During the learning process of politics and history ?of Middle East, mind-maps, events and timelines are the most important factors to get through the homework.
Mind-maps, which demonstrate the origins and developments of the relation of Palestine and Israel, make you get the sophisiticatedly religious, cultural and territorial problems in these areas through logicial chains.
While the events, imposed the Middle East and were created by ancient empires of Canaan, Athens, Egypt, Syria and Rome. Geographical positions of Israel and Babylonia worsen the dislutions of territorial dispute.The balance of powers of the West Asia and North Africa shifted all the times.
Timelines reflect the changes in cultural exchanges.The virtues and failings of the different kingdoms intensified in communities.Timelines connect with events and mind-maps. They make it clrar that history of the country in these areas can not be properly understood apart from their neighbors.
Wars advocate development and progress in the arts of life. So does civilization. Perfect evidence of West Asia is ambigulous.