H.264從1999年開始,到2003年形成草案愿棋,最后在2007年定稿有待核實煞檩。在ITU的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)里稱為H.264腕扶,在MPEG的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)里是MPEG-4的一個組成部分–MPEG-4 Part 10,又叫Advanced Video Codec荠藤,因此常常稱為MPEG-4 AVC或直接叫AVC。x264主要使用算法為H264編解碼算法获高,下面對H264算法進行解析哈肖;
H264 編解碼解析
參考鏈接: H264 編解碼協(xié)議詳解;深入淺出理解視頻編碼H264結(jié)構(gòu);詳細文檔;H264編解碼框圖;
- I幀:自身可以通過視頻解壓算法解壓成一張單獨的完整的圖片。
- P幀:需要參考前面的I幀或P幀,還原成完整的圖片罪针。
- B幀:需要同時參考前面和后面的I幀或P幀,來實現(xiàn)圖片的還原彭羹。
H264 網(wǎng)絡(luò)包
參考鏈接: 從零了解H264結(jié)構(gòu);H264碼流結(jié)構(gòu)分析;
H.264原始碼流(裸流)是由一個接一個NALU組成魄藕,它的功能分為兩層,VCL(視頻編碼層)和 NAL(網(wǎng)絡(luò)提取層)顾瞻;
- VCL:包括核心壓縮引擎和塊泼疑,宏塊和片的語法級別定義,設(shè)計目標(biāo)是盡可能地獨立于網(wǎng)絡(luò)進行高效的編碼荷荤;
- NAL:負(fù)責(zé)將VCL產(chǎn)生的比特字符串適配到各種各樣的網(wǎng)絡(luò)和多元環(huán)境中退渗,覆蓋了所有片級以上的語法級別。
一個NALU = 一組對應(yīng)于視頻編碼的NALU頭部信息 + 一個原始字節(jié)序列負(fù)荷(RBSP,Raw Byte Sequence Payload).
NALU結(jié)構(gòu)單元的主體結(jié)構(gòu)如下所示古毛;一個原始的H.264 NALU單元常由[StartCode] [NALU Header] [NALU Payload]
三部分組成翻翩,其中 Start Code
單元的開始,必須是"00 00 00 01" 或"00 00 01"稻薇,除此之外基本相當(dāng)于一個NAL header + RBSP
NAL Header
00 00 00 01 06: SEI信息
00 00 00 01 67: 0x67&0x1f = 0x07 :SPS
00 00 00 01 68: 0x68&0x1f = 0x08 :PPS
00 00 00 01 65: 0x65&0x1f = 0x05: IDR Slice
- SODB 數(shù)據(jù)比特串 -> 是編碼后的原始數(shù)據(jù)
- RBSP 原始字節(jié)序列載荷 -> 在原始編碼數(shù)據(jù)的后面添加了 結(jié)尾比特。一個 bit“1”若干比特“0”案狠,以便字節(jié)對齊服傍。
1幀 = n個片
1片 = n個宏塊
1宏塊 = 16x16yuv數(shù)據(jù)
片是H.264提出的新概念骂铁,通過編碼圖片后切分通過高效的方式整合出來的概念吹零。一張圖片有一個或者多個片,而片由NALU裝載并進行網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳輸?shù)睦帧5荖ALU不一定是切片灿椅,這是充分不必要條件,因為 NALU 還有可能裝載著其他用作描述視頻的信息;片的種類如下表所示
片 | 意義 |
I 片 | 只包含I宏塊 |
P 片 | 包含P和I宏塊 |
B 片 | 包含B和I宏塊 |
SP 片 | 包含P 和/或 I宏塊,用于不同碼流之間的切換 |
SI 片 | 一種特殊類型的編碼宏塊 |
一個宏塊 = 一個16*16的亮度像素 + 一個8×8Cb + 一個8×8Cr彩色像素塊組成伸辟。(YCbCr 是屬于 YUV 家族的一員,在YCbCr 中 Y 是指亮度分量麻惶,Cb 指藍色色度分量,而 Cr 指紅色色度分量)
宏塊分類 | 意義 |
I 宏塊 | 利用從當(dāng)前片中已解碼的像素作為參考進行幀內(nèi)預(yù)測 |
