InputFilter 和 TextWatcher

Android 成長在于積累和分享



UCS 移動端技術分享

技術形式的一種分享蚓让,發(fā)現(xiàn)在寫過程中參考別人博客的同時發(fā)現(xiàn)確實他寫的更完善點 ,所以在他博客的基礎上添加了一部分自己理解的東西鉴嗤。也是給大家看一下盟劫,如果有不對的地方航缀,希望我們一起修正和學習商架。




Android中 InputFilterTextWatcher 的功能和作用非常相似芥玉,都可以做到對 EditText 輸入內(nèi)容的監(jiān)聽及控制蛇摸。那兩者具體有什么區(qū)別,又是如何實現(xiàn)對輸入內(nèi)容進行監(jiān)聽的灿巧。下面我們就從源碼的角度一起分析一下赶袄。



InputFilter里面只有一個方法filter(),返回值為CharSequence溉跃,用于過濾或者輸入/插入的字符串村刨, 當返回值不為null時,使用返回結果替換原有輸入/插入的字符串撰茎。

package android.text;

 * InputFilters can be attached to {@link Editable}s to constrain the
 * changes that can be made to them.
public interface InputFilter {

         * @param source  將要插入的字符串嵌牺,來自鍵盤輸入、粘貼
         * @param start  source的起始位置乾吻,為0(暫時沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)其它值的情況)輸入-0髓梅,刪除-0
         * @param end  source的長度: 輸入-文字的長度拟蜻,刪除-0
         * @param dest  EditText中已經(jīng)存在的字符串绎签,原先顯示的內(nèi)容
         * @param dstart  插入點的位置:輸入-原光標位置,刪除-光標刪除結束位置
         * @param dend  輸入-原光標位置酝锅,刪除-光標刪除開始位置
       public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end,
                               Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend);



 * @param text 將要設置的新內(nèi)容
 * @param type 內(nèi)容的設置類型(static text, styleable/spannable text, or editable text)
 * @param notifyBefore 是否需要觸發(fā)TextWacther的before
 * @param oldlen 新增加內(nèi)容的長度
private void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type,
                         boolean notifyBefore, int oldlen) {
        mTextFromResource = false;
        if (text == null) {
            text = "";


        // 使用InputFilter處理text
        int n = mFilters.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            CharSequence out = mFilters[i].filter(text, 0, text.length(), EMPTY_SPANNED, 0, 0);
            if (out != null) {
                text = out;


        // 如果是EditText,就new一個Editable
        if (type == BufferType.EDITABLE || getKeyListener() != null ||
                needEditableForNotification) {
            Editable t = mEditableFactory.newEditable(text);
            text = t;
            setFilters(t, mFilters); // filter的另外一處過濾調(diào)用處
            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
            if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
        } else if (type == BufferType.SPANNABLE || mMovement != null) {
            text = mSpannableFactory.newSpannable(text);
        } else if (!(text instanceof CharWrapper)) {
            text = TextUtils.stringOrSpannedString(text);

        ... 略 ...



private void setFilters(Editable e, InputFilter[] filters) {
        if (mEditor != null) {
            final boolean undoFilter = mEditor.mUndoInputFilter != null;
            final boolean keyFilter = mEditor.mKeyListener instanceof InputFilter;
            int num = 0;
            if (undoFilter) num++;
            if (keyFilter) num++;
            if (num > 0) {
                InputFilter[] nf = new InputFilter[filters.length + num];

                System.arraycopy(filters, 0, nf, 0, filters.length);
                num = 0;
                if (undoFilter) {
                    nf[filters.length] = mEditor.mUndoInputFilter;
                if (keyFilter) {
                    nf[filters.length + num] = (InputFilter) mEditor.mKeyListener;



 // Documentation from interface
    public SpannableStringBuilder replace(final int start, final int end,
            CharSequence tb, int tbstart, int tbend) {
        checkRange("replace", start, end);

        int filtercount = mFilters.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < filtercount; i++) {
            CharSequence repl = mFilters[i].filter(tb, tbstart, tbend, this, start, end);

            if (repl != null) {
                tb = repl;
                tbstart = 0;
                tbend = repl.length();

     ... 略...



public static class LengthFilter implements InputFilter {

        private final int mMax;

        public LengthFilter(int max) {
            mMax = max;

        //參數(shù)end:source的長度: 輸入-文字的長度气笙,刪除-0
        public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest,
                                   int dstart, int dend) {
            int keep = mMax - (dest.length() - (dend - dstart));
            if (keep <= 0) {
                // 如果超出字數(shù)限制缸棵,就返回“”
                return "";
            } else if (keep >= end - start) {
                // 如果完全滿足限制,就返回null(如果返回值為null谭期,TextView中就會使用原始source)
                return null; // keep original
            } else {
                keep += start;
                if (Character.isHighSurrogate(source.charAt(keep - 1))) {
                    // 如果最后一位字符是HighSurrogate(高編碼堵第,占2個字符位),就把kepp減1隧出,保證不超出字數(shù)限制
                    if (keep == start) {
                        return "";
                return source.subSequence(start, keep);

