Today I watched a movie named the great gatsby.This movie tell us a story about gatsby by Nick's speaking.With a spectator's identity or a involved person.He said "whenever you feel like criticizing any one,just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."Yes,you shouldn't have any words to say gatsby. I think he have his problem although he didn't do the right things but his love is pure and his dream is clear.He is drunk in his world and have the passing love's time.I think whatever he did he love daisy and he do his best to make a Fantastic beauty of the scam.
1920s is a short and special period in the history of the United States.The United States is in the old and new historical intersection, the vigorous development of capitalism, so that the United States from agricultural civilization quickly into the modern society of industrialization. Many people wanted to make much more Daisy she is a material girl .maybe she love gatsby but I think she is more like herself. I sympathetic to Daisy's situation and understand her hestation.Maybe ?that is the defferent with gastby and Daisy.
That'all .The movie's pictures is colourful but made me feel uncomfortable,so I need to have a rest .see you,bye .
I hope you can give me some advice to make the passage more interesting≥﹏≤
by Ariana wen