英漢翻譯作業(yè) Nobody laughed 沒(méi)人笑得出來(lái)

Nobody laughed


It wasn’t, more than others of its size, a dull town.相比于其他城鎮(zhèn)的規(guī)模忠蝗,這個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)并不乏味柿隙。Buzz McCleary got drunk regularly once a month and got?arrested, and for two summers there was a semi-professional baseball team.布茲·麥克利里每月固定大醉一場(chǎng)然后被抓。兩個(gè)夏季以來(lái),那兒都有個(gè)半職業(yè)棒球隊(duì)林说。Sol Grey managed the promoting?of the ball team.索爾·格雷在掌管著球隊(duì)的升遷恕出。He went about town to the?druggist, the banker, the local Standard Oil manager and others, and got them?to put up money.他去鎮(zhèn)上找藥商,銀行家嵌施,當(dāng)?shù)貥?biāo)準(zhǔn)石油經(jīng)理還有其他人籌集資金饲化。Some of the players were?hired outright.其中有一些運(yùn)動(dòng)員是全職雇傭。They were college boys having a little fun during?their vacation time, getting board and cigarette money, playing under assumed?names, not to hurt their amateur standing.他們是暑期出來(lái)尋歡作樂(lè)的吗伤,拿著住宿費(fèi)和煙火費(fèi)吃靠,假以他人名義,為的是不讓他們業(yè)余水平受損的大學(xué)生足淆。Then there were two fellowsfrom the coal mining country a hundred miles to the north in a neighboring?state.有兩個(gè)來(lái)自一百英里外煤礦鄉(xiāng)下的小伙子往北來(lái)到了臨近的州巢块。The handle factory gave these?men jobs.處理廠給了這幾人工作礁阁。Bugs Calloway was one of?these.布格斯·卡洛韋是其中之一。He was home run hitter andafterwards got into one of the big leagues.他贏了本壘打然后就加入到大的聯(lián)盟去了族奢。That made the town pretty?proud.這事讓鎮(zhèn)里的人感到十分驕傲姥闭。“It puts us on the map, “Sol?Grey said.索爾·格雷說(shuō):“我們這個(gè)鎮(zhèn)出名啦越走!”?However, the baseball team couldn’t carry on.可是泣栈,棒球隊(duì)沒(méi)法繼續(xù)走下去吕粗。It had been a small league and the league went to?pieces.曾經(jīng)他們是個(gè)小聯(lián)盟而現(xiàn)在卻支離破碎侥猩。Things got dull after that.在那之后歹垫,事情也變得乏味了豹障。In a such emergency the town had to give attention to?Hallie and Pinhead Perry.在危急之時(shí)檐什,小鎮(zhèn)把目光投到了哈利和笨佩里身上务蝠。

(6)The Perrys had been in?Greenhope since the town was very small.在小鎮(zhèn)剛發(fā)展的時(shí)候诅需,佩里們就住在格林霍普信殊。Greenhope was a town of the?upper South, and there had been Perrys there ever since long before the Civil?War.格林霍普是南方上游的一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)秧廉。在內(nèi)戰(zhàn)爆發(fā)前伞广,佩里家族就住在那里了。There were rich Perrys,?well-to-do Perrys, a Perrys who was a preacher, and one who had been a?brigadier general in the Northern army in the Civil War.佩里家族中有的很富有疼电,有的很能干嚼锄,有的是牧師,還有的曾是南北內(nèi)戰(zhàn)中北方軍隊(duì)的陸軍準(zhǔn)將蔽豺。That didn’t go so well with?the other well-to-do Perrys.但他們卻與家族其他富有的人相處得不好区丑。They liked to keep reminding?people that the Perrys were of the South.他們喜歡向人們吹噓說(shuō)佩里家族就是整個(gè)南方⌒薅福“The Perrys are one of the?oldest and best families of the old South,” they said.“佩里家族是老南方中歷史悠久又優(yōu)秀的家族之一沧侥。”They kept pretty quiet about Brigadier General Perry who?went over to the damned Yanks.但他們卻對(duì)佩里將軍投奔北方美國(guó)佬的事情保持沉默魄鸦。

As for Pinhead Perry, he, to be sure, belonged to the?no account branch of the Perrys.至于笨佩里宴杀,毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)是屬于地位卑微的家族分支。The tree of even the best?Southern family must have some such branches.即使是優(yōu)秀的南方家族族譜也會(huì)有這樣的分支拾因。Look at the Pinametters.But let’s not drag in names.但我們不要對(duì)號(hào)入座旺罢。?Pinhead Perrys was poor.笨佩里很窮。He was born poor, and he was?simpleminded. He was undersized.他出身貧寒绢记,頭腦簡(jiǎn)單扁达,身材又矮小。A girl named Mag Hunter got?into trouble with a Perrys named Robert, also of the no account Perrys, and?Mag’s father went over to Robert’s father’s house one night with a shotgun.一個(gè)叫瑪格·亨特的女孩同樣與也是佩里家族地位卑微的叫羅伯特惹了麻煩庭惜。于是有天晚上她的父親帶了把槍去他家找他罩驻。After Robert married Mag he?lit out.在他們結(jié)婚后穗酥,羅伯特就離家出走了护赊。No one knew where he went, but?everyone said he went over into a neighboring state, into the coal mining?country.沒(méi)有人知道他去哪里惠遏,但所有人都說(shuō)他去了隔壁州一個(gè)鄉(xiāng)下挖煤。He was a big man with a big?nose and hard fists.他是一個(gè)有著大鼻子和結(jié)實(shí)拳頭的大個(gè)子骏啰〗谒保“What the hell’d I want a wife for? Why keep a cow?when milk’s so cheap?” he said before he went away.他在離家出走前說(shuō):“我要一個(gè)妻子干什么?當(dāng)牛奶很便宜的時(shí)候還需要養(yǎng)著奶牛嗎判耕?”

