一起翻譯一本書碴倾,公眾號“追隨己心”將帶領大家一起翻譯《Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking》,將學習了多年的英語真正用起來破停,體會原版書籍和英文的美。
What Is Critical Thinking?
When Arthur was in the first grade, the teacher directed the class to “think.” “Now, class,” she said, “I know this problem is a little harder than the ones we’ve been doing, but I’m going to give you a few extra minutes to think about it. Now start thinking.”
It was not the first time Arthur had heard th eword used. He’d heard it many times at home, but never quite this way. The teacher seemed to be asking for some special activity, something he should know how to start and stop—like his father’s car. “Vroom-m-m,” he muttered half aloud. Because of his confusion, he was unaware he was making the noise.
“Arthur, please stop making noises and start thinking.”
mutter:[?m?t?] vt.輕聲低語温兼,咕噥地抱怨;含糊地說;自言自語地說; n.咕噥;小聲低語,小聲抱怨;怨言;
Embarrassed and not knowing quite what to do,he looked down at his desk. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the little girl next to him was staring at the ceiling. “Maybe that’s the way you start thinking,” he guessed. He decided the others had probably learned how to do it last year, that time he was home with the measles. So he stared at the ceiling.
measles:[?miz?lz]? n. ?<醫(yī)>麻疹; [獸](牛,豬的)囊蟲病; [攝]斑點; <美俚>梅毒封字,麻疹的紅斑點;
As he progressed through grade school and high school, he heard that same direction hundreds of times. “No, that’s not the answer, you’re not thinking—now think!” And occasionally he would hear from particularly self-pitying teachers given to muttering to themselves aloud:“What did I do to deserve this? Don’t they teach them anything in the grades any more?Don’t you people care about ideas? Think, dammit, THINK.”
So Arthur learned to feel somewhat guilty about the whole matter. Obviously, this thinking was an important activity that he’d failed to learn. Maybe he lacked the brain power. But he was resourceful enough. He watched the other students and did what they did. Whenever a teacher started in about thinking, he screwed up his face, furrowed his brow, scratched his head, stroked his chin, stared off into space or up at the ceiling, and repeated silently to himself, “Let’s see now, I’ve got to think about that,think, think—I hope he doesn’t call on me—think.”Though Arthur didn’t know it, that’s just what the other students were saying to themselves.
furrow:[?f?:ro?] n.皺紋;犁溝;車轍; v.犁田,開溝;使起皺紋;
Your experience may have been similar to Arthur’s. In other words, many people may have simply told you to think without ever explaining what thinking is and what qualities a good thinker has that a poor thinker lacks. If that is the case, you have a lot of company. Extensive,effective training in thinking is the exception rather than the rule. This fact and its unfortunate consequences are suggested by the following comments from accomplished observers of the human condition:
The most interesting and astounding contradiction in life is to me the constant insistence by nearly all people upon “l(fā)ogic,” “l(fā)ogical reasoning,” “sound reasoning,” on the one hand, and on the other their in ability to display it, and their unwillingness to accept it when displayed by others.
Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do.
astound:[??sta?nd]? vt.使震驚,使大吃一驚;
Clear thinking is a very rare thing, but even just plain thinking is almost as rare. Most of us most of the time do not think at all. We believe and we feel, but we do not think.
Mental indolence is one of the commonest of human traits.
What is this activity that everyone claims is important but few people have mastered? Thinking is a general term used to cover numerous activities, from day dreaming to reflection and analysis. Here are just some of the synonyms listed in Roget’s Thesaurus for think:
appreciate ??consult?? ????fancy ??????reason
believe ? ? ? contemplate ??imagine? ??reflect
cerebrate???deliberate????meditate ??ruminate
cogitate????digest????????muse ?????speculate
conceive????discuss ??????ponder? ???suppose
consider ????dream????? ??realize????weigh
評價?? ?????商討? ???????幻想? ?????推理
相信? ??????默想? ???????想象? ?????反思
動腦筋 ?????慎思?? ??????沉思? ?????反復思量
思索??? ????領悟 ????????冥想?? ????推鍘
設想?? ?????討論? ???????細想? ?????假設
考慮? ??????空想? ???????認識?? ????衡量
All of those are just the names that thinking goes under. They really don’t explain it. The fact is, after thousands of years of humans’ experiencing thought and talking and writing about thinking, it remains in many respects one of the great mysteries of our existence. Still,though much is yet to be learned, a great deal is already known.