“fathom“既是名詞也是動詞。作為名詞谍椅,fathom 表示測量水深的單位“英尋”;作為動詞古话,它表示“透徹理解”“深入了解”雏吭,今天我們要學習的是它的動詞用法。和表示“理解”的常見詞(比如 understand陪踩,comprehend杖们,figure out)相比,fathom 有“深不可測”“絞盡腦汁也沒有想透”的意味肩狂,在一些語境下使用 fathom 會更準確摘完,在寫作和口語中都可以使用。
比如傻谁,有首老歌叫《女孩的心思你別猜》孝治,說的也就是有些女孩的行為叫人難以看透,我們可以用 fathom 造句:
Girl’s behaviors/intentions are often hard to fathom.
在口語表達中审磁,難以看透某人或某事也可以直接說“I can’t fathom him/her/it”谈飒。再比如我們常說“問世間情為何物,直教人生死相許”力图,是不是也可以解讀為:
It’s hard to fathom why people fall in love and how some of them would die for the one they love.
Higher barriers to trade will add to inflation and hurt GDP, but to an extent that is hard to fathom.
Of all the Trump administration’s many regulatory cuts, the unrolling of these modest improvements to school food is among the hardest to fathom.
It is hard to fathom what the meaning of “l(fā)ove without requirement”.
What 'sunconditional love' truly means is hard to fathom.
It's hard to fathom what it means to love someone unconditionally.