

Python 語言提供了3種數(shù)字類型:整數(shù)、浮點(diǎn)數(shù)和復(fù)數(shù)槐脏。

布爾型 In addition, Booleans are a subtype of integers.


進(jìn)制種類 引導(dǎo)符號 描述
十進(jìn)制 默認(rèn)情況
二進(jìn)制 0b 或 0B 由字符0和1組成
八進(jìn)制 0o 或 0O 由字符0到7組成
十六進(jìn)制 0x 或 0X 由字符0到9削饵、a到f岩瘦、A到F組成,不區(qū)分大小寫


Integers have unlimited precision.



>>> import sys
>>> sys.float_info
sys.float_info(max=1.7976931348623157e+308, max_exp=1024, max_10_exp=308, min=2.2250738585072014e-308, min_exp=-1021, min_10_exp=-307, dig=15, mant_dig=53, epsilon=2.220446049250313e-16, radix=2, rounds=1)
>>> sys.float_info.max


Attribute Explanation
epsilon difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is representable as a float
dig maximum number of decimal digits that can be faithfully represented in a float
mant_dig float precision: the number of base-radix digits in the significand of a float
max maximum representable finite float
max_exp maximum integer e such that radix**(e-1) is a representable finite float
max_10_exp maximum integer e such that 10**e is in the range of representable finite floats
min minimum positive normalized float
min_exp minimum integer e such that radix**(e-1) is a normalized float
min_10_exp minimum integer e such that 10**e is a normalized float
radix radix of exponent representation
rounds integer constant representing the rounding mode used for arithmetic operations.


復(fù)數(shù)類型(complex)表示數(shù)學(xué)中的復(fù)數(shù)。復(fù)數(shù)可以看作二元有序?qū)崝?shù)對(a, b)迷帜,表示a + bj物舒,其中,a是實(shí)數(shù)部分戏锹,b為虛數(shù)部分冠胯。在Python語言中,復(fù)數(shù)的虛數(shù)部分通過后綴 'J' 或 'j' 來表示景用。




>>> 1+True-False
>>> a, b, c, d = 20, 5.5, True, 4+3j
>>> print(type(a), type(b), type(c), type(d))
<class 'int'> <class 'float'> <class 'bool'> <class 'complex'>




Operation Result Notes
x + y sum of x and y
x - y difference of x and y
x * y product of x and y
x / y quotient of x and y
x // y floored quotient of x and y (1)
x % y remainder of x / y (2)
-x x negated
+x x unchanged
x ** y x to the power y (3)


  1. 不對復(fù)數(shù)運(yùn)算商架。整數(shù)商,即不大于x與y之商的最大整數(shù)芥玉。1//2結(jié)果為0蛇摸,-1//2 的結(jié)果為-1。
  2. 不對復(fù)數(shù)運(yùn)算灿巧。恒等式 x % y = x - (x // y) * y 赶袄。
  3. Python 規(guī)定 0**0 的值為1,這也是編程語言的通用做法抠藕。

三種數(shù)字類型之間存在一種擴(kuò)展關(guān)系:int -> float -> complex饿肺。不同數(shù)字類型之間的運(yùn)算所生成的結(jié)果是更寬的類型。

表中所有的二元數(shù)學(xué)操作符(+盾似、-敬辣、*///溉跃、%汰聋、**)都有與之對應(yīng)的增強(qiáng)賦值操作符(+=-=喊积、*=烹困、/=//=乾吻、%=髓梅、**=)。即x op= y 等價于 x = x op y 绎签,op 為二元數(shù)學(xué)操作符枯饿。



函數(shù) 描述 注意
abs(x) absolute value or magnitude of x (1)
divmid(x, y) the pair (x // y, x % y)
pow(x,y [,z]) Return x to the power y; if z is present, return x to the power y, modulo z (computed more efficiently than pow(x, y) % z)
round(x [,ndigits]) x rounded to n digits, rounding half to even. If n is omitted, it defaults to 0 (2)
max(x1,x2...,xn) smallest item of x1, x2, ... xn (3)
min(x1,x2,...xn) largest item of x1, x2, ... xn (3)


  1. abs(x) 可以計算復(fù)數(shù)x的模诡必。
  2. round(1.5) 的值為2奢方,round(2.5) 的值也是2。
  3. max()min() 實(shí)際上是 Common Sequence Operations爸舒。


The constructors int(), float(), and complex() can be used to produce numbers of a specific type.


