Future champions
/?fju???/ /???mpi?nz/
Experiments have proved that children can be instructed in
/?ks?p?r?m?nts/ /h?v/ /pru?vd/ /e?t/ /???ldr?n/ /k?n/ /bi?/ /?n?str?kt?d/ /?n/
swimming at a very early age. At a special swimming pool in
/?sw?m??/ /?t/ /?/ /?v?ri/ /???li/ /e??/. /?t/ /?/ /?sp???l/ /?sw?m??/ /pu?l/ /?n/
Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath
/Los/ /?e?n??lz/, /???ldr?n/ /b??k?m/ /??ksp??t/ /?t/ /?h??ld??/ /ee?/ /br?θ/
under water even before they can walk. Babies of two months
/??nd?/ /?w??t?r/ /?i?v?n/ /b??f??/ /ee?/ /k?n/ /w??k/. /?be?biz/ /?v/ /tu?/ /m?nθs/
old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water, It is not
/??ld/ /du?/ /n?t/ /??p??/ /tu?/ /bi/?/ r??l?kt?nt/ /tu?/ /??nt?/ /e?/ /?w??t?/, /?t/ /?z/ /n?t/
long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they
/l??/ /b??f??/ /ee?/ /ɑ?/ /s??/ /??k?st?md/ /tu?/ /?sw?m??/ /e?t/ /ee?/
can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game that is
/k?n/ /p?k/ /?p/ /we?ts/ /fr?m/ /e?/ /fl??r/ /?v/ /e?/ /pu?l/. /?/ /ge?m/ /e?t/ /?z/
very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater
/?v?ri/ /?p?pj?l?/ /w?e/ /ei?z/ /j??/ /?sw?m?z/ /?z/ /ei/ /??nd??w??t?/
tricycle race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool
/?tra?s?kl/ /re?s/. /?tra?s?klz/ /ɑ?/ /la?nd/ /?p/ /?n/ /e?/ /fl??r/ /?v/ /e?/ /pu?l/
seven feet under water. The children compete against each
/?s?vn/ /fi?t/ /??nd?/ /?w??t?/. /e?/ /???ldr?n/ /k?m?pi?t/ /??g?nst/ /i??/
other to reach the other end of the pool. Many pedal their
/??e?/ /tu?/ /ri??/ /ei/ /??e?r/ /?nd/ /?v/ /e?/ /pu?l/. /?m?ni/ /?p?dl/ /ee?/
tricycles, but most of them prefer to push ordragthem. Some
/?tra?s?klz/, /b?t/ /m??st/ /?v/ /e?m/ /pri?f??/ /tu?/ /p??/ /??/ /dr?g/ /e?m/. /s?m/
children can cover the whole length of the pool without
/???ldr?n/ /k?n/ /?k?v?/ /e?/ /h??l/ /l??θ/ /?v/ /e?/ /pu?l/ /w??ea?t/
coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever
/?k?m??/ /?p/ /f??/ /br?θ/ /?i?v?n/ /w?ns/. /?w?e?/ /ee?/ /w?l/ /??v?/
become future Olympic champions, only time will tell.
/b??k?m/ /?fju???r/ /???l?mp?k/ /???mpi?nz/, /???nli/ /ta?m/ /w?l/ /t?l/.
Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who
/?mi?n?wa?l/, /ee?/ /??d/ /?n?k?r??/ /e??z/ /??m??/ /?s/ /hu?/
cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.
/?k?n?t/ /sw?m/ /fa?v/ /jɑ?dz/ /b??f??/ /ee?/ /ɑ?/ /?gɑ?sp??/ /f??r/ /e?/.
1/ 單詞
accustomed to v. 習(xí)慣於
pedal v. 踏板
drag v. 拖動(dòng)
yard n. 碼
gasp v. 喘氣
音標(biāo)的變音 s / z / ed / st 讀法
留意breath, drag的讀法