The Rich Man and the Tanner
A tanner started his business? next to a rich man's house.
The rich man found the smell coming form tanning business so extremely? unpleasant that he told the tanner he must go.
The tanner said that he would,but kept putting off the date when he was supposed to move.
The rich man had to speak to him several times about it.
and every time the tanner said he would move very soon.
This went on for some time ,till at last the rich man got so used to the smell that he no longer noticed it.
and allowed the tanner to stay where he was.
Moral:With time,one can get used to anything.
The Swallow and the Crow
A swallow and a crow were arguing about whose feathers were better.
The crow ended the argument by saying,
"Your feathers are all very well in the spring,but mine protect me against the winter."
Moral:It is in bad times that you find out who your real friends are.
The thief and his monther
A? schoolboy stole a book from one of his classmates,and brought it home to his mother.
Instead of punishing him,she encouraged him to do it again.
Over time the boy,now a grown man,began go steal things of greater value.
At last ,he was caught and taken away to be punished.
As he was being led away,his monther fell to her knees,crying.
A neighbor seeing this,said to her,
"It's too late for you to cry now.
You should have been as sad as this when he first stole something."
Moral: Nip evil in the bud.
The thief and the housedog
A thief came in the night to break into a house.
He brought some meat with him to keep the dog quiet,so that he would not wake up his master.
As the thief threw him the pieces of meat,the dog said,
"If you think to stop my mouth,you are making a mistake.
This sudden kindness will only make me more careful.
Although you bring me unexpected favors,you are doing this for your own benefit,and to hurt my master."
Maral: Don't sacrifice your principles because of a gift.
The Thieves and the Rooster
Some thieves broke into a house,and found nothing worth taking except? a rooster,which they took away them.
When they were preparing their meal,one of them caught up the rooster,and was about to kill it.
When the rooster cried out for mercy and said,
"Please do not kill me:you will find me a most useful bird,for I? wake up honest men to their work in the morning by my crowing."
But the thief replied angrily,
"Yes I know you do,making it still harder for us to get? our money.
Into the pot you go!"
Moral: Don't expect? everyone to appreciate your virtues.
The Tortoise and the Eagle
A tortoise,lazily lying in the sun,complained to the sea birds that no one would teach her to fly.
An eagle flying overhead heard this and asked her what reward she would give him if he would take her up into the sky.
"I will give you anything you want," she said.
"I will teach you to fly then,"said the eagle,taking her up to the clouds.
Suddenly,the eagle let her go,and she fell onto a mountain breaking into pieces.
Just before dying,the tortoise said,
"I can only blame myself.
Why did I want to fly in the clouds when I have enough trouble walking on the earth?
Moral: Stay with what you know.