函數(shù) 描述 注意
int(x) x converted to integer (1)
float(x) x converted to floating point (2)
complex(re, [im]) a complex number with real part re, imaginary part im. im defaults to zero.


  1. 小數(shù)部分被直接舍去;see functions math.floor() and math.ceil() for well-defined conversions.
  2. float also accepts the strings “nan” and “inf” with an optional prefix “+” or “-” for Not a Number (NaN) and positive or negative infinity.
>>> int(10.9898)
>>> int('10.9898') # 解釋器拋出 ValueError扭勉,并給出基本描述
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '10.9898'
>>> int('10')
>>> float('10.8989')
>>> complex('10.8989')
>>> float(10+0j) # 解釋器拋出 TypeError
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't convert complex to float
>>> float('+nan') # 見 注意2
>>> float('-inf') # 見 注意2


  • float.as_integer_ratio()

Return a pair of integers whose ratio is exactly equal to the original float and with a positive denominator. Raises OverflowError on infinities and a ValueError on NaNs.

  • float.is_integer()

Return True if the float instance is finite with integral value, and False otherwise:

>>> 3.1416926.as_integer_ratio()
(3537231405668161, 1125899906842624)
>>> _[0]/_[1]
>>> 3.000.is_integer()

math庫 數(shù)學(xué)函數(shù)


  1. import math。以math.函數(shù)名()形式調(diào)用函數(shù)唱捣。(建議两蟀,不會覆蓋內(nèi)置函數(shù))
  2. from math import 函數(shù)名1 [,函數(shù)名2,...]。直接以函數(shù)名()的方式調(diào)用徐裸。特殊地,from math import *,math庫的所有函數(shù)都可以直接使用。



函數(shù) 描述 注意
math.ceil(x) The smallest integer reater than or equal to x (1)
math.copysign(x, y) Return a float with the absolute value of x but the sign of y
math.fabs(x) Return the absolute value of x.
math.factorial(x) Return x factorial (3)
math.floor(x) the largest integer less than or equal to x (1)
math.fmod(x, y) 返回x與y的模 (4)
math.fsum(iterable) Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable
math.gcd(a, b) Return the greatest common divisor of the integers a and b. (1)(3)
math.isclose(a, b) Return True if the values a and b are close to each other and False otherwise. (2)
math.isfinite(x) Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise. (2)
math.isinf(x) Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise. (2)
math.isnan(x) Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise. (2)
math.ldexp(x, i)
math.modf(x) Return the fractional and integer parts of x.
math.trunc(x) Return the Real value x truncated to an Integral (1)


  1. Return an integral value.

  2. Retrun True or False.

  3. Only accept parameter(s) of integral value.

    • math.factorial(x) raises ValueError if x in not integral or negative.
    • math.gcd(a,b) raises TypeError if either a or b is not integral.
  4. Note that the x % y may not return the same result with math.fmod(x,y).

  • fmod(x, y) is exactly (mathematically; to infinite precision) equal to x - n*y for some integer n such that the result has the same sign as x and magnitude less than abs(y).
  • x % y returns a result with the sign of y instead, and may not be exactly computable for float arguments.
>>> math.fmod(-1234,3) # 結(jié)果的符號與x一致
>>> -1234%3 # 結(jié)果的符號與y一致
>>> math.fmod(98765432112345679,2)   # fmod函數(shù)會把x轉(zhuǎn)為float历帚,float只有有限位的精度,此時結(jié)果出錯杠娱。
>>> 98765432112345679%2  # 整數(shù)有無限的精度
>>> math.factorial(10.00000)   # x可以是具有整數(shù)值的浮點(diǎn)數(shù)挽牢。x.is_integer()返回True。
>>> math.modf(-123.456)  # 返回的整數(shù)部分是以浮點(diǎn)數(shù)的形式寫的
(-0.45600000000000307, -123.0)
>>> sum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1]) 
>>> math.fsum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1]) #針對浮點(diǎn)數(shù)float的sum,所以叫fsum摊求。
函數(shù) 描述 注意
math.exp(x) e^{x}
math.expm1(x) e^{x}-1 more accurate than math.exp(x) - 1 for x near zero
math.log(x[, base]) {\log_{base}}^{x}
math.log1p(x) \ln (1+x) more accurate than math.log(1+x) for x near zero
math.log2(x) {\log_{2}}^{x} more accurate than math.log(x, 2)
math.log10(x) {\log_{10}}^{x} more accurate than math.log(x, 10)
math.pow(x, y) x^{y} 1
math.sqrt(x) \sqrt {x}


