Lesson78? The last one?
After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly. I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. My friends kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. After seven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. He himself has done it lots of times!
[?ɑ?ft?] [?ri?d??] [?n] [?ɑ?t?kl] [?n?ta?tld] [?s?g??r?t] [?sm??k??] [?nd] [j??] [h?lθ] [a?] [l?t] [?] [?s?g??r?t] [tu?] [kɑ?m] [ma?] [n??vz]. [a?] [sm??kt] [w?e] [?k?ns?n?tre???n] [?nd] [?pl???r] [?z] [a?] [w?z] [???] [e?t] [e?s] [w?d] [bi?] [ma?] [lɑ?st] [?s?g??r?t]. [f??r] [?] [h??l] [wi?k] [a?] [d?d] [n?t] [sm??k] [?t] [??l] [?nd] [?dj??r??] [e?s] [ta?m], [ma?] [wa?f] [?s?f?d] [?t?r?bli]. [a?] [h?d] [??l] [e?] [?ju????l] [?s?mpt?mz] [?v] [?s?mw?n] [?g?v??] [?p] [?sm??k??]: [?] [b?d] [?t?mp?r] [?nd] [?n] [??n??m?s] [??p?ta?t]. [ma?] [fr?ndz] [k?pt] [?n] [??f?r??] [mi?] [?s?g??r?ts] [?nd] [s??gɑ?z]. [ee?] [me?d] [n??] [??f?t] [tu?] [ha?d] [ee?r] [??mju?zm?nt] [w?n??v?r] [a?] [pr??dju?st] [?] [?p?k?t] [?v] [swi?ts] [fr?m] [ma?] [?p?k?t]. [?ɑ?ft?] [?s?vn] [de?z] [?v] [e?s] [a?] [w?nt] [tu?] [?] [?pɑ?ti]. [??vr?b?di] [??ra?nd] [mi?] [w?z] [?sm??k??] [?nd] [a?] [f?lt] [?ks?tri?mli] [?n?k?mf?t?bl]. [w?n] [ma?] [??ld] [fr?nd] [?bra??n] [???d] [mi?] [tu?] [?k?s?pt] [?] [?s?g??r?t], [?t] [w?z] [m??] [e?n] [a?] [k?d] [be?]. [a?] [t?k] [w?n] [?g?lt?li], [l?t] [?t] [?nd] [sm??kt] [w?e] [?s?t?s?f?k??n]. [ma?] [wa?f] [w?z] [d??la?t?d] [e?t] [θ??z] [h?d] [r??t??nd] [tu?] [?n??m?l] [w?ns] [m??]. [??n?we?], [?z] [?bra??n] [?p??nt?d] [a?t], [?t] [?z] [ei] [?i?z??st] [θ??] [?n] [e?] [w??ld] [tu?] [g?v] [?p] [?sm??k??]. [hi?] [h?m?s?lf] [h?z] [d?n] [?t] [l?ts] [?v] [ta?mz]!
今天收到了Hannah Lin同學(xué)的指導(dǎo)选酗,很開心,感謝O局佟该面!Hannah的發(fā)音非常清晰,音色語調(diào)都很好聽翼悴,特別是今天對課文語調(diào)的模范缚够,簡直是美音版的女版原音重現(xiàn)。
2,pleasure [?pl???r] 中間的輔音[?] 孝治,發(fā)音舌位置不對列粪。查書后發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)音時舌中部向上腭抬起谈飒,保持懸空岂座。舌后部兩側(cè)貼住上齒兩側(cè),不送氣杭措,但要振動聲帶掺逼。不能卷舌。