P 宏塊 | 利用前面已編碼圖像作為參考進行幀內(nèi)預(yù)測信夫,一個幀內(nèi)編碼的宏塊可進一步作宏塊的分割:即16×16.16×8.8×16.8×8亮度像素塊窃蹋。如果選了8×8的子宏塊卡啰,則可再分成各種子宏塊的分割,其尺寸為8×8警没,8×4匈辱,4×8,4×4 |
B 宏塊 | 利用雙向的參考圖像(當(dāng)前和未來的已編碼圖像幀)進行幀內(nèi)預(yù)測 |
宏塊分類 | 意義 |
mb_type | 確定該 MB 是幀內(nèi)或幀間(P 或 B)編碼模式疮茄,確定該 MB 分割的尺寸 |
mb_pred | 確定幀內(nèi)預(yù)測模式(幀內(nèi)宏塊)確定表 0 或表 1 參考圖 像滥朱,和每一宏塊分割的差分編碼的運動矢量(幀間宏塊,除 8×8 宏塊分割的幀內(nèi) MB) |
sub_mb_pred | (只對 8×8MB 分割的幀內(nèi) MB)確定每一子宏塊的子宏 塊分割力试,每一宏塊分割的表 0 和/或表 1 的參考圖象;每一 宏塊子分割的差分編碼運動矢量徙邻。 |
coded_block_pattern | 指出哪個 8×8 塊(亮度和彩色)包 編碼變換系數(shù) |
mb_qp_delta | 量化參數(shù)的改變值 |
residual | 預(yù)測后對應(yīng)于殘差圖象取樣的編碼變換系數(shù) |
幀的分類 | 中文 | 意義 |
I幀 | 幀內(nèi)編碼幀,又稱intra picture | I 幀通常是每個 GOP(MPEG 所使用的一種視頻壓縮技術(shù))的第一個幀,經(jīng)過適度地壓縮畸裳,做為隨機訪問的參考點鹃栽,可以當(dāng)成圖象。I幀可以看成是一個圖像經(jīng)過壓縮后的產(chǎn)物 |
P幀 | 前向預(yù)測編碼幀,又稱predictive-frame | 通過充分將低于圖像序列中前面已編碼幀的時間冗余信息來壓縮傳輸數(shù)據(jù)量的編碼圖像躯畴,也叫預(yù)測幀 |
B幀 | 雙向預(yù)測幀,又稱bi-directional interpolated prediction frame | 既考慮與源圖像序列前面已編碼幀,也顧及源圖像序列后面已編碼幀之間的時間冗余信息來壓縮傳輸數(shù)據(jù)量的編碼圖像,也叫雙向預(yù)測幀 |
- I frame:自身可以通過視頻解壓算法解壓成一張單獨的完整的圖片薇芝。
- P frame:需要參考其前面的一個I frame 或者B frame來生成一張完整的圖片蓬抄。
- B frame:則要參考其前一個I或者P幀及其后面的一個P幀來生成一張完整的圖片。
名稱 | 意義 |
PTS(Presentation Time Stamp) | PTS主要用于度量解碼后的視頻幀什么時候被顯示出來夯到。 |
DTS(Decode Time Stamp) | DTS主要是標(biāo)識內(nèi)存中的bit流再什么時候開始送入解碼器中進行解碼嚷缭。 |
主要區(qū)別:DTS主要用戶視頻的解碼,在解碼階段使用耍贾。PTS主要用于視頻的同步和輸出阅爽,在display的時候使用。再沒有B frame的時候輸出順序一樣荐开。
一個序列的第一個圖像叫做 IDR 圖像(立即刷新圖像)付翁,IDR 圖像都是 I 幀圖像。
其核心作用是佣渴,是為了解碼的重同步辫狼,當(dāng)解碼器解碼到 IDR 圖像時,立即將參考幀隊列清空辛润,將已解碼的數(shù)據(jù)全部輸出或拋棄膨处,重新查找參數(shù)集,開始一個新的序列砂竖。這樣真椿,如果前一個序列出現(xiàn)重大錯誤,在這里可以獲得重新同步的機會晦溪。IDR圖像之后的圖像永遠不會使用IDR之前的圖像的數(shù)據(jù)來解碼瀑粥。
參考鏈接: 幀編碼與場編碼的區(qū)別分析
視頻的一場和一幀用來產(chǎn)生一個編碼圖像,一幀通常是一個完整的圖像三圆,當(dāng)采集視頻信號時狞换,如果采用隔行掃描(奇、偶數(shù)行)舟肉,則掃描下來的一幀圖像就被分成了兩個部分修噪,這每一部分都被稱為 [場],根據(jù)次序路媚,分為 [頂場] 和 [底場]黄琼。
