#### [905. 按奇偶排序數(shù)組](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/sort-array-by-parity/)
?* Return an array of size *returnSize.
?* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
#include <stdio.h>
int* sortArrayByParity(int* A, int ASize, int* returnSize) {
??? *returnSize=ASize;
??? int* temp=(int*)malloc(ASize*sizeof(int));
??? for (int i = 0,j = 0,k = ASize-1;i < ASize;i++) {
??????? if (A[i] % 2 == 0) {
??????????? temp[j] = A[i];
??????????? j++;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? temp[k] = A[i];
??????????? k--;
??????? }
??? }
??? return temp;
#### [922. 按奇偶排序數(shù)組 II](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/sort-array-by-parity-ii/)
?* Return an array of size *returnSize.
?* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
int* sortArrayByParityII(int* A, int ASize, int* returnSize) {
??? *returnSize=ASize;
??? int* temp=(int*)malloc(ASize*sizeof(int));
??? for (int i = 0,j = 0,k = 1;i < ASize;i++) {
??????? if (A[i]%2 == 0) {
??????????? temp[j] = A[i];
??????????? j +=2;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? temp[k] = A[i];
??????????? k += 2;
??????? }
??? }
??? return temp;
# 2.鏈表
#### [83. 刪除排序鏈表中的重復元素](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list/)
?* Definition for singly-linked list.
?* struct ListNode {
?*???? int val;
?*???? struct ListNode *next;
?* };
struct ListNode* deleteDuplicates(struct ListNode* head) {
??? if (head == NULL ||head->next == NULL) {
??????? return head;
??? }
??? struct ListNode* p = head;
??? int value = p->val;
??? while(p->next != NULL) {
??????? if(p->next->val == value) {
??????????? deleteNode(p);
??????? }
??????? //邊界條件
??????? if (p->next != NULL) {
??????????? if (p->next->val > value) {
??????????? p = p->next;
??????????? value = p->val;
????????? }
??????? }
??? }
??? return head;
void deleteNode(struct ListNode* p) {
??? struct ListNode* q;
??? if (p->next != NULL) {
??????? q = p->next;
??????? p->next = q->next; ?
??????? q = NULL;
??? }
#### [21. 合并兩個有序鏈表](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/merge-two-sorted-lists/)
?* Definition for singly-linked list.
?* struct ListNode {
?*???? int val;
?*???? struct ListNode *next;
?* };
struct ListNode* mergeTwoLists(struct ListNode* l1, struct ListNode* l2) {
??? //向第一個比較小的鏈表插入,注意鏈表長度可能不等
??? struct ListNode* w ,*head;
??? if (l1 == NULL) {
??????? return l2;
??? }
??? if (l2 == NULL) {
??????? return l1;
??? }
??? if (l1->val < l2->val) {
??????? head = l1;
??????? l1 = l1->next;
??? }
??? else {
??????? head = l2;
??????? l2 = l2->next;
??? }
??? w = head;
??? while(l1 != NULL && l2 != NULL) {
??????? if (l1->val < l2->val) {
??????????? w->next = l1;
??????????? l1 = l1->next;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? w->next = l2;
??????????? l2 = l2->next;
??????? }
??????? w = w->next;
??? }
??? if (l1 != NULL) {
??????? w->next = l1;
??? }
??? if (l2 != NULL) {
??????? w->next = l2;
??? }
??? return head;
# 3.棧與隊列
[20. 有效的括號](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/valid-parentheses/)
bool isValid(char* s) {
? int length = strlen(s);
? char* temp = (char*)malloc(length);
? int tail = 0;
? for (int i = 0;i < length;i++) {
??? char value = s[i];
??? if (value == '(' || value == '{' || value == '[' ) {
??????? temp[tail] = value;
??????? tail++;
??? }
??? else {
??????? if (tail == 0) {
??????????? return false;
??????? }
??????? char now = temp[tail - 1];
??????? if ((now == '(' && value == ')') || (now == '{' && value == '}') || (now == '[' && value == ']')) {
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? return false;
??????? }
??????? tail--;
??? }
? }
? if (tail != 0) {
??? return false;
? }
? return true;
# 4.遞歸思想
1.1 遞歸終止條件;
1.2 遞推公式欣孤;
# 5.排序
?注意值得比較 比較方式:相鄰元素比較
?優(yōu)化:1.比較次數(shù) 2.提前退出標志
- (void)bubbleSort:(NSMutableArray*)array {
??? if (array == nil) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? if (array.count <= 1) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? for (NSInteger i = 0;i < array.count;i++) {
??????? NSInteger flag = 0;
??????? for (NSInteger j = 0;j < array.count-1-i;j++) {
??????????? if ([array[j] integerValue] > [array[j+1] integerValue]) {
??????????????? NSInteger temp = [array[j] integerValue];
??????????????? array[j] = array[j+1];
??????????????? array[j+1] = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:temp];
??????????????? flag = 1;
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? if (!flag) {
??????????? return;
??????? }
??? }
- (void)selectSort:(NSMutableArray*)array {
??? if (array == nil) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? if (array.count <= 1) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? for (NSInteger i = 0;i < array.count;i++) {
??????? NSInteger minPos = i;
??????? for (NSInteger j = i+1; j < array.count;j++) {
??????????? if ( [array[minPos] integerValue] > [array[j] integerValue]) {
??????????????? minPos = j;
??????????? }
??????????? if (j == array.count - 1) {
??????????????? NSInteger temp = [array[minPos] integerValue];
??????????????? array[minPos] = array[i];
??????????????? array[i] = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:temp];
??????????? }
??????? }
?????? ?
