying a relaxing vacation on the beach.(在沙灘度假時病往,她完全陶醉于幸福中捣染。)
169、 Blissfully overjoyed 幸福地興奮不已的狀態(tài)停巷。例句:She was blissfully overjoyed when she received a marriage proposal.(收到求婚時耍攘,她幸福地興奮不已榕栏。)
170、 Blissfully happy 極其幸福的狀態(tài)少漆。例句:They were blissfully happy on their wedding day.(在婚禮當天臼膏,他們非常幸福。)
171示损、 Blissfully content 幸福滿足的狀態(tài)渗磅。例句:After a day at the beach, she felt blissfully content.(在海灘度過一天后,她感到幸福滿足检访。)
172始鱼、 Blissful beyond measure 難以計量的幸福狀態(tài)。例句:She felt blissful beyond measure when she achieved her lifelong dream.(實現(xiàn)一生的夢想時脆贵,她感到難以計量的幸福医清。)
173、 Blissful 極度幸福和寧靜的狀態(tài)卖氨。例句:They spent a blissful vacation on a tropical island.(他們在一個熱帶島嶼度過了一個幸福的假期会烙。)
174、 Blissed out 處于極度幸福和滿足的狀態(tài)筒捺。例句:After a day at the spa, she felt completely blissed out and relaxed.(在水療中心度過一天后柏腻,她感覺完全幸福和放松。)
175系吭、 Blissed 幸福的狀態(tài)五嫂。例句:She felt blissed after a peaceful meditation session.(平靜冥想后,她心情幸福肯尺。)
176沃缘、 Beaming with joy 開心得笑逐顏開的狀態(tài)。例句:She was beaming with joy when she achieved her goal.(達到目標時则吟,她開心得笑逐顏開槐臀。)
177、 Beaming with happiness 笑容滿面的幸福狀態(tài)逾滥。例句:He was beaming with happiness on his wedding day.(婚禮當天峰档,他笑容滿面,幸福洋溢寨昙。)
178、 Beaming with delight 笑容滿面地開心的狀態(tài)掀亩。例句:She was beaming with delight when she received the good news.(收到好消息時舔哪,她笑容滿面地開心。)
179槽棍、 Beaming from ear to ear 笑得合不攏嘴的狀態(tài)捉蚤。例句:He was beaming from ear to ear after his graduation.(畢業(yè)后抬驴,他笑得合不攏嘴。)
180缆巧、 Beaming 發(fā)自內(nèi)心地笑布持、滿臉光彩的狀態(tài)。例句:He walked into the room with a beaming smile.(他滿臉笑容地走進房間陕悬。)
181题暖、 All smiles 笑容滿面的狀態(tài)。例句:They were all smiles after a successful business deal.(成功的業(yè)務交易后捉超,他們笑容滿面胧卤。)