         * @return the maximum length enforced by this input filter
        public int getMax() {
            return mMax;



package android.text;

 * When an object of a type is attached to an Editable, its methods will
 * be called when the text is changed.
public interface TextWatcher extends NoCopySpan {
     * @param s原內(nèi)容
     * @param start  被替換內(nèi)容起點坐標
     * @param count 被替換內(nèi)容的長度
     * @param after 新增加內(nèi)容的長度
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
                                  int count, int after);
     * @param s 發(fā)生改變后的內(nèi)容
     * @param start  被替換內(nèi)容的起點坐標
     * @param before 被替換內(nèi)容的長度
     * @param count 新增加的內(nèi)容的長度
    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count);

     * @param s 發(fā)生改變后的內(nèi)容(對s編輯同樣會觸發(fā)TextWatcher)
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s);


private void sendBeforeTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before, int after) {
        if (mListeners != null) {
            final ArrayList<TextWatcher> list = mListeners;
            final int count = list.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                list.get(i).beforeTextChanged(text, start, before, after);

        // The spans that are inside or intersect the modified region no longer make sense
        removeIntersectingNonAdjacentSpans(start, start + before, SpellCheckSpan.class);
        removeIntersectingNonAdjacentSpans(start, start + before, SuggestionSpan.class);



  1. 原內(nèi)容:發(fā)生改變前TextView中的內(nèi)容苛吱;
  2. 被替換內(nèi)容起點坐標:編輯一段內(nèi)容時酪术,有可能是直接添加新內(nèi)容,也有可能是選中一段原有內(nèi)容翠储,用新內(nèi)容把它替換掉绘雁;
  3. 被替換內(nèi)容的長度:如果是直接添加新內(nèi)容,被替換內(nèi)容的長度就是0援所;
  4. 新增加的內(nèi)容:對于setText()來說庐舟,就是方法中的參數(shù),對于鍵盤輸入來說住拭,就是鍵盤輸入的內(nèi)容




 * @param text 將要設置的新內(nèi)容
 * @param type 內(nèi)容的設置類型(static text, styleable/spannable text, or editable text)
 * @param notifyBefore 是否需要觸發(fā)TextWacther的before
 * @param oldlen 新增加內(nèi)容的長度
private void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type,
                         boolean notifyBefore, int oldlen) {
        mTextFromResource = false;
        if (text == null) {
            text = "";


        // 先過濾,再確認是否發(fā)送TextChange
        int n = mFilters.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            CharSequence out = mFilters[i].filter(text, 0, text.length(), EMPTY_SPANNED, 0, 0);
            if (out != null) {
                text = out;

        // char[]類型時會提前發(fā)送sendBeforeTextChanged杠娱,此處的notifyBefore即為false
        if (notifyBefore) {
            // 通知調(diào)用TextWatcher的beforeTextChanged()方法
            if (mText != null) {
                oldlen = mText.length();
                sendBeforeTextChanged(mText, 0, oldlen, text.length());
            } else {
                sendBeforeTextChanged("", 0, 0, text.length());

        boolean needEditableForNotification = false;

        if (mListeners != null && mListeners.size() != 0) {
            needEditableForNotification = true;

        if (type == BufferType.EDITABLE || getKeyListener() != null
                || needEditableForNotification) {
            Editable t = mEditableFactory.newEditable(text); // 創(chuàng)建Editable挽牢,后面鍵盤輸入會用到相關監(jiān)聽
            text = t;
            setFilters(t, mFilters);
            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
            if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
        } else if (type == BufferType.SPANNABLE || mMovement != null) {
            text = mSpannableFactory.newSpannable(text);
        } else if (!(text instanceof CharWrapper)) {
            text = TextUtils.stringOrSpannedString(text);


        if (text instanceof Spannable && !mAllowTransformationLengthChange) {
            Spannable sp = (Spannable) text;

            // Remove any ChangeWatchers that might have come from other TextViews.
            final ChangeWatcher[] watchers = sp.getSpans(0, sp.length(), ChangeWatcher.class);
            final int count = watchers.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

            if (mChangeWatcher == null) mChangeWatcher = new ChangeWatcher();

            // 設置鍵盤輸入TextWatcher監(jiān)聽(可以看一下ChangeWatcher源碼)
            sp.setSpan(mChangeWatcher, 0, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE
                    | (CHANGE_WATCHER_PRIORITY << Spanned.SPAN_PRIORITY_SHIFT));

            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.addSpanWatchers(sp);

            if (mTransformation != null) {
                sp.setSpan(mTransformation, 0, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);




        // 通知調(diào)用TextWatcher的onTextChanged()方法
        sendOnTextChanged(text, 0, oldlen, textLength);
        onTextChanged(text, 0, oldlen, textLength);

        // 通知view刷新

        // 通知調(diào)用TextWatcher的afterTextChanged()方法
        if (needEditableForNotification) {
            sendAfterTextChanged((Editable) text);
        } else {
            // Always notify AutoFillManager - it will return right away if autofill is disabled.

