1.wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,round and round,round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round,all over the town
The people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down
the people on the bus go up and down,all over the town
The door on the bus go open and shut, open and shut,open and shut
the door on the bus go open and shut,all over the town
The horn on the bus go doo doo doo,doo doo doo,doo doo doo
the horn on the bus go doo doo doo,all over the town
The wiper on the bus go swish swish swish, swish swish swish, swish swish swish
the wiper on the bus go? swish swish swish,all over the town
The wheels on the bus go round and round,round and round,round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round,all over the town
2.單詞:bus wheels round up down open shut wiper
在孩子有一定理解力的時候开伏,他會認識事物,所以bus people 以及wheels wiper 都是可以教他認識的東西遭商,而這些東西在生活中是很常見的固灵。還有相應動作,round open shut up down 可以配合做動作來認識單詞劫流。
on the bus 巫玻、go up and down 這些短語是可以通過歌謠很好掌握的。特別是介詞on的用法祠汇。
3.首先我拿出鯉魚最喜歡的玩具(bus)袜茧,告訴他我們來了解一下這個bus吧,然后先給他聽歌瓣窄,這首歌的節(jié)奏感和重復度非常高笛厦,先利用wswp中的歌詞,給他看圖片康栈,wheels递递,bus,town這些啥么,然后告訴他我們來跳舞登舞。跟著音樂做手繞圈(round and round),手臂張開閉合(open and shut)悬荣,站起蹲下(up and down)等菠秒,對于動作孩子的記憶會更迅速深刻。在孩子做出動作后氯迂,對他表揚"哇践叠,你怎么這么棒!"
4.教學還是挺順利的。不針對這堂課嚼蚀,孩子總會有喜歡和不喜歡的禁灼。孩子不喜歡,就改變教學步驟轿曙,從他喜歡的東西入手弄捕。如spider的教學中,鯉魚是有些抵觸的导帝。每次講說我們來學這首歌的時候守谓,他就喜歡跑開或者是打岔。于是我先帶他模仿蜘蛛您单,在地上爬斋荞,再爬到沙發(fā)上,讓他接納這個事物虐秦。然后自己給他唱這個歌平酿,讓他熟悉旋律,再播放音頻悦陋,這時候他沒那么抵觸了蜈彼。在播放音頻的時候我再帶他學蜘蛛爬。逐步加入字卡spout rain sun這些叨恨,最后他接納這首歌了(雖然還不會自己唱)