John has to decide whether or not he should begin to look for a new company.
The animals were?taken away, because their living conditions were?deplorable.
With his condition getting worse,?drastic?measures were required.
Without a doubt, one of the world's most recognizable pieces of art is the Mona Lisa.?
We shall overcome all the? express ditermin the to make it happen.
influence events to make it happen.
His company is?downsizing?and moving its head office to another city.
It's downsizing and relocating its head office to a less expensive area.
Loneliness and boredom represent the realistic side of traditional love.
Sports injuries can be classified as either?traumatic?or overuse injuries.
Most of the women I've been with have tried to control me!
In many cases,sports injuries?are due to overuse of a part of the body.?
He's been saving money and paying off debts to prepare for retirement.
If that happened he would have to rely on his savings and other assets to survive.
For now, the company is okay, but it's no longer growing as fast as it used to.
If he fell down or had a stroke, it?could?force him to stop working.
It has reduced its local hiring because?salary levels are lower?overseas.
The company he works for is a?pharmaceutical?company.
Investing in real?estate?or the stock market could be very risky.
Salary levels are lower there, and the quality of foreign workers is getting better.
If he sold now, he would have to decide what to do with the money.
In the best case he would make a lot of money.
On the other hand, in the worst case, his investments could result in a huge loss.
If things start to go badly, he can begin to sell his stock and avoid a big loss.
His investments could turn out well, or they could turn out to be a disaster.
If that happened he could finally retire and enjoy a comfortable life.
If he made a lot of money,?he could finally retire and enjoy a comfortable life.
If that happened, he wouldn't be able to enjoy his retirement.
With his?insider?information, he can predict the company's short-term future.
If his investments resulted in a huge loss,?he wouldn't be able to enjoy his retirement.
If a new drug isn't approved, it can't be sold, which can result in a huge loss.
In his?role?as an accountant, he has special access to the company's financial data.
Nobody can make it rain, so whether or not it rains is beyond anyone's control.
The modal "will" shows that?the speakers is making a?prediction?with certainty.
She has something else planned for that evening,so she can't come to the party.
"If he could come" expresses less potential than "If he can come' .
We don't know for sure,but there is still a possibality that they can leave on Friday.
The modal "may" shows that the speaker thinks something?is possibale.
One interesting rule is that no more than one modal can be used with any verb.
The modal "must"?expresses?logical or social necessity.
Investing in real?estate?or the stock market could be very risky.
So far they are all after my money and a fancy lifestyle.
Whether or not he can keep on working will also depend on his health.
"If he could come" expresses less potential than "If he can come' .
The modal "might" expresses less possibility than "may", so "might go" is less likely than "may go".
It isn't certain but there's a good probability that they will finish at five.
Many believe that the city's?inhabitants?abandoned the site because of a?epidemic.
He never shows any interest in what I'm doing or?what I'm feeling.
Among these, contempt is the biggest?predictor?of divorce.