One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one.那一天实牡,我數(shù)算你的手指陌僵,輕輕把它們親遍
One day the first snowflakes fell,and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin.那一天,初雪飄落创坞,我把你高高舉起碗短,看雪花在你柔軟的肌膚上融化。
One day,we crossed the street,and you held my hand tight.那一天题涨,我們一起穿過街道偎谁,你緊緊抓住我的手奔坟。
Then ,you were my baby,and now you are my child.曾經(jīng)你是我嬰孩,現(xiàn)在你是我的女童搭盾。
Sometimes,When you sleep, I watch your dream,and I dream too......有時,當你睡著婉支,看著你入夢鸯隅,我也開始暢想…
That someday you will dive into the cool,clear water of a lake.有一天,你會躍入一面冰涼清澈的湖水向挖。
Someday you will walk into a deep wood.有一天蝌以,你會獨自走進一座幽密的森林。
Someday your eyes will be filled with a joy so deep that they shine.有一天何之,你的眼眸會被深刻的喜悅充滿而閃閃發(fā)光跟畅。
Someday you will run so fast and so far your heart will feel like fire.有一天,你會飛快地奔跑溶推,感受心的躍動如同火焰徊件。
Someday you will swing high so high, higher than you ever dared to swing.有一天,你會蕩起秋千蒜危,越來越高虱痕,前所未有。
Someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow.有一天辐赞,你會因為那些憂傷的事部翘,而被苦痛包圍。
Someday you will call a song to the wind,and the wind will carry your song away.有一天响委,你會在風中大聲歌唱新思,讓歌聲隨風而逝。
Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longer see you.有一天赘风,我會站在門廊夹囚,眺望你向我揮動著手臂,漸行漸遠邀窃。
Someday you will look at this house and wonder how something that feels so big can look so small.有一天崔兴,你會望著我們的家,詫異記憶中它的巨大蛔翅,和此刻看起來的渺小敲茄。
Someday you will feel a small weight against your strong back.有一天,你會感受到堅強的脊背上所負擔著小小的重量山析。
Someday I will watch you brushing your child's hair.有一天堰燎,我會看見你給你的孩子梳頭。
Someday,a long time from now,your own hair will glow silver in the sun.有一天笋轨,很久很久以后的以后秆剪,你的頭發(fā)也會在太陽底下閃爍銀光赊淑。
And when that day comes,love,you will remember me.當那天到來的時候,我的愛仅讽,你會記起我陶缺。