海明威寫過最短的小說是:For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.?六個單詞普泡,用一種短小卻讓人驚訝的方式就能寫出一出人生的悲劇活逆。
上周四晚,我趕的Brisbane Festival第一場蔚晨,就是由這800多愛情自白編排出來的一出小劇場:《I want to know what love is》乍钻。(以下略有劇透)
嗶一聲只怎,一個故事終止袜瞬,另一個編號故事開始。當(dāng)我們都以為這是一出浪漫愛情故事自白時身堡,背景音樂漸漸變得沉重邓尤,另一個女演員念著:"I could't leave my boyfriend until he was hit by a car in the valley, then he left me forever and I did not know what to do for my rest life."
我就像他人生活的窺伺者,起初想著只是看著贴谎,殊不知看著看著的過程中汞扎,我也慢慢慢慢被吸入,連同他們生活的快樂擅这,難過和痛苦澈魄。愛可以很大也可以很小,可以是愛情蕾哟,也可以是親情一忱。舞臺一角莲蜘,唯一的一束光打在面容沉重的女演員身上,她說: "I will not love any man like I like you my dad. I miss you."
我們都知道感情的世界從來都不存在公平帘营,付出與收獲從來都不是平等的票渠。那些40%痛心的故事里芬迄,有憤怒,仇恨和詛咒杜窄,毫不掩飾算途,一字一句在舞臺上呈現(xiàn)嘴瓤。聽到的當(dāng)下,覺得太唐突筛谚,但這就是殘酷的事實驾讲,你吮铭,我和故事的主人都做不到用平靜的心去接受一切的愛情的傷害氧枣”慵啵或許大聲說出"I hate you"是一種對過去最好的再見。
I'm?in love with both of them, I feel like?they both love me back, and I'm pretty sure they love each other. – Submission?#331
You?steal the blankets. But I somehow don't mind. – Submission #285
I?found him eating a peanut butter sandwich?with spam on the top, and I knew he was the one. – Submission #104
It's funny how we crave love, until we hate it. – Submission #101
It's been years, but?I still think of you and wonder?"what could have been". – Submission #087
I?was always in love with my childhood?friend, and my girlfriend of six years found out before me.--Submission #145
I love the gentle scratch of a beard below the belt. – Submission #052
I'd rather spill my?coffee on myself than write about you, because that would burn less. - Submission #080
Love for me is about nothing but us. – Submission #042
Being slutty is passion, it's love. – Submission #025
Why should I share you? Why don’t you get rid of someone else for a change? –Submission #044
I didn't just fall?in love. I fell and shattered. – Submission #058
I fell in love with a teacher once in high school. I would google his license plate to see what information I would get. - Submission #014
I drank about 700 bottles of wine to handle the rejection. – Submission #001
What made you think I wouldn’t break? I did. – Submission #328
I love my girlfriend but I wanna fuck other girls. Sexier girls, and never see them again. Is that okay? – Submission #405
When the cancer took her, it took the best of me as well.– Submission #302
I thought he was the cutest boy in the world. But as it turns out he became the ugliest boy I have ever met. – Submission #406
I was trying to find myself and on the way I found Peter, Dan, Jed, Laurence, Dylan, Joseph, Michael and that European guy I seduced online. He came too quickly. I said it was okay (it wasn’t). – Submission #299
I still love her more than anyone. I tried to talk to other girls. One of them called me lovely and I couldn’t handle it. – Submission #012