(7)They called his son Pinhead,?begin calling him that when he was a little thing.周?chē)娜硕荚谒苄〉臅r(shí)候就叫他笨腦瓜透绩。His mother worked in the?kitchen of several well-to-do families in Greenhope but it was a little hard?for her to get a job, what with Negro help so cheap and her having Pinhead.他的母親在格林霍普幾個(gè)富有人家的廚房干活,因?yàn)橛辛畠r(jià)黑人的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)壁熄,還要照顧笨佩里帚豪,她很難找到工作。Pinhead was a little?off in the head from the first, but not so much.笨佩里偏離的頭部有點(diǎn)小草丧,但不是很小狸臣。

His father was a big man but the only thing big about?Pinhead was his nose.他的父親是個(gè)大個(gè)子而笨佩里唯一大的是他的鼻子。It was gigantic. It was a?mountain of a nose. It was very red.鼻子非常巨大昌执,就像山峰一樣烛亦,非常的紅。It looked very strange, even grotesque, sticking on?Pinhead.它看起來(lái)很奇怪懂拾,甚至怪異煤禽,就好像粘在笨佩里身上一樣。He was such a?little scrawny thing, sitting often for a half day at a time on the kitchen?step at the back of the house of some well-to-do citizen.他骨瘦如柴岖赋,常常半天時(shí)間坐在廚房里檬果,不與那些富人們接觸。He was a very quiet child and?his mother, in spite of the rather hard life she had, always dressed him?neatly.他是個(gè)安靜的男孩唐断,而他的母親汁汗,無(wú)論生活多么艱苦,總是給他穿得整整齊齊栗涂。Other kitchen help,?the white kitchen help, what there was of it in the Greenhope, wouldn’t have?much to do with Mag Perry, and all the other Perrys are indignant at the very?idea of the calling herself a Perry.其他廚房下手知牌,包括那在格林霍普的白人下手,才不會(huì)與瑪格·佩里來(lái)往斤程。其他佩里人對(duì)叫她自己為佩里感到憤憤不平角寸。It was confusing, they said.他們說(shuō),這很令人困惑忿墅。The other white kitchen help whispered.?”“She was?only married to Bob Perry a month when the kid was born,”?They said. They?avoided Mag.其他白人廚房下手避免讓她知道而低聲說(shuō):“孩子出生的時(shí)候扁藕,她嫁給了鮑勃·佩里才只一個(gè)月而已。

There was a philosopher in the town, a sharp-tongued?lawyer who hadn’t much practice.鎮(zhèn)里有個(gè)哲學(xué)家疚脐,有個(gè)說(shuō)話尖酸但缺乏鍛煉的律師亿柑。He explained. The sex morals?of America have to be upheld by the working classes,”?He said.? “The?financial morals are in the hands of the middle-class. That keeps them?busy,”?He said.他解釋說(shuō),“美國(guó)的性道德要靠這些工人階級(jí)來(lái)維持棍弄。金融道德掌握在中產(chǎn)階級(jí)那里望薄,才讓他們十分繁忙疟游。”

(8)Pinhead Perry grew up and his?mother Mag died and Pinhead got married.笨佩里長(zhǎng)大了痕支,在他母親逝世后颁虐,他結(jié)婚了。He married one of Albright?girls...her name was Hallie...from out by Albright’s Creek.他的妻子叫做哈莉卧须,是奧爾布賴特人另绩,來(lái)自?shī)W爾布賴特河的地方。She was the youngest one of?eight children and was a cripple.她是個(gè)瘸子花嘶,十八個(gè)孩子中最小的笋籽。She was a little pale thing?and had twisted foot.他扭著腳走路,臉色蒼白椭员「汕“It oughten to be allowed,”?people said. They said such bad blood ought not to be allowed to breed.人們說(shuō),“她不能被生出來(lái)”They said, “Look at them?Albrights.”“看看這些奧爾布賴特人拆撼∪堇停”The Albrights were always getting into jail.這些人總是做壞事被抓進(jìn)監(jiān)獄。They were horse traders and chicken thieves. Theyweremoon-liquor makers.他們販賣(mài)馬匹又拐賣(mài)兒童闸度,還偷做月亮酒竭贩。

But just the same the Albright were proud and defiant?lot. Old Will Abright, the father, had land of his own. And he had money.他的父親,老威爾·奧爾布賴特有錢(qián)又有地莺禁,就像和奧爾布賴特一樣又傲慢又目中無(wú)人留量。If it came to paying a fineto get one of his boys out of jail, he could do it.要是讓他交罰款救出在監(jiān)獄里的眾多孩子之一,他是能夠做到的哟冬。He was kind of man who,although he had less less than hundred of acres of land...most of hillside landand not much good, and a big family, mostly boys...always getting drunk, alwaysfighting, always getting into jail for chicken stealing or liquor making,in spite,as they said in Greenhope,of hell and high water...in spite of everything as,you see, he had money.他是那種盡管有少于百畝的土地楼熄,而且又不是很好的山坡地,還有個(gè)生了很多男孩這樣大家庭的人浩峡。這些男孩總是喝醉可岂,打架,總是因?yàn)橥禆|西或者偷偷造酒而被抓入獄翰灾。盡管如此缕粹,就像他曾在格林霍普說(shuō)過(guò)的,不管一切如何千辛萬(wàn)苦纸淮,他就是有錢(qián)平斩。He didn’t put it in a bank. Hecarried it.他沒(méi)把錢(qián)放在銀行里而是隨身攜帶著⊙士椋“Old Will’s always got a?roll,” people in town said.“老威爾總是隨身攜帶錢(qián)绘面。”鎮(zhèn)里的人如是說(shuō)〗伊В“It’s big enough to choke a?cow,” they said. The town people were impressed.鎮(zhèn)里人印象深刻晚凿,說(shuō):“這錢(qián)很多,多到能夠窒息一頭牛塘辅。”It gave Will Albrighta kind of distinction.這錢(qián)讓威爾·奧爾布賴特與別人區(qū)別開(kāi)來(lái)皆撩。That family also had big noses?and old Will had a big walrus mustache.他的家庭同樣也有大鼻子而老威爾留著一副海象胡子扣墩。