??? }
?? ?
- (void)insertSort:(NSMutableArray*)array {
??? if (array == nil) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? if (array.count <= 1) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? for (NSInteger i = 1;i < array.count;i++) {
??????? //要插入的數(shù)據(jù)
??????? NSInteger temp = [array[i] integerValue];
??????? NSInteger j = i-1;
??????? //已排序區(qū)間
??????? for (;j >= 0;--j) {
??????????? //查找插入位置
??????????? if ([array[j] integerValue] > temp) {
??????????????? //依次向后移動
??????????????? array[j+1] = array[j];
??????????? }
??????????? else {
??????????????? break;
??????????? }
?????????? ?
??????? }
??????? array[j+1] = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:temp];
??? }
- (void)mergeSort:(NSMutableArray*)array {
?? NSMutableArray * res =? [self mergeSort:array begin:0 end:array.count-1];
??? NSLog(@"res--%@",res);
- (NSMutableArray*)mergeSort:(NSMutableArray*)array begin:(NSInteger)begin end:(NSInteger)end {
??? if (begin >= end) {
??????? return [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:array[begin], nil];
??? }
??? NSInteger middle = (begin+end)/2;
??? NSMutableArray * leftArray = [self devidArray:array begin:begin end:middle];
??? NSMutableArray * rightArray = [self devidArray:array begin:middle+1 end:end];
??? [self mergeSort:leftArray begin:0 end:leftArray.count-1];
??? [self mergeSort:rightArray begin:0 end:rightArray.count-1];
??? NSMutableArray * res = [self mergeArray:leftArray right:rightArray ];
??? return? res;
- (NSMutableArray*)devidArray:(NSMutableArray*)array begin:(NSInteger)begin end:(NSInteger)end {
??? NSMutableArray * reslutArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0];
??? for (NSInteger i = begin;i <= end;i++) {
??????? [reslutArray addObject:array[i]];
??? }
??? return reslutArray;
- (NSMutableArray*)mergeArray:(NSMutableArray*)left right:(NSMutableArray*)right {
??? NSMutableArray * resultArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0];
??? NSInteger i = 0;
??? NSInteger j = 0;
??? while (i < left.count && j < right.count) {
??????? NSInteger valueL = [left[i] integerValue];
??????? NSInteger valueR = [right[j] integerValue];
??????? if (valueL < valueR) {
??????????? [resultArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:valueL]];
??????????? i++;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? [resultArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:valueR]];
??????????? j++;
??????? }
??? }
??? if (i < left.count) {
??????? for (;i<left.count;i++) {
??????????? [resultArray addObject:left[i]];
??????? }
??? }
??? if (j < right.count) {
??????? for (;j < right.count;j++) {
??????????? [resultArray addObject:right[j]];
??????? }
??? }
??? return resultArray;
- (void)quickSort:(NSMutableArray*)array begin:(NSInteger)begin end:(NSInteger)end {
??? if (begin >= end) {
??????? return;
??? }
?? // NSInteger partition = [self partition:array left:begin right:end];
?? ?
??? NSInteger i = begin;
??? NSInteger j = end;
??? NSInteger key = end;
??? while (i != j) {
??????? //注意前后順序 下面順序反了,所以錯了, 如果key改為end涯贞,則能正確輸出
??????? //key從頭枪狂,先遍歷尾;key從尾,先遍歷頭
??????? while (i<j && [array[i] integerValue] <= [array[key] integerValue]) {
??????????? i++;
??????? }
??????? while (i<j && [array[j] integerValue] >= [array[key] integerValue]) {
??????????? j--;
??????? }
?????? ?
