23天英語短句 完成

Reach the goals

  1. my life has been a trade-off
  2. If i want reach the goals I set for my self,I had to get at it and stay at it everyday
  3. I had to think about it all the time .
  4. I had to get up everyday with my mind set on improving something .
  5. I was driven by a disered to aways on the top of the heap

Mean Something

  1. I want to good
  2. I want the world to be better Because I was here
  3. IF you‘re not making someone else's life better then you're wasting you time
  4. I want my life ,my work,and my family to mean something
  5. You life will become better by making other lifes better
  6. I want to represent an idea
  7. I want to represent possibilities
  8. I want to represent the idea that you really can make what you want

Protect You Dream

  1. Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do it
  2. Not even me
  3. You got a dream , you gotta protect it
  4. When people can't do somthings themselves,They're gonna tell you that you can't do it
  5. you want something, go get it
  6. Period

Good artitst copy ,Great artitst steal

  1. How do you konw what's the right direction
  2. Ultimately it is comes down to taste
  3. It is comes down to taste
  4. It's a matter of trying to expose youself to the best things that humans have done
  5. And then try to bring those things into what you are doing
  6. Picaso had a saying ' good artists copy,great artist steal'
  7. We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.

Failed over and over and over again

  1. I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career
  2. I've lost almost 300 games
  3. 26 times i have been tursted to take the game winning shots and missed
  4. I've failed over and over and over again in my life
  5. And that is why i succeed

Pushing Throught The Pain

  1. As a magician ,I try to create images that make people stop and think.
  2. I also try to chanllenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possible
  3. As a magician I try to show things to people that seem impossible
  4. And I think magic,Whether I'm holding my breath or shuffling a deck of cards.it's pretty simple
  5. It's practice,It's training .
  6. And It's practice,It's training and expermeeting,While Pushing thourght the pain to be the best that i can be
    7.And that's what magic is to me,so ,thank you .


  1. you , me ,or nobody gonna hit as hard as life
  2. Bug it ain't how hard you hit
  3. it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward
  4. How much you can take and keep moving forward
  5. That's how winning is done.
    6.If you know what you're worth,go and get what you're worth
  6. But you gotta be willing to take the hits ,And not pointing fingers saying ain't where you wanna be .Because of him,or her,or anybody.
  7. Cowards do that ,And that ain't you
  8. You're better than that.

Will You Fight?

  1. I am kexiong wang
  2. And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in difance tyranny
  3. You've come to fight as free men
  4. And free men you are
  5. What Will you do with that freedom
  6. Will you fight
  7. Fight 毡咏,And you may die
    8.Run ,And you'll live a least awhile
    9.And dying in you beds many years from now
    10.Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that
    11.For one chance ,Just for one chance
    12.To Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives
    13.But They 'll never take our freedom!

Never Surrender

  1. We shall not flag or fail
  2. We shall go on to the end
  3. We shall fight in france
  4. We shall fight in the seas and in the oceans
  5. We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air
  6. We shall defend our island,Whether the cost may be
  7. We shall fight on the beaches
  8. We shall fight on the landing ground
  9. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets
    9.We shall fight in the ills
  10. We shall never surrender

Without Victory ,There is no survival

  1. I would say to the house ,As i said to those who have joined this government ,
    I have nothing to offer but blood ,toil,tears and sweat
  2. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.
  3. We have before us many,many long months of struggle and of suffering
  4. you ask ,What is our policy
  5. I will say.It is to wage war ,by sea ,land and air .with all our might .whit all the strength
    that God has given us .To wage war against a monstrous tyranny,never surpassed in
    the dark ,and lamentable catalogue of human crime.
  6. That's our policy
  7. you ask ,what's our aim .
  8. I can answer in one word . victory
  9. Victory at all cost .victory in spit of all terror.victory ,howver long and hard
    the road may be .
  10. For Without victory , there is no survival.

It takes a strong man to save himself.and a great man to save another

  1. The wall are funny
  2. First you hate them,Then you get used to them
  3. Enough time passes , you depend on them.That's institutionlized
  4. I guess it comes down to simple choice .get busy living or get busy dying.
  5. In 1966,Andy escaped from shawshank prison.
  6. All they found was a muddy set of prison clothes .a bar of soap.And an old
    rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub
  7. I remenber thinking that it take a man six hundred years to tunnel through
    the wall with it .Old Andy did it in less than twenty.