人眼可察覺到的電視視頻圖像刷新中的閃爍為 0.02 秒,即當(dāng)電視系統(tǒng)的幀率低于 50 幀/秒整慎,人眼可感覺得出畫面的閃爍脏款。常規(guī)如 PAL 制式電視系統(tǒng)幀率為 25 幀/秒、NTSC 制式的則為 30 幀/秒裤园,如果采用逐行掃描將不可避免地在視頻刷新時產(chǎn)生閃爍現(xiàn)象撤师。而另一方面如果單純的提高幀率達到避免閃爍刷新效果,則會增加系統(tǒng)的頻帶寬度拧揽。
隔行掃描中剃盾,每一幀包含兩個場(top field)和(bottom field),其中每個 field 包含一幀中一半數(shù)量的水平線淤袜,top field 包含所有奇數(shù)線痒谴,bottom field 則包含所有偶數(shù)線。則在電視顯示過程中铡羡,電子槍每發(fā)射一行隔一行—先發(fā)射奇數(shù)行13579…(top field)回頭再發(fā)射2468…(bottom field)利用兩次掃描來完成一幅圖像积蔚,因為視覺的滯留性,我們看到的效果是差不多的烦周。如在 NTSC 視頻中 frame 的頻率為30次/秒-àfield的頻率則為 60 次/秒库倘,大于了人眼可察覺閃爍的頻率临扮。
方式 | 作用域 |
幀編碼方式 | 活動量較小或者靜止的圖像宜采用 |
場編碼方式 | 活動量較大的運動圖像 |
參考鏈接: x264源代碼簡單分析:概述;
參考鏈接: X264 01 命令行用法
使用linux 中使用x264時可以直接使用:
x264 --fullhelp //
x264 core:148 r2643 5c65704
Syntax: x264 [options] -o outfile infile
Infile can be raw (in which case resolution is required),
or YUV4MPEG (*.y4m),
or Avisynth if compiled with support (yes).
or libav* formats if compiled with lavf support (yes) or ffms support (yes).
Outfile type is selected by filename:
.264 -> Raw bytestream
.mkv -> Matroska
.flv -> Flash Video
.mp4 -> MP4 if compiled with GPAC or L-SMASH support (gpac)
Output bit depth: 8 (configured at compile time)
-h, --help List basic options
--longhelp List more options
--fullhelp List all options
Example usage:
Constant quality mode:
x264 --crf 24 -o <output> <input>
Two-pass with a bitrate of 1000kbps:
x264 --pass 1 --bitrate 1000 -o <output> <input>
x264 --pass 2 --bitrate 1000 -o <output> <input>
x264 --qp 0 -o <output> <input>
Maximum PSNR at the cost of speed and visual quality:
x264 --preset placebo --tune psnr -o <output> <input>
Constant bitrate at 1000kbps with a 2 second-buffer:
x264 --vbv-bufsize 2000 --bitrate 1000 -o <output> <input>
--profile <string> Force the limits of an H.264 profile
Overrides all settings.
- baseline:
--no-8x8dct --bframes 0 --no-cabac
--cqm flat --weightp 0
No interlaced.
No lossless.
- main:
--no-8x8dct --cqm flat
No lossless.
