15110-張智峰 Laurence
Today I chose the book which named “Five little monkeys jumping on the bed”. It was written by Eileen Christelow. My fist impression to this pic book was right to the book’s name, it was quite funny.
Coz I have heard this book’s audio before, i also agreed to the way of singing this book, the words in the book were such of rhythm. Started from the 1st page, “it was bed time. So five little monkeys took a bath”, obviously, we could see five little monkeys were having a great shower time inside the same bathtub. The 2nd page went to “five little monkeys put on their pajamas”, this was quite good coz they could do this by themselves, and following the 3rd page, “five little monkeys brushed their teeth”, so they could do it by themselves. Everything went on just fine. At the time “Five little monkeys said good night to their mama”, I noticed five little monkeys’ were moving back and forth. The next page went to “Then…five little monkeys jumped on the bed”, it was their good time now, haha.
The next page went to “one fell off and bumped his head”, they played so happily that one monkey fell off and bumped his head. The next page went to “The mama called the doctor. The doctor said” “No more monkeys jumping on the bed”. Everything seems to be end in a harmonious way. Actually this was just the beginning, five little monkeys just went on jumping on the bed, and fell off one by one. The result was every monkey got hurt. Then five little monkeys fell fast asleep until everyone tried.
After I read this book, I strongly felt that we needed to guide the kids to notice the kid’s facial expression, they were so vivid. At the same time, I thought five little monkeys were all good monkeys coz they could put on pajamas and brushed their teeth by themselves, this was their shining part, and for the little monkeys, I thought they did a good job. As for jumping on the bed, I recalled my childhood, kids’ liked playing as this was their instinct. No need to panic, after they all experienced falling off the bed.