(10)They were rather a dirty and?a?disorderly?lot, the?Albrights ,and they were sometimes sullen?and defiant ,but just the same ,like the Perrys and other big families of that?country ,they had family?pride.奧爾布賴特家族就像佩里家族還有其他大家族一樣,他們又臟又亂扛吞,有時(shí)甚至悶悶不樂(lè)呻惕、目中無(wú)人。就因?yàn)樗麄優(yōu)樗麄兊募易甯械阶院览谋取hey stuck together.他們都陷入了困境亚脆。Suppose you had a few drinks?in town on a Saturday night, and you felt a little quarrelsome and not averse?to a fight yourself, and?you?met one of the Albright boys, say down?in the lower end of town, down by the Greek restaurant, and he got gay and gave?you a little of his lip, and you said to him.假設(shè)周六晚上你在鎮(zhèn)上喝了點(diǎn)酒,與某人發(fā)生了爭(zhēng)吵盲泛,然后在一家希臘人開(kāi)的餐館濒持,在小鎮(zhèn)的邊角上,他放肆地輕吻了你寺滚「逃“Come on, you big stiff, let’s see what you have got.”接著你對(duì)他說(shuō):“來(lái)吧,大傻瓜村视,讓我看看你的本事官套。”?And you got ready to sock him.你也準(zhǔn)備好用拳頭打他蚁孔。?Better not to do that.最好不要那樣奶赔。God only knows how many other?Albrights you’d have on your hands.只有上帝才知道你手上有多少奧爾布賴特家族的人命。They’d be like Stinewall?Jackson at the battle of Chancellorsville.他們就像斯通沃爾·杰克遜在切斯勞維爾戰(zhàn)役中一樣杠氢。They came down on?you?suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, out of the woods, as it were.他們就和平常一樣突然出現(xiàn)在你面前站刑,你不知道他們從哪里冒出來(lái)。?“Now, you take one of that crew. You can’t?trust?‘em. One of them’ll stick a knife into you. That’s what he’ll do”.“現(xiàn)在鼻百,干掉這幫人中的一人笛钝。你不能相信他們。其中一人會(huì)用刀殺了你愕宋。他們會(huì)那樣做玻靡。”?And think of it, little, quiet Pinhead Perry, marrying?into that crew.想一想中贝,又小又安靜的笨佩里是那幫人的人了囤捻。He had grown up.他被撫養(yǎng)長(zhǎng)大。But that’s no way to put it.He was still small and rather?sick looking.他還是很矮小邻寿,帶著病怏怏的表情蝎土。Gid knows how he had lived?since his mother died.吉迪恩自從他母親去世后就學(xué)會(huì)生存视哑。

(11) He had become a beggar.他成了一個(gè)乞丐。That was it.就是他誊涯。He’d stand before one of the?grocery stores when people were coming out with packages in their hands.他站在一家食品雜貨店前挡毅,看著人們手里提著袋子出來(lái)”┕梗“Hello!” he called all the?other Perrys “cousins” and that was bad.“你好跪呈!”他叫著其他佩里的“兄弟姐妹”,但反應(yīng)不好取逾『穆蹋“Hello, Cousin John,” or?“Cousin Mary,” or Kate or Harry.“你好,約翰堂兄”或者“瑪麗堂妹”或者凱特或哈利砾隅。He smiled in that rather nice little way he had.他以他很好的方式笑了笑误阻。His mouth looked very tiny under his big noses and his?teeth had got black.他的嘴巴在他大鼻子的對(duì)照下,看起來(lái)很小晴埂,牙齒也變黑了究反。He was crazy about bananas,?“Hello, Cousin Kate . Give me a dime please. I got to get me some bananas.”他熱愛(ài)香蕉,“你好儒洛,凱特堂兄奴紧。請(qǐng)給我一個(gè)10美分的硬幣,我想要買(mǎi)些香蕉晶丘∈虻”?And there were men, the smart-alecks of the town,?taking up with him too, men who should have known better, encouraging him.那兒還有鎮(zhèn)里聰明的人,和他相好浅浮,他們本該相互了解沫浆,來(lái)鼓勵(lì)他。That lawyer…h(huán)is father was Yank from Ohio…thephilosophic one, always making wisecracks about decent people…getting Pinheadto sweep out his office…h(huán)e let him sleep up there…and Burt McHugh, the plumber,and Ed Cabe, who ran the poolroom down by the tracks.?那個(gè)明哲的律師滚秩,他的父親是來(lái)自俄亥俄州的美國(guó)佬专执,總是嘲弄正直的人們,總讓笨佩里打掃他的辦公室郁油,讓他睡在那里本股。還有水管工伯特·麥克休和艾·德索,在鐵軌下開(kāi)設(shè)賭場(chǎng)桐腌。

“Pinhead, I think you’d better go up and seeyour Cousin Tom.笨佩里拄显,你最好上去看你的湯姆堂兄。He was asking for you.他正在叫你案站。I think he’ll give you a quarter.我覺(jué)得他會(huì)給你一個(gè)25分硬幣躬审。”Cousin Tom Perry was cashier?of the biggest bank in town.堂兄湯姆·佩里是鎮(zhèn)上最大銀行的出納員。One of those fellows, damn?smart-alecks, had seen Judge Buchanan…一個(gè)他的同事承边,太聰明了遭殉,他見(jiàn)過(guò)法官布坎南the Perrys and the Buchanan go?into the bank.佩里和布坎南走進(jìn)銀行。He was a director.他是個(gè)主管There was going to be a director’s meeting.那將要開(kāi)個(gè)主管的會(huì)議博助。There were other men going in.其他人也走了進(jìn)來(lái)险污。you could depend on Pinhead walking right into the?director’s room where they had the mahogany table and the mahogany chairs.跟著笨佩里就不會(huì)走錯(cuò)會(huì)議室,因?yàn)槟抢镉屑t木桌椅富岳。The Buchanans sure liked to take down the?Perrys.而坎南確定要把佩里干倒蛔糯。