- high:
No lossless.
- high10:
No lossless.
Support for bit depth 8-10.
- high422:
No lossless.
Support for bit depth 8-10.
Support for 4:2:0/4:2:2 chroma subsampling.
- high444:
Support for bit depth 8-10.
Support for 4:2:0/4:2:2/4:4:4 chroma subsampling.
--preset <string> Use a preset to select encoding settings [medium]
Overridden by user settings.
- ultrafast:
--no-8x8dct --aq-mode 0 --b-adapt 0
--bframes 0 --no-cabac --no-deblock
--no-mbtree --me dia --no-mixed-refs
--partitions none --rc-lookahead 0 --ref 1
--scenecut 0 --subme 0 --trellis 0
--no-weightb --weightp 0
- superfast:
--no-mbtree --me dia --no-mixed-refs
--partitions i8x8,i4x4 --rc-lookahead 0
--ref 1 --subme 1 --trellis 0 --weightp 1
- veryfast:
--no-mixed-refs --rc-lookahead 10
--ref 1 --subme 2 --trellis 0 --weightp 1
- faster:
--no-mixed-refs --rc-lookahead 20
--ref 2 --subme 4 --weightp 1
- fast:
--rc-lookahead 30 --ref 2 --subme 6
--weightp 1
- medium:
Default settings apply.
- slow:
--b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh
--rc-lookahead 50 --ref 5 --subme 8
- slower:
--b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh
--partitions all --rc-lookahead 60
--ref 8 --subme 9 --trellis 2
- veryslow:
--b-adapt 2 --bframes 8 --direct auto
--me umh --merange 24 --partitions all
--ref 16 --subme 10 --trellis 2
--rc-lookahead 60
- placebo:
--bframes 16 --b-adapt 2 --direct auto
--slow-firstpass --no-fast-pskip
--me tesa --merange 24 --partitions all
--rc-lookahead 60 --ref 16 --subme 11
--trellis 2
--tune <string> Tune the settings for a particular type of source
or situation
Overridden by user settings.
Multiple tunings are separated by commas.
Only one psy tuning can be used at a time.
- film (psy tuning):
--deblock -1:-1 --psy-rd <unset>:0.15
- animation (psy tuning):
--bframes {+2} --deblock 1:1
--psy-rd 0.4:<unset> --aq-strength 0.6
--ref {Double if >1 else 1}
- grain (psy tuning):
--aq-strength 0.5 --no-dct-decimate
--deadzone-inter 6 --deadzone-intra 6
--deblock -2:-2 --ipratio 1.1
--pbratio 1.1 --psy-rd <unset>:0.25
--qcomp 0.8
- stillimage (psy tuning):
--aq-strength 1.2 --deblock -3:-3
--psy-rd 2.0:0.7
- psnr (psy tuning):
--aq-mode 0 --no-psy
- ssim (psy tuning):
--aq-mode 2 --no-psy
- fastdecode:
--no-cabac --no-deblock --no-weightb
--weightp 0
- zerolatency:
--bframes 0 --force-cfr --no-mbtree
--sync-lookahead 0 --sliced-threads
--rc-lookahead 0
--slow-firstpass Do not force these faster settings with --pass 1:
--no-8x8dct --me dia --partitions none
--ref 1 --subme {2 if >2 else unchanged}
--trellis 0 --fast-pskip
Frame-type options:
-I, --keyint <integer or "infinite"> Maximum GOP size [250]
-i, --min-keyint <integer> Minimum GOP size [auto]
--no-scenecut Disable adaptive I-frame decision
--scenecut <integer> How aggressively to insert extra I-frames [40]
--intra-refresh Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames
-b, --bframes <integer> Number of B-frames between I and P [3]
--b-adapt <integer> Adaptive B-frame decision method [1]
Higher values may lower threading efficiency.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Fast
- 2: Optimal (slow with high --bframes)
--b-bias <integer> Influences how often B-frames are used [0]
--b-pyramid <string> Keep some B-frames as references [normal]
- none: Disabled
- strict: Strictly hierarchical pyramid
- normal: Non-strict (not Blu-ray compatible)
--open-gop Use recovery points to close GOPs
Only available with b-frames
--no-cabac Disable CABAC
-r, --ref <integer> Number of reference frames [3]
--no-deblock Disable loop filter
-f, --deblock <alpha:beta> Loop filter parameters [0:0]
--slices <integer> Number of slices per frame; forces rectangular
slices and is overridden by other slicing options
--slices-max <integer> Absolute maximum slices per frame; overrides
slice-max-size/slice-max-mbs when necessary
--slice-max-size <integer> Limit the size of each slice in bytes
--slice-max-mbs <integer> Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (max)
--slice-min-mbs <integer> Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (min)
--tff Enable interlaced mode (top field first)
--bff Enable interlaced mode (bottom field first)
--constrained-intra Enable constrained intra prediction.