Lay this brick perfectly

  1. One summer his bad tore down a brick wall in the front of his bussiness.
    And told 12-year-old will and 9-year-old brother to rebuild it .
  2. A job they said was impossible
  3. It took them a year and a half .but they did it
  4. And he said ,"Now Don't you ever tell me there's something that you can't do.
  5. You don't set out to build a wall .
  6. You don't say "I'm going to build the biggest,daddest,greatest wall that's ever been build .
  7. You don't start there
  8. you say " I'm gonna to lay this brick as prefectly as a brick can be laid.
  9. You do that every single day
  10. And soon you have a wall

Do what you need to do

  1. I have a great time with my life ,And I want to share it
  2. I like living
  3. I thinking this Infectious ,it's something that you can't fake
  4. Greatness is not this wonderful,esoteric ,elusive god-like feature that only
    special people prossess
  5. It's something that turly exsit within all of us
  6. It's very simple
  7. This is what i belive ,And i'm willing to die for it
  8. Period
  9. Is that simple
  10. I konw what i am .i know what i belive .And that's all i need to know
    11.From there.you do what you need to
    12.you know
    13.I thinking what happens is we make the situation more complex.

Sickening work ethic

1.The saparation of talent and skill is one of the greatest misunderstood concepts for people who are tring to excel ,who have dreams ,who want to do things
2.Talent you have naturally
3.skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on you craft
4.I've never really viewed myself as particutlarly talented

  1. you know ,while other guy's sleeping,im working
  2. while other guy's eatin ,im working
  3. And where i'm excel is ridiculous,sickening,work ethic
    8.There no esay way around it.
    9.No matter how talented you are, Talent is going to fail you if you're not skilled
  4. If you don't study,work very hard and dedicate youself to getting better every single day.
    11.You'll never be able to communicate you artistry to people the way that you want
  5. The only thing that i see that is distinctly different about me is that i'm not afriad to die on a treadmill.
    13.You might have more talent than me ,you might be smarter than me ,But
    if we get on a treadmill together.There 're tow things
    14.You're getting off first.Or i'm gonna die
  6. It' really that simple

Bend your Universe

1.Our thoughts,feelings,dreams and ideas are physical in the Universe
2.If we dream something,If we picture something.And if we commit ourselves to it-That is a physical thurst towards realization that we send out into the universe
3.The universe is not a thing 孩饼,that’s going to push us around.
4.The world ,people and situations are not going to push us around .
5.we are going to bend the universe.
6.we are gonig to command and demand the universe become what we want it to be

  1. I studied the pattern of the universe
    8.There's a redemptive power that making a choice has .
    9.Rather than feeling like you are affected by all the things happening.make a choice
    10.Just decide waht you're gonna be .who you're gonna be And how you're gonna do it.
    11.just Decide
    12.From that point on ,The universe is gonna get out your way.

Super hard

1.The first you need to work,IF you,depending on how well you want to do
2.Particularly if you're starting a company,you need to work super hard
3.What does the supr hard mean?
4.well ,When My brother and i were staring up our first company ,instead of we gettting a apartment ,we just rented a small office盒蟆。
5.And we are slept on the couch
6.And we are showered at the YMCA
7.we are so hard up
8.We had just one computer
9.The website was up during the day ,And i was coding at night,seven days a week ,all the time
10.and i briefly had a girffriend at that period

  1. And in order to be with me ,she had to sleep in the office
  2. So i working hard like at every waking hours.
  3. That 's the thing i would say particularly if you are starting a company.
  4. And if you do simple math , say like ,If somebody else is working 50 hours,and you're working 100,you'll get twice as much done in the course of a year as the other compay

Think different

1.Here's to the crazy ones.
2.The misfits
3.The rebels
4.The troublemakers
5.The round pegs in the square holes
6.The ones who see things differently
7.They are not font of rules
8.And They have no respect for the status quo
9.you can quote them,disagree with them,glorify or vilify them
10.About the only thing you can't do is ignore them

  1. Because they change things
  2. They push the human race forward
  3. And while some may see them as the crazy ones,we see genius
  4. Because the people who are crazy engouh to think they can change the world .are the ones who do .