(12)“You go in there, Pinhead.你去那里,笨佩里城瞎。Cousin Tom has been asking for you.湯姆堂兄在叫你呢渤闷。He wants to give you a quarter.他想要給你一個(gè)25分硬幣疾瓮〔倍疲”?“Lordy,” said Burt McHugh, the plumber, “Cousin Tom?give him a quarter, eh? Why, he’d as soon give him an automobile.”“老天爺,”水管工伯特·麥克休說(shuō)狼电,“湯姆堂兄要給你一個(gè)25分硬幣蜒灰,對(duì)吧?為什么他還給他一輛汽車(chē)肩碟∏拷眩”?Pinhead took up with the Albrights.笨佩里和奧爾布賴特氏好上。They liked him.他們喜歡他削祈。He’d go out there and stay for?weeks.他們要出去外邊呆上幾周翅溺。The Albright place was three?miles out of town.奧爾布賴特氏的地方離小鎮(zhèn)有三英里遠(yuǎn)。On a Saturday night, and?sometimes all day on Sundays, there’d be a party out there.周六晚髓抑,有時(shí)周日一整天那里都有派對(duì)咙崎。There’d be moon whiskey, plenty of that, and sometimes?some of the men from town, even sometimes men who should have known better, men?like Ed Cabe and that smarty lawyer, or even maybe Willy Buchanan, the judge’s?youngest son, the one who drank so hard and they said had a cancer.那兒有許多月亮威士忌酒。有時(shí)從鎮(zhèn)里來(lái)的人吨拍,有些是應(yīng)該比較出名的褪猛,像艾·德索,聰明的律師羹饰,甚至是法官最小的兒子威利·布坎南伊滋,喝得爛醉,說(shuō)自己得了癌癥队秩。

And all kinds of rough people.還有所有粗魯?shù)娜恕?/p>

There were two older Albright girls, unmarried, Sallyand Katherine,and it was said they were “putting out.”薩莉和凱瑟琳是兩位大年紀(jì)笑旺,還未結(jié)婚的奧爾布賴特氏女孩。據(jù)說(shuō)他們被趕出家門(mén)馍资。Drinking and sometimes dancing?and singing and general hell-raising and maybe a fight or two.她們喝著酒燥撞,有時(shí)唱歌跳舞,還愛(ài)惹麻煩甚至打架。

“What the hell?” old Will Albright said“他媽的物舒?”老威爾·奧爾布賴特說(shuō)…h(huán)is wife was dead and Sally?and Katherine did the housework…他的妻子死了而薩莉和凱瑟琳在干家務(wù)活“What the hell? It’s my farm.

It’s my house. A man’s king in his own house, ain’t he?”“他媽的色洞?這是我的農(nóng)場(chǎng),我的房子冠胯,老子的地盤(pán)老子做主火诸,不是么?”

Pinhead grew fond of the little crippled Albright?girl, little twisted-footed Hallie.笨佩里對(duì)有點(diǎn)殘廢跛腳的哈莉漸生愛(ài)意荠察。And he’d sit out there in that?house, dancing and all that kind of a jamboree going on…in a corner of the big?untidy bare room at the front of the house, two of the Albright boys playing?guitars and singing rough songs at the tops of their voices.他呆在屋里置蜀,在舉行的派對(duì)里跳舞,而在又雜亂又空空的大房間角落悉盆,兩個(gè)奧爾布賴特男孩正在彈著吉他盯荤,用高音唱著難聽(tīng)的歌。

(13)If the Albright boys were?sullen and looking for a fight when they came to town, they weren’t so much?like that at home.當(dāng)奧爾布賴特男孩來(lái)到鎮(zhèn)里的時(shí)候焕盟,如果他們沉著臉秋秤,并找人打架,但他們?cè)诩依飬s不那樣子脚翘。They’d be singing some song?like “Hand Me Down My Bottle of Moon” and that one about the warden and the?prisoners in the prison, you know, on a Christmas morning, the warden trying to?be Santa Claus to the boys and what the old hardboiled prisoner said to him,?the two older Albright girls dancing maybe with a couple of the men from?town—old Will Albright…他們正唱著像“把月亮瓶交給我”這樣的歌曲灼卢。還有你知道的,監(jiān)獄里的犯人和監(jiān)獄長(zhǎng)来农,在圣誕日的早上鞋真,獄長(zhǎng)試著像圣誕老人一樣對(duì)待這兩個(gè)男孩,而有個(gè)又老又強(qiáng)硬的犯人跟他說(shuō)沃于,那兩個(gè)跳著舞的大齡奧爾布賴特女孩也許和來(lái)自鎮(zhèn)里的男人呆在一起涩咖。he was sure boss in his ownfamily…sitting over near the fireplace, chewing tobacco andkeeping time with his feet.老威爾·奧爾布賴特是一家之長(zhǎng),坐在壁爐旁邊繁莹,嚼著煙草檩互,用雙腳記錄著時(shí)間。He’d spit clean and sharp?right through his walrus mustache and never leave a trace.他把痰吐干凈蒋困,理直他的海象胡須盾似,從未留下痕跡。That lawyer said he could keep perfect time with his?feet and his jaws.那個(gè)律師說(shuō)他用雙腳和下巴就能夠數(shù)出完美的時(shí)間雪标×阍海“Look at it,” he said, “there?ain’t another man in the state can spit like Old Will.”“快看!”村刨,他說(shuō):“州里還沒(méi)有誰(shuí)能夠像老威爾那樣吐痰告抄。”?Pinhead sitting quietly over in a corner with his?Hallie.笨佩里安靜地與哈莉坐在角落里嵌牺。They both smiled softly.他們都輕輕地笑打洼。Pinhead didn’t drink.笨佩里沒(méi)喝酒龄糊,也不會(huì)喝酒。He wouldn’t. “You let him?alone,” Will Albright said to his boys.威爾·奧爾布賴特對(duì)那些男孩說(shuō):“讓他一人呆著募疮§懦停”P(pán)inhead and Hallie got married one Saturday night andthere was a big party, everyonehowling drunk.笨佩里和哈莉結(jié)婚了。周六晚上舉行了一個(gè)盛大的派對(duì)阿浓,所有人都喝得酩酊大醉他嚷。Two of the guests wrecked a car?trying to get back to town and one of them, Henry Haem…a nice young fellow, a?clerk in Williamson’s drygoods store…you wouldn’t think he’d want to associate?with such people...he got his arm broke .兩個(gè)他的客人,在回鎮(zhèn)里的路上出了車(chē)禍芭毙。其中一個(gè)人很好的年輕人筋蓖,叫亨利·海姆,是威廉姆森紡織品商店的店員退敦,你想不到他會(huì)去巴結(jié)這些人…結(jié)果他的胳膊斷了粘咖。Will Albright gave Pinhead and?Hallie ten acres of land…good enough land…not too good boys built them a house.威爾·奧爾布賴特給笨佩里和哈莉他們十英畝的地…足夠好的土地…建上房子就更好了。It wasn’t much of a house but?you could live in it if you were hardly enough.房子雖然不大侈百,但夠你住的了瓮下。?Neither Pinhead nor Hallie was so very hard.笨佩里和哈莉都不辛苦。

