vuex 中的 getters
文檔對于component 中 vuex 屬性塊的描述其中包括了對 getter 的描述(黑體標(biāo)粗).
Note the special vuex option block. This is where we specify what state the component will be using from the store. For each property name, we specify a getter function which receives the entire state tree as the only argument, and then selects and returns a part of the state, or a computed value derived from the state. The returned result will be set on the component using the property name, just like a computed property.
All Vuex getters must be pure functions - they take the entire state tree in, and return some value solely based on that state. This makes them more testable, composable and efficient. It also means you cannot rely on this inside getters.
// vuex/store.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const state = {
count: 0
const mutations = {
INCREMENT (state) {
export default new Vuex.Store({
// templages/Display.vue
<h3>Count is {{ counterValue }}</h3>
import { getCount } from '../vuex/getters'
export default {
vuex: {
getters: {
counterValue: getCount
export function getCount (state){
return state.count;
Actions are just functions that dispatch mutations. By convention, Vuex actions always expect a store instance as its first argument, followed by optional additional arguments:
// vuex/action.js
export const incrementCounter = function ({ dispatch, state }) {
dispatch('INCREMENT', 1)
// components/Increment.vue
<button @click='increment'> Increment +1 </button>
import { incrementCounter } from '../vuex/action'
export default {
vuex: {
actions: {
increment: incrementCounter
getter 和 actions 給我個人的感覺就像java 類中的 get 和 set 函數(shù)