I aways knew I was going to be rich

  1. I aways knew I was going to be rich
  2. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute
  3. Einstein reputed to have said that , compound interest is eighth wonder of the world.or something like that
  4. And it goes back to that story . you probably learned when you were in grade school
  5. where somebody did somethings for the king.
  6. And the king said. what can i do for you
  7. And he said .well, let's take a chessboard .And put one kernel of wheat on first square,and then
    double it on the second,double it on the third
  8. And The king is readily agreed to it .And by the time he figured out what two to the 64th amounted to.he was giving away the entire kindom
  9. So it's a pretty simple concept .but over time. It accompolishes extraordinary things

compound interest

  1. And very early,probably when i was seven or so.i took this book out of the bensen library.called a thounsand ways to make a $1000.
  2. And one of The ways in this book was having penny weighing machines.
  3. And i sat and calculated how much it would cost to buy the first weighing machine.And then how long it would
    take for the profit from that one to buy another one.
  4. and i would sit there and create these conpund interest table to figure out how long it would take me to having weighing machines for every people in the world
  5. I had everybody in the country weighing themselves ten times a day .And me just sitting there like john D'RockeFeller of weigh machines
  6. that allowance when i was litter boy was a nickel a week.
  7. but i like the idea of having a litter more than a nickel a week to work with
  8. and i went into business very early .
    9.I start sell coca - cola door to door
  9. I sold gum door to door
  10. I sold saturday eveing post liberty magazine ladies home jurnel you name it
    12.I think i enjoyed the game almost right form the start
    13.But i like being my own boss
    14.That's one thing i liked about delivering papers
    15.I could arrange the route i wanted
  11. Nobody was bothering me at 5 or 6 in the moring
    17.and i was delivering 500 papers a day
  12. and i made a penny a paper .but in terms of compound .That penny has turned into something else.

method of learning

  1. Alfred North Whitehead said it one time that "The rapid advance of civilization came only when man invented the method of invention"
  2. And of couse he was refering to .The huge growth of GDP per capita and all the other good things that we now take of granted which start a few hundred years ago and before that all was stasis.
  3. That the civilization can progress only when invents the method of invetion .you can progress only when learn the method of learning
  4. I was very lucky
  5. i came to law shcool having learned the method of learning .And Nothing has served me better in my long life than continuous learning
  6. if you take warren buffert and watched him with a time clock.i would say half of all the time he spend is sitting on his ass and reading
  7. and a big chunk of the rest of the time he was spent to talking one on one . eitheir on the telephone or personally, with hight gifted people whom he trusts and who trust him.
  8. In other words .It looks quite acamedic .all this worldly success

Change mindset change brain

  1. Just the word yet or not yet .we're finding .give kids a greate confidence and give a path into the future that creats a greats persistence.
  2. we can actually change students mindset
    3.In one study ,we tought students that every time push out of them comfort zone to learning something new and difficult,The neurons in thier brain can form new ,strongre connections ,And over time they can get smarter.
    4.Look what happened .
  3. In this study.students who were not tougth this growth mindset continuous to showed descling grades over this school difficult transition.those who tougth this lesson showed a sharp rebound in this grades .
  4. We have shown it now ,this kind of improment.with thousands and thousands of kids.especially struggling students

grit is key to success

  1. So i left the classroom ,and i went to graduate school to become a psychologist .
  2. I started studing kids ana adults in all kinds of super challenging settings.and in every study my
    question was.who's successful here and why
  3. my research team and i went to west point military academy
  4. we tried to predict which cadets would stay in military training .and which would drop out .
  5. we went to the national spelling bee and tried to predict which children would advance farthest
    in competition
  6. we studied rookie teachers working in really touch neighborhoods .asking which teachers are still
    going to be here in teaching by the end of school years .and of those . who will be the most effective
    at improving learning outcomes for their students
  7. we partnered with private compaines .asking which of these salespeople is going to keep their jobs
  8. and who's going to earn the most money .
  9. In all those different contexts .one characteristic emerged as a signficant predictor of success.
  10. and it wasn't social intelligence.
  11. it wasn't good looks .physical health .and it wasn't iq.
  12. it was grit
  13. grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.
  14. grit is having stamina.
  15. grit is sticking with your further. day in ,day out ,not just for the week .not just for the month .
    but for years.and working really hard to make that further a reality.
    16.grit is living life like marathon .not a sprint .
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