(14) They lived. They had children.他們住了下來(lái)设哗,而且有了孩子唱捣。People said there had been ten of the children.人們說(shuō)他們有十個(gè)孩子两蟀。Pinhead and Hallie were getting pretty old.笨佩里和哈莉越來(lái)越老了网梢。It was after the Albrights were all gone.在奧爾布賴特之后的都去世了。Pinhead was nearly seventy and Hallie was even older.笨佩里幾乎70歲了而哈莉則更老赂毯。Woman in town said, “How could?she ever have had all of those children?”鎮(zhèn)里的女人說(shuō)战虏,“她以前怎么可能有過(guò)那些孩子?”

“ I’d like to know,” they said.“我想要知道党涕,”他們說(shuō)烦感。

The children were nearly all gone.他們的孩子幾乎都沒(méi)了。Some had died.有些已經(jīng)死了膛堤。An officer had descended on?the family and four of the children had been carried off to a state?institution.一位官員突然來(lái)訪手趣,并把其中四個(gè)孩子帶到國(guó)家機(jī)構(gòu)去。

There were left only Pinhead and Hallie andone daughter.只剩下笨佩里和哈莉還有一個(gè)女兒肥荔。They had managed to cling to?her and the little strip of land given them by Will Abright, but the house, a?mere shed in the beginning, was now in ruins.他們?cè)O(shè)法依賴她還有威爾·奧爾布賴特給的小帶狀土地绿渣,但是房子前方很小的棚屋,不過(guò)現(xiàn)在已損壞了燕耿。Every day the three people?struck out for town where now, the philosophic lawyer being died, a new one had?taken his place.每天他們?nèi)齻€(gè)從明哲的律師死去的地方出發(fā)去鎮(zhèn)里中符,就有新的人來(lái)代替他們。There will always be at least?one such smarty in every town.每個(gè)鎮(zhèn)至少總是有個(gè)聰明的人誉帅。This one was a tall, slender?young man who had inherited money and was fond of race horses.這是個(gè)又高又瘦淀散,繼承了家產(chǎn)又熱愛(ài)賽馬的年輕人右莱。?He was also passionately fond of practicaljokes.他同樣也熱愛(ài)惡作劇。?The plumber, Burt McHugh, was also gone, but there?were new men, Ed Hollman the sheriff, Frank Collins, another young lawyer, Joe?Walker, who owned the hotel, and Bob Cairn, who ran the weekly newspaper in?Greenhope.水管工伯特·麥克休同樣也去世了档插。不過(guò)新來(lái)了一些人慢蜓,有警長(zhǎng)愛(ài)德華·霍爾曼;另一個(gè)年輕的律師弗蘭克·柯林斯郭膛;酒店長(zhǎng)喬·沃克胀瞪;格林霍普周報(bào)的編輯鮑勃·凱恩。

There were the men who with Sol Grey and others had?helped organize the baseball team.還有其他人和索爾·格雷一起的組建了棒球隊(duì)饲鄙。They went to every game.他們每場(chǎng)比賽都去凄诞。When the team disbanded they were heartbroken.當(dāng)球隊(duì)解散的時(shí)候,他們很傷心忍级。

(15)And there was Pinhead cominginto town followed by Hallie andthe onedaughter.笨佩里帶著妻子哈莉和女兒來(lái)到鎮(zhèn)里帆谍。Mabel was her name.梅布爾是她的名字。Mabel was tall and gaunt and cross-eyed.梅布爾又高又瘦又是斗雞眼轴咱。She was habitually silent and had an odd habit.她習(xí)慣性地不說(shuō)話而且有個(gè)古怪的習(xí)慣汛蝙。Let some man or woman stop on the sidewalk and look?steadily at her for a moment and she would cry.如果讓路上的男男女女停下來(lái)鎮(zhèn)定地看她一會(huì)兒,她就會(huì)哭起來(lái)朴肺。When she did it, Pinhead and?Hallie both ran to her.當(dāng)她這樣做的時(shí)候窖剑,笨佩里和哈莉都會(huì)跑向她。She was so tall that they had?to stand on tiptoes and reach up, but they both began patting her thin cheeks?and her gaunt shoulders.她太高了戈稿,以至于他們倆得踮起腳尖才夠得著西土。他們輕拍著她的臉頰還有瘦弱的肩膀“暗粒“There, there,” they said.“在這里需了,在這里,”他們說(shuō)般甲。It didn’t turn out so badly.從未有過(guò)這么糟肋乍。When someone had made Mabel cry, it usually ended by?Pinhead collecting a nickle or a dime.當(dāng)有人把梅布爾弄哭了,通常都是笨佩里收集著硬幣給她敷存,她才不會(huì)哭墓造。He went up to the guilty one?and smiled softly.他走到哭泣的她身邊,輕輕地笑锚烦∶倜觯“Give her a little something?and she‘ll quit.”“給她點(diǎn)東西她就會(huì)停止了⊥炖危”He said, “She wants a banana.”他說(shuō):“她想要一根香蕉谱煤。”?He had kept to his plea for bananas.他為香蕉而一直懇求著禽拔。It was the best way to get money.這是得到錢(qián)的最好方式刘离。He, Hallie and Mabel always walked into town single-file?, Pinhead walking in front...他室叉,哈莉還有梅布爾總是依次一個(gè)一個(gè)走進(jìn)鎮(zhèn)里,笨佩里走在前面…although he was old now, he?was still very alive...雖然他老了硫惕,但看起來(lái)很有生氣…then came Hallie...然后進(jìn)來(lái)的是哈莉…h(huán)er hair hanging down in strings about her pinched face…她那綁成辮子的頭發(fā)垂在她蒼白的臉上…and then Mabel ,very tall and?in the summer barelegged .而后是梅布爾茧痕,她非常高,光著腿恼除。Summer or winter she wore the?same dress.無(wú)論冬夏都穿著同樣的衣服踪旷。

