Cher ami, je suis content de commencer mes écritures professionnels à partir d'aujourd'hui.Vous voyez, changer le métier est tellement difficile, mais ?a vaut le coups, parce que l'informatique m'intéresses. ok, mon petit discours est terminé, maintenant, au décollage, bon courage à moi.
Git clone:
git-clone - Clone a repository into a new directory
you can carry out this operation from whatever online project(repo) as you want.
GitHub fork:
Github is an extension to Git prototype.
Fork operation allows you make contribution to others' project(repo).
Here is the main step:
1.Navigate to a repos link you want to fork, and click fork.
2.git clone the project from your github which was forked in the first step.
3.git checkout -b YourBranch:create a new branch
4.make change and commit to YourBrach
5.go to your account and compare pull request to the project owner.
6.let the project owner decide whether to merge your modif or not.