On Writing Well -Day26 (Ch24&25)


Part I | Principles

1. The Transaction

2. Simplicity

3. Clutter (Writing clean English Sentence)

4. Style (Preserving your identity)

5. The audience (Who am I writing for)

6. Words (The only tools you’ve got)

7. Usage (What is good usage)

Part II | Methods

8. Unity (Anchor of good writing)

9. The lead and the ending

10. Bits and pieces

Part II | Forms

11. Nonfiction as Literature

12. Writing About People: The Interview

13. Writing About Places: The travel article

14. Writing About Yourself: The Memoir

15. Science and Technology

16. Business Writing:Writing in Your Job

17. Sports

18. Writing About the Arts Critics and Columnists

19. Humor

Part III |Attitudes

20. The Sound of Your Voice

21. Enjoyment, Fear and Confidence

22. The Tyranny of the Final Product

23. A Writer’s Decisions

24. Writing Family History and Memoir

25. Write as Well as You Can

Words and Expressions:


1. ...feel the first twinges of their own advancing age...


1.N-COUNT (通常指不快的)一陣強(qiáng)烈情感

A twinge is a sudden sharp feeling or emotion, usually an unpleasant one.

【搭配模式】:with supp

I would have twinges of guilt occasionally…


For a moment, Arnold felt a twinge of sympathy for Mr Wilson.


2.N-COUNT (一陣)劇痛像啼,刺痛

A twinge is a sudden sharp pain.

…the occasional twinge of indigestion.


2. do they suddenly want to know more about their family heritage and all its accretions of anecdote and lore.

1.N-COUNT 增加物;添加物

An accretion is an addition to something, usually one that has been added over a period of time.

【STYLE標(biāo)簽】:FORMAL 正式

The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.


2.N-UNCOUNT 添加;累積

Accretion is the process of new layers or parts being added to something so that it increases in size.

【STYLE標(biāo)簽】:FORMAL 正式

A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.


3. My father, a businessman with no literary pretensions.

1.N-VAR 自命不凡垛贤;虛榮;矯飾

If you say that someone has pretensions, you disapprove of them because they claim or pretend that they are more important than they really are.


Her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world...


2.N-UNCOUNT 聲稱聘惦;標(biāo)榜;自稱

If someone has pretensions to something, they claim to be or do that thing.

【搭配模式】:also N in pl

The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status...


4. He would assess the situation, pick a club out of the bag.


1.N-COUNT 俱樂部;會(huì);社團(tuán)

A club is an organization of people interested in a particular activity or subject who usually meet on a regular basis.

...the Chorlton Conservative Club.


He was club secretary.


2.N-COUNT 俱樂部會(huì)所禀酱;俱樂部活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所

A club is a place where the members of a club meet.

【搭配模式】:oft poss N

I stopped in at the club for a drink.


3.N-COUNT 職業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)俱樂部

A club is a team which competes in sporting competitions.

...Liverpool football club.


4.N-COUNT 同 nightclub

A club is the same as a nightclub.

It's a big dance hit in the clubs.


5.N-COUNT (高爾夫球)球桿

A club is a long, thin, metal stick with a piece of wood or metal at one end that you use to hit the ball in golf.

...a six-iron club.


6.N-COUNT 大棒;棍棒

A club is a thick heavy stick that can be used as a weapon.

Men armed with knives and clubs attacked his home.


7.VERB (用大棒等)狠狠地打,猛擊

To club a person or animal means to hit them hard with a thick heavy stick or a similar weapon.

【語法信息】:V n

【語法信息】:V n to n

Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong.


8.N-UNCOUNT-COLL (紙牌中的)梅花

Clubs is one of the four suits in a pack of playing cards. Each card in the suit is marked with one or more black symbols: .

...the ace of clubs.


A club is a playing card of this suit.(一張)梅花(牌)

The next player discarded a club.


相關(guān)詞組:club together

5. He gave a copy, personally inscribed, to each of his three daughters.

1.VERB 寫;刻;雕

If you inscribe words on an object, you write or carve the words on the object.

【語法信息】:V nonn

【語法信息】:V-ed on/with n

【語法信息】:V-ed quote

Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls...


...stone slabs inscribed with Buddhist texts.


2.VERB 題寫;題獻(xiàn);題贈(zèng)

If you inscribe something in the front of a book or on a photograph, you write it there, often before giving it to someone.

【語法信息】:V n

【語法信息】:V-ed quote

On the back I had inscribed the words: 'Here's to Great Ideas! John'...


The book isinscribed: To John Arlott from Laurie Lee.


6. In his family history my father didn’t dodge the central trauma of his childhood.


1.VERB 閃開;躲開;避開

If you dodge, you move suddenly, often to avoid being hit, caught, or seen.

【語法信息】:V prep/adv

He dodged amongst the seething crowds of men...


2.VERB 閃身躲開;避開

If you dodge something, you avoid it by quickly moving aside or out of reach so that it cannot hit or reach you.

【語法信息】:V n

He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down.


3.VERB (常指用欺詐的方式故意)躲避坊夫,逃避

If you dodge something, you deliberately avoid thinking about it or dealing with it, often by being deceitful.

【語法信息】:V n

【搭配模式】:usu supp N

Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax.


Dodge is also a noun.

This was not just a tax dodge.


7.Their mother was the daughter of a self-made German immigrant.

ADJ 靠自己奮斗成功的;(尤指)白手起家的

Self-made is used to describe people who have become successful and rich through their own efforts, especially if they started life without money, education, or high social status.

【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n

He is as elf-made man.


...a self-made millionaire.


8.But she had the German penchant for telling people off.