(16)It had been black. It had beengiven her by a window.她的衣服曾是黑色的,是從窗戶里扔出來(lái)的豁辉。There was a little black hat?that perched with cloth of many colors.那還有一頂帶有許多顏色布料的小黑帽令野。The colors blended.這些顏色混合在一起。There was a good deal of discussion of the dress in?town.鎮(zhèn)里的人們討論著他們的服飾裝扮徽级。No two people agreed as to its?color.沒(méi)有人會(huì)同意那樣的顏色气破。Everything depended?on the angle at which she approached you.每件事都取決于她接近你的角度。

These people came into town every day to beg.每天這些人都來(lái)到鎮(zhèn)里乞討餐抢。They begged food at the back doors of houses.他們?cè)诜孔拥暮箝T(mén)討吃的现使。The town had grown and many new people had come in?formerly.這個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)發(fā)展了,人也多了起來(lái)旷痕。The Perrys came into town?along a dirt road, passing town people who, when there had been a shower and?the road was not too dusty, were out for a drive in buggies and phaetons, but?now the road was paved and they, the Perrys, passed automobiles.佩里們沿著臟兮兮的道路走來(lái)碳锈,經(jīng)過(guò)鎮(zhèn)里的時(shí)候,道路正在清洗不會(huì)那么臟欺抗。鎮(zhèn)里的人們開(kāi)著機(jī)動(dòng)車(chē)或者四輪馬車(chē)出去售碳。不過(guò)現(xiàn)在的道路被鋪平了,經(jīng)過(guò)佩里們身邊的都是汽車(chē)佩迟。It was too bad for the other?Perrys.對(duì)于其他的佩里們來(lái)說(shuō)太糟糕了团滥。The family was still?prosperous and had increased in numbers and standing.他們的家族還很興旺竿屹,現(xiàn)在又新增了人員报强。None of the other Perrys took their afternoon drives?out of town by that road.沒(méi)有一個(gè)佩里們會(huì)在下午開(kāi)車(chē)經(jīng)過(guò)那條路。?It was the lack of a baseball team. It was because of?a dull summer.棒球隊(duì)里缺人拱燃,是因?yàn)檫@個(gè)沉悶的夏季秉溉。It was Sol Gray, the man who?had the notion of organizing the baseball team, who got the big idea.是因?yàn)橛薪M建一支棒球隊(duì),有好主意的索爾·格雷碗誉。

He told the others.他告訴其他人召嘶。He told Joe Walker the hotel man and Bob Cairn who was?editor of the newspaper.他告訴酒店長(zhǎng)喬·沃克和報(bào)社編輯鮑勃·凱恩。He explained. He said that he?was standing in front of a store.他解釋著說(shuō)他那會(huì)兒站在一家商店前哮缺。?“I was in front of Herd’s grocery,” he said.他說(shuō):“我那時(shí)在赫德的雜貨店前弄跌。”He had just been standing?there when the three Perrys had come along.他只是站在那里尝苇,看著他們?nèi)齻€(gè)走過(guò)來(lái)铛只。He thought that Pinhead had?intended to ask him for a nickel or a dime.他想著笨佩里打算向他乞討一塊硬幣埠胖。Anyway Pinhead had stopped.但是笨佩里卻沒(méi)有。Sol thought he must have been thinking of something of?something else.索爾在想淳玩,他肯定在想著別的事情直撤。Perhaps he was trying to think?of some way to break the monotony of life in Greenhope that summer.也許他正想著一些方法來(lái)打破這個(gè)夏天在格林霍普單調(diào)的生活。He found himself staring hard?and long, not at Mabel but at Hallie Perry.他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己久久地凝視著哈莉·佩里而不是他的女兒梅布爾蜕着。

(17)He did it unconsciously like?that and didn’t know how long he had keep it up, but suddenly there had come a?queer change over Pinhead.他無(wú)意識(shí)地凝視著谋竖,不知道看了多久,突然出現(xiàn)一個(gè)同性戀改變了笨佩里的想法承匣。?“Why, you all know Pinhead,” Soul said, the men were?all gathered that day before Doc Forman’s drugstore.索爾說(shuō):“為什么蓖乘,你們都知道笨佩里的∪推”這些人都在那天聚集在福爾曼醫(yī)生的藥店前驱敲。Sol kept bending over and?slapping his knees with his hands as he told of what had happened, He had been?staring at Hallie that way, not thinking of what he was doing, and Pinhead ha?got suddenly and furiously jealous.索爾保持彎腰的姿勢(shì),用手拍打著膝蓋宽闲,當(dāng)他說(shuō)著話的時(shí)候众眨,用那樣的眼神注視著哈莉,不知道他在干什么容诬。笨佩里這時(shí)就突然很生氣娩梨,吃醋起來(lái)。?Pinhead had no doubt intended to ask Sol for a nickel?or a dime to buy bananas.笨佩里無(wú)疑要向索爾乞討一枚硬幣去買(mǎi)香蕉览徒。Up to that moment no one in?town had ever seen Pinhead angry.直到那一刻狈定,之前還沒(méi)有人見(jiàn)過(guò)笨佩里生氣的樣子。?“Well, did he get sore?” Sol Grey cried.“怎么习蓬,他生氣了纽什?”索爾·格雷大聲說(shuō)。He shook with laughter.他搖晃著笑了笑躲叼。Pinhead had begun to berate?him. “You let my woman alone!”笨佩里開(kāi)始嚴(yán)厲地責(zé)備他說(shuō), “你別管我的女人芦缰!”?“What do you mean staring at my woman?”“盯著我的女人看是什么意思?”?“I won’t have any man fooling with my woman!”“我不會(huì)讓任何男人欺負(fù)我的女人的枫慷!”?It was pretty rich.他十分富有让蕾。Pinhead had got the idea intohis head that Sol…h(huán)e was alumberand coaldealer… a man who took pride in his clothes… a married man… the crazy loon hadthought Sol was trying to make up to Pinhead’s wife.笨佩里有了主意:索爾是個(gè)廢物兼煤炭交易商,是個(gè)為他的著裝感到驕傲的人或听,是個(gè)結(jié)了婚的人探孝。笨佩里這個(gè)瘋子以為索爾正在拍他妻子的馬屁。?It was something gaudy. It was something to talk and?to laugh about. It was something to work on.有些東西很花哨誉裆,有些事情需要說(shuō)說(shuō)笑笑顿颅,有些則需要好好做。Sol said that Pinhead had?offered to fight him.索爾說(shuō)笨佩里有要打他的沖動(dòng)足丢×荒澹“My god”, cried Joe Walker.“我的天绍填!”,喬·沃克大喊栖疑。Pinhead Perry was past seventy?by that time and there was Hallie with her lame foot and her goiter.笨佩里已經(jīng)七十多歲了讨永,陪伴他的是跛著腳還有甲腫的哈莉。

