I was a self-employed living statue called the Eight-Foot Bride, and I love telling people I did this for a job, because everybody always wants to know, who are these freaks in real life.
I painted myself white one day, stood on a box, put a hat or a can at my feet, and when someone came by and dropped in money, I handed them a flower -- and some intense eye contact. And if they didn't take the flower, I threw in a gesture of sadness and longing -- as they walked away.
So I had the most profound encounters with people, especially lonely people who looked like they hadn't talked to anyone in weeks, and we would get this beautiful moment of prolonged eye contact being allowed in a city street, and we would sort of fall in love a little bit. And my eyes would say -- "Thank you, I see you." And their eyes would say --"Nobody ever sees me. Thank you."
I would get harassed sometimes. People would yell at me from their passing cars, "Get a job! " And I'd be, like, "This is my job." But it hurt, because it made me fear that I was somehow doing something un-job like and unfair, shameful. I had no idea how perfect a real education I was getting for the music business on this box.
I really didn't want to lose this sense of direct connection with people, because I love it. So after all of our shows, we would sign autographs and hug fans and hang out and talk to people, and we made an art out of asking people to help us and join us.
And I love this kind of random closeness, which is lucky, because I do a lot of couchsurfing.
So I couchsurf a lot. I also crowdsurf a lot. I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing. You're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other.
And through the very act of asking people, I'd connected with them, and when you connect with them, people want to help you. It's kind of counter-intuitive for a lot of artists. They don't want to ask for things. But it's not easy. It's not easy to ask. And a lot of artists have a problem with this. Asking makes you vulnerable.
Celebrity is about a lot of people loving you from a distance, but the internet and the content that we're freely able to share on it are taking us back.
Now, the online tools to make the exchange as easy and as instinctive as the street, they're getting there. But the perfect tools aren't going to help us if we can't face each other and give and receive fearlessly, but, more important -- to ask without shame.
I think people have been obsessed with the wrong question, which is, "How do we make people pay for music?" What if we started asking, "How do we let people pay for music?"