--pulldown <string> Use soft pulldown to change frame rate
- none, 22, 32, 64, double, triple, euro (requires cfr input)
--fake-interlaced Flag stream as interlaced but encode progressive.
Makes it possible to encode 25p and 30p Blu-Ray
streams. Ignored in interlaced mode.
--frame-packing <integer> For stereoscopic videos define frame arrangement
- 0: checkerboard - pixels are alternatively from L and R
- 1: column alternation - L and R are interlaced by column
- 2: row alternation - L and R are interlaced by row
- 3: side by side - L is on the left, R on the right
- 4: top bottom - L is on top, R on bottom
- 5: frame alternation - one view per frame
- 6: mono - 2D frame without any frame packing
- 7: tile format - L is on top-left, R split across
-q, --qp <integer> Force constant QP (0-69, 0=lossless)
-B, --bitrate <integer> Set bitrate (kbit/s)
--crf <float> Quality-based VBR (0-51) [23.0]
--rc-lookahead <integer> Number of frames for frametype lookahead [40]
--vbv-maxrate <integer> Max local bitrate (kbit/s) [0]
--vbv-bufsize <integer> Set size of the VBV buffer (kbit) [0]
--vbv-init <float> Initial VBV buffer occupancy [0.9]
--crf-max <float> With CRF+VBV, limit RF to this value
May cause VBV underflows!
--qpmin <integer> Set min QP [0]
--qpmax <integer> Set max QP [69]
--qpstep <integer> Set max QP step [4]
--ratetol <float> Tolerance of ABR ratecontrol and VBV [1.0]
--ipratio <float> QP factor between I and P [1.40]
--pbratio <float> QP factor between P and B [1.30]
--chroma-qp-offset <integer> QP difference between chroma and luma [0]
--aq-mode <integer> AQ method [1]
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Variance AQ (complexity mask)
- 2: Auto-variance AQ
- 3: Auto-variance AQ with bias to dark scenes
--aq-strength <float> Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and
textured areas. [1.0]
-p, --pass <integer> Enable multipass ratecontrol
- 1: First pass, creates stats file
- 2: Last pass, does not overwrite stats file
- 3: Nth pass, overwrites stats file
--stats <string> Filename for 2 pass stats ["x264_2pass.log"]
--no-mbtree Disable mb-tree ratecontrol.
--qcomp <float> QP curve compression [0.60]
--cplxblur <float> Reduce fluctuations in QP (before curve compression) [20.0]
--qblur <float> Reduce fluctuations in QP (after curve compression) [0.5]
--zones <zone0>/<zone1>/... Tweak the bitrate of regions of the video
Each zone is of the form
<start frame>,<end frame>,<option>
where <option> is either
q=<integer> (force QP)
or b=<float> (bitrate multiplier)
--qpfile <string> Force frametypes and QPs for some or all frames
Format of each line: framenumber frametype QP
QP is optional (none lets x264 choose). Frametypes: I,i,K,P,B,b.
K=<I or i> depending on open-gop setting
QPs are restricted by qpmin/qpmax.
-A, --partitions <string> Partitions to consider ["p8x8,b8x8,i8x8,i4x4"]
- p8x8, p4x4, b8x8, i8x8, i4x4
- none, all
(p4x4 requires p8x8\. i8x8 requires --8x8dct.)
