門票50/人 所有收入會(huì)捐給進(jìn)城務(wù)工子女
看著他們都并不perfect 甚至講的笑話偶爾并不好笑 但一直在努力 在try 一次又一次 完全不被一次的不搞笑嚇到而需要什么時(shí)間來反思 感覺自己...actually nothing special.
其實(shí)聽到是公益組織的時(shí)候 也很想加入 去練一下自己的speech skill, especially I have some similar humor sense at times, and my Spoken English can be improved.
But 剛看書的時(shí)候 覺得不需要的。
Undoubtedly they all do good to people themselves & people who get helped.
But what I want to do is to have more money efficiently and do more good to them.
If I really join them, I will get bored by 瑣碎 soon...I will want to expand it to make more money. I will want to change it to be more efficient.
And that is what I am.
Ant that is where my passion is.
Don't know & can't know whether I am thinking too big...and unrealistic...
But if passion is what we should pursue in our life to avoid unhappiness... I think VC or investment is what I want to do as my career.
Hope I can be lucky enough to have it. And hope I can be diligent enough to match it.