??????? if (i < j) {
??????????? [array exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:j];
??????? }
?????? ?
??? }
??? [array exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:end];
?? ?
??? [self quickSort:array begin:begin end:i - 1];
??? [self quickSort:array begin:i + 1 end:end];
- (NSInteger)partition:(NSMutableArray*)array left:(NSInteger)left right:(NSInteger)right {
??? NSInteger key = left;
??? NSInteger i = left;
??? NSInteger j = right;
??? while (i != j) {
??????? while (i<j && [array[key] integerValue] <= [array[j] integerValue]) {
??????????? j--;
??????? }
??????? while (i<j && [array[key] integerValue] >= [array[i] integerValue]) {
??????????? i++;
??????? }
??????? if (i<j) {
??????????? [array exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:j];
??????? }
??? }
?? ?
??? //最終將基準數(shù)歸位, 因為i == j, 需要將<基數(shù)所在位置的value>與<i/j相等的位置的value>互換位置
??? [array exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:left];
??? return i;
- (void)quickSort:(NSMutableArray*)array left:(NSInteger)left right:(NSInteger)right k:(NSInteger)k{
??? if (left >= right) {
??????? return;
??? }
??? NSInteger partition = [self partition:array left:left right:right];
??? //繼續(xù)左邊的排序
??? [self quickSort:array left:left right:partition - 1 k:k];
??? //繼續(xù)右邊的排序
??? [self quickSort:array left:partition + 1 right:right k:k];
- (NSInteger)findK:(NSMutableArray*)array begin:(NSInteger)begin end:(NSInteger)end indexOfK:(NSInteger)k {
??? if (begin >= end) {
??????? return -1;
??? }
??? NSInteger partition = [self partition:array left:begin right:end];
??? if (partition+1 == k) {
??????? return [array[partition] integerValue];
??? }
??? else if (k > partition+1) {
????? return?? [self findK:array begin:partition+1 end:end indexOfK:k];
??? }
??? else {
????? return?? [self findK:array begin:begin end:partition-1 indexOfK:k];
??? }
??? return -1;
?? ?
3.1桶排序/計數(shù)排序 :針對數(shù)據(jù)范圍不大的數(shù)據(jù)州疾,將數(shù)據(jù)劃分成不同的桶來實現(xiàn)排序;
#### [242. 有效的字母異位詞](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/valid-anagram/)
給定兩個字符串 s 和 t 孝治,編寫一個函數(shù)來判斷 t 是否是 s 的一個字母異位詞。
示例 1:
??? 輸入: s = "anagram", t = "nagaram"
??? 輸出: true
示例 2:
??? 輸入: s = "rat", t = "car"
??? 輸出: false
如果輸入字符串包含 unicode 字符怎么辦谈飒?你能否調(diào)整你的解法來應對這種情況?
bool isAnagram(char* s, char* t) {
??? int sLength = strlen(s);
??? int tLength = strlen(t);
??? if (sLength != tLength) {
??????? return false;
??? }
??? int ts[26] = { 0 };
??? int st[26] = { 0 };
??? for (int i = 0;i < sLength;i++) {
??????? ts[s[i] - 'a'] ++;
??????? st[t[i] - 'a'] ++;
??? }
??? for (int i = 0;i < 26;i++) {
??????? if (ts[i] != st[i]) {
??????????? return false;
??????? }
??? }
??? return true;
# 6.二分查找
- (NSInteger)binarySearch:(NSMutableArray*)array value:(NSInteger)value {
??? NSInteger head = 0;
??? NSInteger tail = array.count - 1;
?? ?
??? while (head <= tail) {
??????? NSInteger middle = head+(tail-head)/2;
??????? if ([array[middle] integerValue] > value) {
??????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????? }
??????? else if ([array[middle] integerValue] < value) {
??????????? head = middle + 1;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? return middle;
??????? }
??? }
??? return -1;
- (NSInteger)binarySearch:(NSMutableArray*)array lastSmallValue:(NSInteger)value {
??? NSInteger head = 0;
??? NSInteger tail = array.count - 1;
??? while (head <= tail) {
??????? NSInteger middle = head + (tail-head)/2;
??????? if ([array[middle] integerValue] <= value) {
??????????? if (middle == array.count - 1) {
??????????????? return middle;
??????????? }
??????????? else if (middle + 1 <=? array.count - 1) {
??????????????? if ([array[middle+1] integerValue] > value) {
??????????????????? return middle;
??????????????? }
??????????????? else {
?????????????????? head = middle + 1;
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? else {
?????????????? head = middle + 1;
??????????? }
?????????? ?