And all three of the Perrys so hopelessly dirty.他們?nèi)齻€(gè)是多么的骯臟遇革。

“My God! Oh My Lord! He thinks she’s beautiful!” Joe?Walker cried.“我的天卿闹,我的地!他覺(jué)得她很漂亮萝快!”喬·沃克大喊锻霎。

“Swell” said Bob Cairn.“那是腫脹【句觯”鮑勃·凱恩說(shuō)旋恼。The newspaper man, who was

always looking for ideas, had one at once.這位總是尋找靈感的報(bào)社編輯,馬上想到了這個(gè)詞奄容。

(18)And all three of the Perrys so?hopelessly dirty.他們?nèi)齻€(gè)是多么的骯臟冰更。

“My God! Oh my Lord! He thinks she’s beautiful,” Joe

Walker cried.“我的天,我的地昂勒!他覺(jué)得她很漂亮蜀细!”喬·沃克大喊。

“Swell,” said Bob Cairn.“那是腫脹戈盈〉煜危”鮑勃·凱恩說(shuō)。The newspaper man, who was?always looking for ideas, had one at once.這位總是尋找靈感的報(bào)社編輯塘娶,馬上想到了這個(gè)詞归斤。

It sure had innumerable funny angles and all the men?went to work.當(dāng)然有數(shù)不盡有趣的角度去解讀,但所有人都得工作刁岸。They began stopping Pinhead on?the street.他們開(kāi)始在街上阻止笨佩里脏里。He would be coming along?followed by the two women, but the man who had stopped the little procession?would draw Pinhead aside.他獨(dú)自走來(lái),后面跟著他的妻兒难捌,而那個(gè)阻止他妻兒的人則把笨佩里拉到一旁膝宁。“It’s like this”, he’d say.對(duì)他說(shuō):“像這樣根吁。”He’d declare he hated to bring?the matter up but he thought he should.他已經(jīng)宣稱他討厭把事情弄大合蔽,但他覺(jué)得他應(yīng)該會(huì)击敌。“A man’s a man,” he’d say.他說(shuō):“一個(gè)男人的男人拴事∥纸铮”“He can’t have other men fooling around with his?woman.”“他不能讓其他的男人欺負(fù)他的妻子圣蝎。”It was so much fun to see the serious, baffled, hurt?look in Pinhead’s eyes.看到笨佩里嚴(yán)肅衡瓶,困惑徘公,痛苦的雙眼就覺(jué)得很有趣。There would be dark hints cast?out.那或許會(huì)有模糊的暗示出來(lái)哮针。

The man who had taken Pinchead aside spoke of an?evening, a night in fact, of the past.那個(gè)拉笨佩里到一旁的人說(shuō)了一整晚過(guò)去的事情关面。He said he had been out at?night and had come into town past Pinhead’s house.他說(shuō)他曾經(jīng)晚上出來(lái),來(lái)到鎮(zhèn)里經(jīng)過(guò)笨佩里的家十厢。There was no road out that way?and Pinhead and his two women, when they made their daily trip into town, had?to follow a cow path along Albright Creek to get into the main road, but the?man did not bother to take that into account.那里沒(méi)有好走的道路等太。當(dāng)笨佩里和他的妻兒在鎮(zhèn)里日常往來(lái)的時(shí)候,他們不得不跟著奶牛走的路蛮放,經(jīng)過(guò)奧爾布賴特河缩抡,來(lái)到主道上。但那個(gè)人卻沒(méi)把這事放在心上包颁。

(19) “I was going along the road past your house,”“我在路上走著經(jīng)過(guò)你家瞻想。”?There had been various men of the town seen creeping?away from the house at night.似乎鎮(zhèn)上有許多人曾經(jīng)偷偷地在晚上離開(kāi)娩嚼。?No doubt Pinhead was sleep.無(wú)疑那會(huì)兒笨佩里睡著了内边。Certain very respectable men of the town were named.無(wú)疑鎮(zhèn)里受人尊敬的人被任命起來(lái)。There was Hal Pawsey.有哈爾·波西待锈。He kept the jewelry store in Greenhope and was a very shy?modest man.他是個(gè)在格林霍普開(kāi)著家珠寶店漠其,非常害羞謙遜的人。Pinhead rushed into his store?and began to shout.笨佩里跑進(jìn)他的店里開(kāi)始大喊大叫竿音。There was a woman, the wife of?the Baptist minister, in the store at that time.那會(huì)兒浸禮會(huì)牧師的妻子正在里頭和屎。She was seeing about getting?her watch fixed.她是來(lái)看看她的手表修好了沒(méi)有。Hallie and Mabel were outside?on the sidewalk and they were both crying.哈莉和梅布爾則在外頭哭泣著春瞬。Pinhead began beating with?his fists on the glass showcase in the store. He broke the case.笨佩里開(kāi)始用他的拳頭打碎櫥窗的玻璃搶走珠寶柴信。He used such language that he frightened the Baptist?minister’s wife so that she ran out of the store.他用那樣的話嚇唬著浸禮會(huì)牧師的妻子以便可以逃之夭夭。?That was one incident of the summer but there were?many others.那是夏天發(fā)生的案件宽气,不過(guò)還有許多其他類似的案件随常。The hotel man, the newspaper?man, the lawyer, Sol Grey, and several others kept busily at work.酒店長(zhǎng),報(bào)社編輯萄涯,律師绪氛,索爾·格雷還有其他人都很忙。