  1. Unlike the built-in ** operator, math.pow() converts both its arguments to type float. Use ** or the built-in pow() function for computing exact integer powers.


函數(shù) 描述 返回值 注意
math.acos(x) \arccos (x) [0 , \pi]
math.asin(x) \arcsin (x) [-{\pi}/2, + {\pi}/2]
math.atan(x) \arctan (x) [-{\pi}/2, + {\pi}/2]
math.atan2(y,x) \arctan ({y}/{x}) or \arctan (y /x) \pm \pi [-{\pi}, + {\pi}] 1
math.cos(x) \cos (x) [-1 ,1]
math.hypot(x, y) \sqrt {x^{2} + y^{2}} [0,+\infty]
math.sin(x) \sin (x) [-1,1]
math.tan(x) \tan (x) [-\infty, +\infty]


  1. Return atan(y / x), in radians. The result is between -pi and pi. The vector in the plane from the origin to point (x, y) makes this angle with the positive X axis. The point of atan2() is that the signs of both inputs are known to it, so it can compute the correct quadrant for the angle.
>>> math.atan(-1)
>>> math.atan2(-1,1)
>>> math.atan2(1,-1)
函數(shù) 描述
math.degrees(x) Convert angle x from radians to degrees.
math.radians(x) Convert angle x from degrees to radians.
函數(shù) 描述
math.acosh(x) {\rm arccosh} (x) = \ln (x+\sqrt {x^{2}-1})
math.asinh(x) {\rm arcsinh} (x) = \ln (x+\sqrt {x^{2}+1})
math.atanh(x) {\rm arctanh} (x) = \frac {1} {2} \ln{\frac {1+x} {1-x}}
math.cosh(x) \cosh (x) = \frac{e^{x} + e^{-x}} {2}
math.sinh(x) \sinh (x) = \frac{e^{x} - e^{-x}} {2}
math.tanh(x) \tanh (x) = \frac{e^{x} - e^{-x}} {e^{x} + e^{-x}}
函數(shù) 描述
math.erf(x) \frac {2} {\sqrt {\pi}} \int _{0}^{x} e^{ -t ^{2}} dt 高斯誤差函數(shù)
math.erfc(x) \frac {2} {\sqrt {\pi}} \int _{x}^{+\infty} e^{ -t ^{2}} dt 余補(bǔ)高斯誤差函數(shù)
math.gamma(x) \int _{0} ^{+\infty} t^{x-1} e^{-t} dt Gamma函數(shù)
math.lgamma(x) \ln (\int _{0} ^{+\infty} t^{x-1} e^{-t} dt) Gamma函數(shù)的自然對數(shù)


  1. \Gamma (x+1) = x \Gamma (x)
  2. 當(dāng)x為整數(shù)時,\Gamma (n+1) = n!
  3. \Gamma (\frac {1} {2}) = \sqrt {\pi}
>>> math.factorial(10)
>>> math.gamma(11)
常數(shù) 數(shù)學(xué)表示 描述 注意
math.pi \pi 圓周率
math.e e 自然常數(shù)
math.tau \tau =2 \pi 圓周率的兩倍
math.inf + \infty A floating-point positive infinity 1
math.nan A floating-point “not a number” (NaN) value. 2


  1. Equivalent to the output of float('inf'). For negative infinity, use -math.inf.
  2. Equivalent to the output of float('nan').
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