??????? }
??????? else if ([array[middle] integerValue] > value) {
?????????? ?
???????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????? }
??? }
??? return -1;
- (NSInteger)binarySearch:(NSMutableArray*)array firstBigValue:(NSInteger)value {
??? NSInteger head = 0;
??? NSInteger tail = array.count - 1;
??? while (head <= tail) {
??????? NSInteger middle = head + (tail-head)/2;
??????? if ([array[middle] integerValue] >= value) {
??????????? if (middle == 0) {
??????????????? return middle;
??????????? }
??????????? else if (middle - 1 >= 0) {
??????????????? if ([array[middle-1] integerValue] < value) {
??????????????????? return middle;
??????????????? }
??????????????? else {
??????????????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? else {
??????????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????????? }
?????????? ?
??????? }
??????? else if ([array[middle] integerValue] <value) {
??????????? head = middle + 1;
??????? }
??? }
??? return -1;
- (NSInteger)binarySearch:(NSMutableArray*)array firstValue:(NSInteger)value {
??? NSInteger head = 0;
??? NSInteger tail = array.count - 1;
??? while (head <= tail) {
??????? NSInteger middle = head + (tail-head)/2;
??????? if ([array[middle] integerValue] > value) {
??????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????? }
??????? else if ([array[middle] integerValue] <value) {
??????????? head = middle + 1;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? if (middle == 0) {
??????????????? return middle;
??????????? }
??????????? else if (middle >= 1) {
??????????????? if ([array[middle - 1] integerValue] != value) {
??????????????????? return middle;
??????????????? }
??????????????? else {
??????????????????? //向前找
??????????????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? else {
??????????????? //向前找
??????????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????????? }
??????? }
??? }
??? return -1;
- (NSInteger)binarySearch:(NSMutableArray*)array lastValue:(NSInteger)value {
??? NSInteger head = 0;
??? NSInteger tail = array.count - 1;
??? while (head <= tail) {
??????? NSInteger middle = head + (tail-head)/2;
??????? if ([array[middle] integerValue] > value) {
??????????? tail = middle - 1;
??????? }
??????? else if ([array[middle] integerValue] <value) {
??????????? head = middle + 1;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? if (middle == array.count - 1) {
??????????????? return middle;
??????????? }
??????????? else if (middle+1 <= array.count - 1) {
??????????????? if ([array[middle + 1] integerValue] != value) {
??????????????????? return middle;
??????????????? }
??????????????? else {
??????????????????? //向后找
??????????????????? head = middle + 1;
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? else {
??????????????? //向后找
??????????????? head = middle + 1;
??????????? }
??????? }
??? }
??? return -1;
#### [441. 排列硬幣](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/arranging-coins/)
你總共有 *n *枚硬幣钾恢,你需要將它們擺成一個階梯形狀手素,第 *k *行就必須正好有 *k *枚硬幣。
給定一個數(shù)字 n瘩蚪,找出可形成完整階梯行的總行數(shù)泉懦。
*n *是一個非負整數(shù),并且在32位有符號整型的范圍內(nèi)疹瘦。
示例 1:
??? n = 5
?? ?
??? 硬幣可排列成以下幾行:
??? ¤
??? ¤ ¤
??? ¤ ¤
?? ?
??? 因為第三行不完整崩哩,所以返回2.
int arrangeCoins(int n) {
??? // int i = 0,sum = 0;
??? // while(sum <= n) {
??? //???? i++;
??? //???? sum += i;
??? // }
??? // if (n - sum < i) {
??? //??? i--;
??? // }
??? return arrangeCoins2(n);
int arrangeCoins2(int n) {
??? int low = 0, high = (1 << 16) - 1,mid = 0,sum = 0;
??? while(low <= high) {
??????? mid = low + ((high-low)>>1);
??????? sum = ((mid&1) == 0) ? (mid/2) * (mid + 1) : ((mid + 1)/2) *mid;
??????? if (sum == n) {
??????????? return mid;
??????? }
??????? else if(sum > n) {
??????????? high = mid - 1;
??????? }
??????? else {
??????????? low = mid + 1;
??????? }
??? }
??? return sum > n ? mid-1 : mid;
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