They got Pinhead to tackle a stranger in town, a?traveling man, coming out of a store with bags in his hand, and Pinhead got?arrested and had to serve a term in jail.因?yàn)橐u擊了鎮(zhèn)里的陌生人涝影,笨佩里被抓入獄枣察。他襲擊的是一位拿著袋子從店里出來(lái)的旅客。It was the first time he’d?ever been in jail.這是他第一次被抓入獄。

Then when he was let out, they began again.當(dāng)他出獄的時(shí)候序目,他們又開(kāi)始了臂痕。It was swell. It was great fun.那又激情又好玩的人和事。There was a story going around town that Pinhead had?begun to beat his wife and that she took it stoically.鎮(zhèn)里傳開(kāi)來(lái)的故事是笨佩里開(kāi)始打他的妻子而她卻忍了下來(lái)猿涨。Someone had seen him doing it?on the road into town.有人還看到他一路打他的妻子打到鎮(zhèn)里握童。They said she just stood and?took it and didn’t cry much.他們說(shuō)她就只是站著忍著,沒(méi)有嚎啕大哭叛赚。

(20)The man kept it going.笨佩里繼續(xù)這樣做澡绩。It was a dull summer.那是個(gè)沉悶的夏天。One evening, when the moon was?shining and the corn was getting keen-high, several of the men went in a car?out to pinhead's house.一天晚上红伦,當(dāng)月光照亮夜空英古,玉米長(zhǎng)到膝蓋高的時(shí)候,幾個(gè)人開(kāi)著車(chē)直奔笨佩里的家昙读。They left the car in the road?and crept through bushes until they got quite near to the house.他們把車(chē)停在路上召调,然后悄悄地潛入灌木叢直到靠近笨佩里家。One of them had given pinhead?some money and had advised him to spend it to buy a bag of flour.其中一人還給過(guò)笨佩里錢(qián)并建議他去買(mǎi)包面粉蛮浑。The man in the bushes could see into the open door of?the shack.在灌木叢里的人能夠看到棚屋開(kāi)著的門(mén)唠叛。"My God,” said Joe Walker.“我的天!”喬·沃克說(shuō)沮稚。"Look!" he said. "He's got her tied to?a chair."“看艺沼!他要把她綁到椅子上≡烫停”

"Ain't that rich?" he said.“他不是很富有嗎障般?”他說(shuō)。

Pinhead had Hallie sitting in the One chair of?one-roomed house…笨佩里讓哈莉坐在屋里的椅子上the roof was almost gone and?when it rained the water poured in…屋頂快沒(méi)了盛杰,下雨的時(shí)候雨水會(huì)傾瀉而下…and he was tying her to the?chair with a piece of rope.他正試著用繩子把她綁到椅子上挽荡。Someone of the men had told?pinhead that another man of the town had planned to visit the house that night.其中有人已經(jīng)告訴過(guò)笨佩里那晚鎮(zhèn)里有人要去他家拜訪。?The men form town lay in the bushes watching.那個(gè)鎮(zhèn)里來(lái)的人正在灌木叢里看著即供。The tall daughter Mabel was on the porch outside and?she was crying.而他們長(zhǎng)得高的女兒梅布爾在門(mén)外哭泣著定拟。Pinhead, having got his wife?to the chair, began to scatter flour on the floor of the room and on the porch?outside.笨佩里已經(jīng)把他妻子綁在椅子上,然后開(kāi)始把面粉撒在屋內(nèi)和門(mén)外逗嫡。He back away from Hallie,?scattering the floor, and she was crying.他背對(duì)著哈莉青自,撒著面粉,而哈莉正哭著驱证。When he had got to the door?and as he was backing across the narrow rickety front porch, he scattered the?flour thickly.當(dāng)他去門(mén)口又回來(lái)路過(guò)狹窄快散架的前門(mén)的時(shí)候延窜,把地上的面粉散得更厚了。The idea was that if any one?of Hallie's lovers came, he'd leave his footprints in the flour.他的想法是如果哈莉的任何情人來(lái)的時(shí)候雷滚,就會(huì)在地板上留下腳印需曾。

(21)He came out into a little yard?at the front and got under a bush. He sat on the ground under the bush.他出來(lái)涩禀,走到前門(mén)院子男图,躲到灌木叢里并坐在地上。In the moonlight the men from town could see him?quite plainly.在月光的照射下磺送,鎮(zhèn)里人能夠清清楚楚地看到他车份。They said after words that he?also began to cry.他們說(shuō)完話后笨佩里開(kāi)始哭了谋减。For some reason, even to the?men of Greenhope, who were trying as best they could to get through a dull?summer, the scene from the bushes before Pinhead’s house that night wasn’t?funny.出于某些原因,甚至是格林霍普那些盡他們最大努力度過(guò)這個(gè)沉悶夏天的人扫沼,那晚在笨佩里家灌木叢里看到的那一幕覺(jué)得并不有趣出爹。When they had crept out from?under the bushes and had got back to their car and into town, one of them went?to the drugstore and told the story, but nobody laughed.當(dāng)他們從灌木叢里偷偷溜出來(lái),開(kāi)車(chē)回鎮(zhèn)里的時(shí)候缎除,其中一人去了藥店并說(shuō)了這件事严就,但沒(méi)有人笑得出來(lái)。

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