Much wants to say?but have yet say it out
‘cause I want to write it into asong
hearing it to be sang gentlely, to be remembered faintly
Even if it was finally left behind, all that’s still worth it
Perhaps my lifelong wish of driblets
will luckily converge into a river
and then each of us will stand at the opposite banks of the river
looking at the meanderingwater, finally brave enough
toconfront the difficulties of life with asmiling face
Perhaps we are never mature enough
to figure out all reasons behind things before stepping into the threshold of aging
Although in the deep heart always
lives a young man
looking back frequently out of uncertainty
seeking for something out of ignorance and feeling ashamed of asking for
he tirelessly climbs over each and every hill
and finally as he climbed cross the hills, he won’t be young any more
Sorrow?calls?no?time?that's gone, endless calling is in vain
Before hearing the immortal truth as wished
I have lost myself already
climbing over the hill, only to find no one waiting here
tenderness has gone far way in spite endless calling
Why I can’t even remember who gave me a hug last time
and when it happened
Neither do I hide it on purpose nor am I intended to make you feel sad
So many times we get stinking drunk
cursing too short a life, sighing for brief encounter
and just letting pretty girl smearing her make-up
what a great pity that we’re never mature enough
to figure out all reasons behind things before stepping into the thresholdof aging
Go all out but I still can’t understand that
Youngers around us
hastily find themselves a reason
to recklessly fight back the flirting of romantic loves and the bonds offate
until hitting a brick wall
Climbing across the hills with grey hair
Sorrow calls no time that's gone, endless calling is in vain
Before hearing the immortal truth as wished
I have lost myself already
climbing over the hill, only to find no one waiting here
tenderness has gone far way in spite endlesscalling
Why I can’t even remember who gave me a hug last time
and when it happened
climbing across the hills withgrey hair
Sorrow calls no time that's gone, endless calling is in vain
before hearing the immortal truth as wished
I have lost myself already
climbing over the hill, only to find no one waiting here
tenderness has gone far way in spite endlesscalling
Why I can’t even remember who gave me a hug last time
and when it happened
Sorrow calls no time that's gone, endless calling is in vain
recklessly fight back the flirting of romantic loves and the bonds of fate
until hitting a brick wall
Why I can’t even remember who gave me a hug last time
and when it happened