        // SelectionModifierCursorController depends on textCanBeSelected, which depends on text
        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();







// 鍵盤輸入有兩種:一種是正常輸入殴胧;另一種是先選中一段內(nèi)容,再從鍵盤輸入佩迟,新內(nèi)容會替換掉選中的內(nèi)容团滥;
// 這個方法是正常輸入時調(diào)用
public SpannableStringBuilder append(CharSequence text, int start, int end) {
    // length就是插入點的位置
    int length = length();
    // 最終都會調(diào)用replace()方法來“增加”內(nèi)容。從命名可以看出报强,Google對于字符串改變的設計思路就是“替換”灸姊,如果是刪內(nèi)容,就是用空內(nèi)容替換原內(nèi)容秉溉,如果是增加內(nèi)容力惯,就是用新內(nèi)容替換某個內(nèi)容
    return replace(length, length, text, start, end);

public SpannableStringBuilder replace(final int start, final int end,
            CharSequence tb, int tbstart, int tbend) {
        checkRange("replace", start, end);

    // 與setText()一樣碗誉,都會對新增內(nèi)容進行過濾
    int filtercount = mFilters.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < filtercount; i++) {
        CharSequence repl = mFilters[i].filter(tb, tbstart, tbend, this, start, end);

        if (repl != null) {
            tb = repl;
            tbstart = 0;
            tbend = repl.length();

    // 由于是正常鍵盤輸入,end等于start父晶,所以origLen等于0
    final int origLen = end - start;
    // 新增內(nèi)容的長度
    final int newLen = tbend - tbstart;

    if (origLen == 0 && newLen == 0 && !hasNonExclusiveExclusiveSpanAt(tb, tbstart)) {
        return this;

    TextWatcher[] textWatchers = getSpans(start, start + origLen, TextWatcher.class);
    // 通知TextWatcher調(diào)用beforeTextChanged()方法诗充,邏輯跟TextView中的一樣,就不再貼代碼了
    sendBeforeTextChanged(textWatchers, start, origLen, newLen);

    boolean adjustSelection = origLen != 0 && newLen != 0;
    int selectionStart = 0;
    int selectionEnd = 0;
    if (adjustSelection) {
        selectionStart = Selection.getSelectionStart(this);
        selectionEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(this);

    change(start, end, tb, tbstart, tbend);

    if (adjustSelection) {
        if (selectionStart > start && selectionStart < end) {
            final int offset = (selectionStart - start) * newLen / origLen;
            selectionStart = start + offset;

            setSpan(false, Selection.SELECTION_START, selectionStart, selectionStart,
        if (selectionEnd > start && selectionEnd < end) {
            final int offset = (selectionEnd - start) * newLen / origLen;
            selectionEnd = start + offset;

            setSpan(false, Selection.SELECTION_END, selectionEnd, selectionEnd,

    // 通知TextWatcher調(diào)用onTextChanged()诱建、afterTextChanged()方法蝴蜓。可以看到俺猿,這兩個方法是一起調(diào)用的茎匠,這點跟setText()有點細微差別,總體來說是一樣的
    sendTextChanged(textWatchers, start, origLen, newLen);

    sendToSpanWatchers(start, end, newLen - origLen);

    return this;


// s:原內(nèi)容
// start:被替換內(nèi)容起點坐標诵冒,因為setText()是將原內(nèi)容全部替換掉,所以起點是0
// count:被替換內(nèi)容的長度谊惭,因為setText()是將原內(nèi)容全部替換掉汽馋,所以就是mText.length()
// after:新增加內(nèi)容的長度
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

// s:發(fā)生改變后的內(nèi)容
// start:被替換內(nèi)容的起點坐標
// before:被替換內(nèi)容的長度
// count:新增加的內(nèi)容的長度
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

// s:發(fā)生改變后的內(nèi)容
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {


  • 最好使用InputFilter對字符串進行控制、過濾圈盔。

  • 盡量不要在TextWatcheronTextChanged()方法中對文字進行過濾豹芯,然后再調(diào)用setText()方法重置字符串,效率明顯比InputFilter低驱敲。

  • 如果一定要在TextWatcheronTextChanged()方法中調(diào)用setText()方法铁蹈,注意防止死循環(huán)。因為setText()方法又會回調(diào)onTextChanged()方法众眨,會形成死循環(huán)握牧。

  • TextWatcher主要功能是進行監(jiān)聽,從Google對該類的命名就可以看出來娩梨。沿腰。



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