1哀澈、OUTSIDE the white fence is all strip malls憔辫,motels and resort villages. Come off the six-lane highway at the spaghetti junction where Interstate 4 meets Highway 192忿偷,go past the ornamental water tower金顿,and you are in Celebration,a town of the sort that America stopped building in the 1950s.
2鲤桥、But changes in Florida’s environmental laws had Disney executives worried that the state would reclaim some of their property unless it was put to use.
3揍拆、A scheme in which residents got free computers in exchange for allowing their browsing activities to be tracked fizzled out once AT&T,Disney’s corporate partner for technology in the town茶凳,realised it had no use for the data嫂拴,write Douglas Frantz and Catherine Collins in “Celebration,USA”贮喧,an account of their first year living in the town in the late 1990s.
4筒狠、To the extent that Celebration can boast of a sense of place,it is opposition to Osceola county箱沦,of which it forms a part辩恼,where median incomes are about half as big.