--direct <string> Direct MV prediction mode ["spatial"]
- none, spatial, temporal, auto
--no-weightb Disable weighted prediction for B-frames
--weightp <integer> Weighted prediction for P-frames [2]
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Weighted refs
- 2: Weighted refs + Duplicates
--me <string> Integer pixel motion estimation method ["hex"]
- dia: diamond search, radius 1 (fast)
- hex: hexagonal search, radius 2
- umh: uneven multi-hexagon search
- esa: exhaustive search
- tesa: hadamard exhaustive search (slow)
--merange <integer> Maximum motion vector search range [16]
--mvrange <integer> Maximum motion vector length [-1 (auto)]
--mvrange-thread <int> Minimum buffer between threads [-1 (auto)]
-m, --subme <integer> Subpixel motion estimation and mode decision [7]
- 0: fullpel only (not recommended)
- 1: SAD mode decision, one qpel iteration
- 2: SATD mode decision
- 3-5: Progressively more qpel
- 6: RD mode decision for I/P-frames
- 7: RD mode decision for all frames
- 8: RD refinement for I/P-frames
- 9: RD refinement for all frames
- 10: QP-RD - requires trellis=2, aq-mode>0
- 11: Full RD: disable all early terminations
--psy-rd <float:float> Strength of psychovisual optimization ["1.0:0.0"]
#1: RD (requires subme>=6)
#2: Trellis (requires trellis, experimental)
--no-psy Disable all visual optimizations that worsen
both PSNR and SSIM.
--no-mixed-refs Do not decide references on a per partition basis
--no-chroma-me Ignore chroma in motion estimation
--no-8x8dct Disable adaptive spatial transform size
-t, --trellis <integer> Trellis RD quantization. [1]
- 0: disabled
- 1: enabled only on the final encode of a MB
- 2: enabled on all mode decisions
--no-fast-pskip Disables early SKIP detection on P-frames
--no-dct-decimate Disables coefficient thresholding on P-frames
--nr <integer> Noise reduction [0]
--deadzone-inter <int> Set the size of the inter luma quantization deadzone [21]
--deadzone-intra <int> Set the size of the intra luma quantization deadzone [11]
Deadzones should be in the range 0 - 32.
--cqm <string> Preset quant matrices ["flat"]
- jvt, flat
--cqmfile <string> Read custom quant matrices from a JM-compatible file
Overrides any other --cqm* options.
--cqm4 <list> Set all 4x4 quant matrices
Takes a comma-separated list of 16 integers.
--cqm8 <list> Set all 8x8 quant matrices
Takes a comma-separated list of 64 integers.
--cqm4i, --cqm4p, --cqm8i, --cqm8p <list>
Set both luma and chroma quant matrices
--cqm4iy, --cqm4ic, --cqm4py, --cqm4pc <list>
Set individual quant matrices
Video Usability Info (Annex E):
The VUI settings are not used by the encoder but are merely suggestions to
the playback equipment. See doc/vui.txt for details. Use at your own risk.
--overscan <string> Specify crop overscan setting ["undef"]
- undef, show, crop
--videoformat <string> Specify video format ["undef"]
- component, pal, ntsc, secam, mac, undef
--range <string> Specify color range ["auto"]
- auto, tv, pc
--colorprim <string> Specify color primaries ["undef"]
- undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m,
smpte240m, film, bt2020
--transfer <string> Specify transfer characteristics ["undef"]
- undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m,
smpte240m, linear, log100, log316,
iec61966-2-4, bt1361e, iec61966-2-1,
bt2020-10, bt2020-12
--colormatrix <string> Specify color matrix setting ["???"]