Tell off

PHRASAL VERB 斥責(zé);訓(xùn)斥;訓(xùn)誡

If you tell someone off, you speak to them angrily or seriously because they have done something wrong.

【語法信息】:V n P

【語法信息】:V n P for n/-ing

【語法信息】:V P n (not pron)

He never listened to us when we told him off...


I'm always being told off for being so awkward...


9.The result was an avalanche of memoirs that were little more than therapy.

1.N-COUNT 雪崩

An avalanche is a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain.

2.N-SING 紛至沓來到推;蜂擁而至

You can refer to a very large quantity of things that all arrive or happen at the same time as an avalanche

of them.

【搭配模式】:usu Nofn

The newcomer was greeted with an avalanche of publicity.


10.Writing was out and whining was in.



1.VERB 尖叫;哀號(hào);悲鳴

If something or someone whines, they make a long, high-pitched noise, especially one which sounds sad or unpleasant.


【搭配模式】:usu sing

He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background...


Whine is also a noun.

...thewhineof air-raid sirens.


2.VERB (令人討厭地)抱怨;嘮叨

If you say that someone is whining, you mean that they are complaining in an annoying way about something unimportant.

【語法信息】:V about n/-ing

【語法信息】:V that

【語法信息】:V with quote




They come to me to whine about their troubles.


It's just a scratch. Stop whining.


...a pleading, whining voice.


11.She regularly clipped columns and articles out of the paper.

clip在這里是動(dòng)詞,表示 (從報(bào)紙或雜志上)剪下董朝。

1.N-COUNT (金屬或塑料的)回形針鸠项,夾子

A clip is a small device, usually made of metal or plastic, that is specially shaped for holding things together.

She took theclipout of her hair.


2.V-ERG (用夾子)夾住子姜,夾在一起

When you clip things together or when things clip together, you fasten them together using a clip or clips.

【語法信息】:V n to/on n

【語法信息】:V n prep/adv

【語法信息】:V to n


He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck...


3.N-COUNT (電影、廣播或電視節(jié)目的)剪輯哥捕,片段

A clip from a film or a radio or television programme is a short piece of it that is broadcast separately.

【搭配模式】:oft n N

...a clip from the movie 'Shane'.


4.VERB (尤指為使某物成形而)修剪牧抽,剪

If you clip something, you cut small pieces from it, especially in order to shape it.

【語法信息】:V n

I saw an old man out clipping his hedge...


Clip is also a noun.

Give hedges a last clip.


5.VERB (從報(bào)紙或雜志上)剪下

If you clip something out of a newspaper or magazine, you cut it out.

【語法信息】:V n from/out of n

Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around.


6.VERB (意外地)斜撞鸽捻,側(cè)擊

If something clips something else, it hits it accidentally at an angle before moving off in a different direction.

【語法信息】:V n

The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck.


7.N-COUNT (通常指作為懲罰的)耳光御蒲,抽打

If you give someone a clip round the ear, you hit their head fairly lightly with the palm of your hand, usually as a punishment.

The boy was later given a clip round the ear by his father.


8.VERB 削減诊赊,縮短(時(shí)間)

If you clip a small amount off the time taken to do something, you reduce it by that amount.

【語法信息】:V amount off/from n

Boardman finished in 1hr 43mins,clipping 49 seconds from his own course record.


9.N-COUNT 彈夾;彈匣;彈倉

An ammunition clip is a metal container on an automatic weapon which holds ammunition.

【搭配模式】:oft n N

10.See also:clipping;clipped;bulldog clip;paper clip;

11.PHRASE 快速地碧磅;飛速地

If something moves or happens at a fast clip, it moves or happens quickly.

【搭配模式】:PHR after v

【STYLE標(biāo)簽】:INFORMAL 非正式

They moved out from the airport at a brisk clip...


12. Victorian writers had a taste for the ornate and didn’t consider brevity a virtue.

ADJ-GRADED 裝飾華麗的;修飾繁復(fù)的

An ornate building, piece of furniture, or object is decorated with complicated patterns or shapes.

...an ornate iron staircase.


...the big dining-room with its massive fireplace and ornate ceiling.



Eventually they reached a pair of ornately carved doors.





24章,zinser用自己沒有受過寫作訓(xùn)練的父親做例子职辨,講了怎么寫家庭傳記盗蟆。看完之后舒裤,覺得memoir for family的意義真的遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過寫作這件事本身喳资,讓作者能夠以自己的視角,將回憶變成文字送給家人腾供,世界上還有比這更好的禮物么仆邓?

25章鲜滩,雖然標(biāo)題是 "write as well as you can", 但后半章看下來更像 “fight as hard as you can”宏赘。



直到看了《麥克斯·珀金斯:天才們的編輯》,才意識(shí)到編輯也可以像zinser說的那樣号枕," An editor’s hand must be invisible. Whatever he adds in his own words shouldn’t sound like his own words; they should sound like the writer’s words. "缰揪。

而編輯和作家的關(guān)系,雖然大多數(shù)情況下相愛相殺葱淳,但"Ideally the relationship between a writer and an editor should be one of negotiation and trust. "钝腺,可以有爭(zhēng)執(zhí),但出發(fā)點(diǎn)都是為了作品本身更好赞厕。

能夠碰到好編輯艳狐,當(dāng)然是幸運(yùn)的事,但假如碰不到皿桑,就要像zinser那樣僵驰,捍衛(wèi)自己的作品,fight as hard as you can!


Writing well means believing in your writing and believing in yourself, taking risks, daring to be different, pushing yourself to excel.You will write only as well as you make yourself write.
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