Good evening.Today is my P2 speech.Do you remember my P1 topic衣盾?After two month,I will tell you that life is not always simple.To make your life better,you should discover youself.
When I enter "discover" in baidu谎僻,It shows me this
Discovery channel and this Cool Jeep
They have something in common,They are all tools which help us to know the world better.
How to discover yourself俏扩?Find a tool花颗!
From 5.13~5.14,I was in Hangzhou to find the tool and I got it.
I spent 2 days learning DISC in Hangzhou while someone of you were in Hangzhou conference
After coming back
I decide to share it with you first.
cause it cost me nearly 6000 yuan.I think a Warm applause is necessary
By the way.I find Toastmaster and DISC has a lot in common.
For example.
Miya Liu. Division Director Wuxi toastmaser.She is also the champion of toastmaster Chinese speech in 2014
I know her because both her boyfriend and I are in the same class in Hangzhou. and she is a member of DISC family too.
What is DISC.?
This theory is a "human behavior language", based on the American psychologist Dr. William Marston’s book 《Emotions of Normal People>.
Dr. Marston is a well-known scholar of human behavior, his research direction is different from Freud and Jung.
They focus on human abnormal behavior.
DiSC study is from the normal human emotions.
How to understand DISC,There is a quick way to learn
What is this筐骇?It is a coin right债鸡?
There is an old saying:"Every coin has two sides"
Have you heard of it?
Just imagine铛纬,If everyone has two coins.
How many sides do we have厌均?
4 sides,right告唆?
Let's draw an axis
The Y-axis indicates fast and slow棺弊,The X-axis Show concern about things or people
This kind of people is concern about things and have clear target. Make a decision soon,just like Napoleon
This kind of people is also fast擒悬,but different from Dominant people, Influence pay more attention on people,
most of them are good at communication. In the eyes of others模她,they are humor and fun
like former US President Bill Clinton
We have enough time,So let's take is easy and slow down,Becasue for S and C ,they prefer this kind of feeling
Concerned people,
Like peace, to accommodate others,
on behalf of Mahatma Gandhi in India
Pay attention to the rules, spend more time thinking than talking
on behalf of Bill Gates
This is the four qualities of one person
Everyone has DISC, 4 kinds of qualities.
Even if I just said Bill Gates is the behalf of Compliance.It does not mean he is 0D ,0I ,0S, 100%C
DISC theory is very easy.
Everyone in this room,If you listen carefully to me or just look at this Picture. you will know what DISC is.
but seeing is not believing,Unless you can make others understand will never say you learn it well.
That's why I choose this topic as my today
DISC is a tool. it will help us.
1.Everything can be done by four solutions
2.Which is more important? Who are you or who you will be?
A Pastor working in the church go to play golf duringworking hours. A little angel tell to the God. God decided to punishhim.
First shot. Directly into the hole
Second shot. Directly into the hole again.
The third one.Guess what?
If you are the angel,What will you say?
“Are you kidding me? You callthis punishment?”
God smiled: “As an must know DISC. I just findthat his I is very high.
He had such a good performance but has no chance toshare with others. I think this is the worst day for him ever.”
For this joke , We try to read it in another way.
If the Pastor is a highC,What is his feeling?
First shot.Yes, Today I am in good shape.
Second shot. It seems that I have mastered this skill
Third shot.I am a golf master and my state is very stable.
If you can control your character, you can discoveryourself well and Even God can not control you