- undef, bt709, fcc, bt470bg, smpte170m,
smpte240m, GBR, YCgCo, bt2020nc, bt2020c
--chromaloc <integer> Specify chroma sample location (0 to 5) [0]
--nal-hrd <string> Signal HRD information (requires vbv-bufsize)
- none, vbr, cbr (cbr not allowed in .mp4)
--filler Force hard-CBR and generate filler (implied by
--nal-hrd cbr)
--pic-struct Force pic_struct in Picture Timing SEI
--crop-rect <string> Add 'left,top,right,bottom' to the bitstream-level
cropping rectangle
-o, --output <string> Specify output file
--muxer <string> Specify output container format ["auto"]
- auto, raw, mkv, flv, mp4
--demuxer <string> Specify input container format ["auto"]
- auto, raw, y4m, avs, lavf, ffms
--input-fmt <string> Specify input file format (requires lavf support)
--input-csp <string> Specify input colorspace format for raw input
- valid csps for `raw` demuxer:
i420, yv12, nv12, nv21, i422, yv16, nv16, i444, yv24, bgr, bgra, rgb
- valid csps for `lavf` demuxer:
yuv420p, yuyv422, rgb24, bgr24, yuv422p,
yuv444p, yuv410p, yuv411p, gray, monow, monob,
pal8, yuvj420p, yuvj422p, yuvj444p, xvmcmc,
xvmcidct, uyvy422, uyyvyy411, bgr8, bgr4,
bgr4_byte, rgb8, rgb4, rgb4_byte, nv12, nv21,
argb, rgba, abgr, bgra, gray16be, gray16le,
yuv440p, yuvj440p, yuva420p, vdpau_h264,
vdpau_mpeg1, vdpau_mpeg2, vdpau_wmv3,
vdpau_vc1, rgb48be, rgb48le, rgb565be,
rgb565le, rgb555be, rgb555le, bgr565be,
bgr565le, bgr555be, bgr555le, vaapi_moco,
vaapi_idct, vaapi_vld, yuv420p16le,
yuv420p16be, yuv422p16le, yuv422p16be,
yuv444p16le, yuv444p16be, vdpau_mpeg4,
dxva2_vld, rgb444le, rgb444be, bgr444le,
bgr444be, ya8, bgr48be, bgr48le, yuv420p9be,
yuv420p9le, yuv420p10be, yuv420p10le,
yuv422p10be, yuv422p10le, yuv444p9be,
yuv444p9le, yuv444p10be, yuv444p10le,
yuv422p9be, yuv422p9le, vda_vld, gbrp, gbrp9be,
gbrp9le, gbrp10be, gbrp10le, gbrp16be,
gbrp16le, yuva420p9be, yuva420p9le,
yuva422p9be, yuva422p9le, yuva444p9be,
yuva444p9le, yuva420p10be, yuva420p10le,
yuva422p10be, yuva422p10le, yuva444p10be,
yuva444p10le, yuva420p16be, yuva420p16le,
yuva422p16be, yuva422p16le, yuva444p16be,
yuva444p16le, vdpau, xyz12le, xyz12be, nv16,
nv20le, nv20be, yvyu422, vda, ya16be, ya16le,
qsv, mmal, d3d11va_vld, rgba64be, rgba64le,
bgra64be, bgra64le, 0rgb, rgb0, 0bgr, bgr0,
yuva444p, yuva422p, yuv420p12be, yuv420p12le,
yuv420p14be, yuv420p14le, yuv422p12be,
yuv422p12le, yuv422p14be, yuv422p14le,
yuv444p12be, yuv444p12le, yuv444p14be,
yuv444p14le, gbrp12be, gbrp12le, gbrp14be,
gbrp14le, gbrap, gbrap16be, gbrap16le,
yuvj411p, bayer_bggr8, bayer_rggb8,
bayer_gbrg8, bayer_grbg8, bayer_bggr16le,
bayer_bggr16be, bayer_rggb16le, bayer_rggb16be,
bayer_gbrg16le, bayer_gbrg16be, bayer_grbg16le,
bayer_grbg16be, yuv440p10le, yuv440p10be,
yuv440p12le, yuv440p12be, ayuv64le, ayuv64be,
--output-csp <string> Specify output colorspace ["i420"]
- i420, i422, i444, rgb
--input-depth <integer> Specify input bit depth for raw input