Week 3 5.22 Mon. 筆譯筆記(必做)
designation n. A?designation?is a description, name, or title that is given to someone or something.名稱瞒窒,頭銜
retaliation n.報復慌盯,反擊
fit the bill剛好符合要求
trade surplus貿易順差– trade deficit貿易逆差
material a. Material?evidence or information is directly relevant and important in a legal or academic argument.實質性的(證據等)
reserves n.儲備金
prop up支撐,維持
capital flight資本流失
broad a.廣泛的
impulsiveness n.沖動
bluster n.恫嚇
ruefully ad.悲傷地
broadly ad.大體上
hindsight n.后見之明
Council on Foreign Relations外交關系委員會
legality n.合法性
push back against抵制…囊嘉;對…反擊
successive a.連續(xù)不斷地格嘁;依次的
economic dislocations經濟混亂
pummel vt.連續(xù)捶打
hand over fist平穩(wěn)快捷地笛求,大量地
foreign reserves外匯儲備
greenback n.美鈔
multinational n.跨國公司
unheard-of a.空前的,前所未聞的
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act《綜合貿易及競爭法》(1988)
bow to屈從于
have/get bigger fish to fry有更重要的事情要做
supercharged a.超動力的糕簿;增加動力的
overhaul n.全面檢修探入;改革If you?overhaul?a system ormethod, you examine it carefully and make many changes in it in order toimprove it.
sagging a.日益減少/下跌的
posit vt.假定,假想
mediocre a.平庸的If you describesomething as?mediocre, you mean that it is of average quality but youthink it should be better.
be flush with與…齊平
stand up to抵抗懂诗;勇敢面對
dumping n.傾銷
tinker with胡亂擺弄
reserves n.儲備金
currency manipulators 貨幣操縱國:某國通過人為地將人民幣兌美元匯率保持在低水平蜂嗽,以擴大出口。
外匯儲備:外匯儲備(Foreign Exchange Reserve)贮竟,又稱為外匯存底丽焊,指為了應付國際支付的需要较剃,各國的中央銀行及其他政府機構所集中掌握的外匯資產。
傾銷:If a firm or company?dumps goods, itsells large quantities of them at prices far below their real value, usually inanother country, in order to gain a bigger market share or to keep prices highin the home market.