1. To what do I owe the pleasure? 今天什么風把你吹來了民效?/有什么我可以做的憔维?/我該怎么做呢?
2. Let's raise the roof tonight. 今晚我們要嗨爆全場畏邢。
3. I feel like I know what song that is, but I can't put my finger on it. 我總感覺我知道這首歌业扒,但就是想不起來是哪一首。? #put my finger on 確切說出
4. It's only a matter of time before my grasp fades. 遲早有一天我的掌控力會消失舒萎。#it's only a matter of time…只是時間的問題/早晚都會
5. Been a long time since I had a home-cooked meal. 我很久沒有吃過家常飯了程储。#Been a long time since 好久不見/好久沒有
6. I'll see myself out. 我自己走,不用送了。
7. I'm struggling to keep my mind sharp. 我在努力保持頭腦清醒章鲤。#sharp是個非常好用又地道的詞摊灭,詳解見下圖