Hello everyone, this is Helen Huang @ Organizing, based in Beijing, China.In order to better learn and practice the YiXiaoNeng Time Management System, after finished publishing 100 Chinese articles, I decided to continue writing and publishing a daily English article in another 100 days based on the "YeWuBin Time Management 100 Episodes" audio program.?Today is the 128th day.
Today's topic is:?The Number One Solution to Solve Procrastination
In the previous lecture, I talked about a formula for procrastination:?U=E×V / I×D.
U represents your efficiency.
E is the expectation of success.
V is the value to you of completing that task.?
I is the immediacy of the task, or in other words how important it is to complete to you.
D is how likely you are to delay or procrastinate the task.
The key idea is that procrastination comes from that last part of the equation - D, which grows if you are unable to prevent yourself from being distracted, or cannot keep your energy level high.??It is a state where energy and vitality are not strong.??If you have no energy, you will find yourself procrastinating more and more.
Procrastinators want immediate results.??They want to feel good now, not tomorrow.??They want success with little discomfort.? They don't look at the future and they don't plan. They will sacrifice future long term success for short term wins today.??They may win the battle, but they will lose the war.
We all know that in order to succeed in the long term, you must pay a price.??That price is self-discipline, restraint and focus.
I grew up in rural areas, and did farm work when I was very young.One day, the weather was particularly cold.??As I was arriving home from school, I asked my father: "Dad, what did you do today?"?My father replied, "I planted seeds all over the farm."?"But it is so cold," I said, "Why not wait until the weather warms up?again?"?My father said, "In a few days, it will be too late."
You see, my father understood that the crops would harvest the best if the seeds were planted during that cold day.??He understood that by delaying his own comfort and exercising self-restraint, he could get the best result. In much the same way, those who want to master procrastination must learn to act efficiently rather than when they feel they want to.Many people know what they should do, but still do not act. They don't respect the laws of nature and reality.
Let's talk now about how to overcome procrastination.In order to treat the problem of procrastination, we must treat both the symptoms and the root causes".??
I will give you three solutions.
The first is simplest to understand but the most difficult to execute.
The second is only slightly harder, but not sustainable.
The third is the most difficult, but also the most efficient.
Today, I will introduce the first one to you.
In your life,choose happy and meaningful things to do! That is? the first solution. Choose happy and meaningful things to do -- simple to understand, but extremely difficult?to execute.The?method strengthens the numerator or top part of the formula. That is the E and V.?
In other words, improve the expectation of success and the value to you of succeeding. Make success important to you by doing things that are meaningful to you.
This is the best solution, because the meaning of life is not to get things done quickly and efficiently, but to do things that are important no matter how long it takes.
What is the value of quickly completing an unimportant task? Look to your dreams and choose something that you feel strongly about. What's important to you? Dream of your goals and keep those goals simple. Less is more when it comes to your dreams.
Let me tell you another story.Warren Buffett was once invited to Bill Gates' home.?Bill Gates's father asked both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates the same question: "What do you think is the most important factor that leads to success?"?These two successful leaders wrote the same word on different pieces of paper: FOCUS!?They believe that: the key to success in life is to "focus"!
So what is the secret to focus?Well, The key to achieving focus is to do what you like to do and do simplify your own goals. Less is more, and only do what you like to do.
Well, this is the simplest to say, but is very difficult to do.Why???Because, let's be honest, life is not easy and we have all kinds of challenges:?We have to work and earn income, and sometimes our jobs are not what we like to do!
Therefore, what job should you do?Well, the truth is really quite simple: It is your choice.
Then you will say: but I cannot choose what I like to do.??How can I determine what would make me happy?The goal is to quickly and efficiently complete those things which make you unhappy, and then to do what makes you happy afterwards.??
Think of it as eating the frogs first. Delaying the self-gratification, so that you can finally get to the things that make you happy.If you have a chance, then you must choose to do what makes you happy!
Harvard University determined3 key factors of success.I bet you're wondering what those three factors are?
I will tell you.
First, do what makes you happy.
Second, learn to focus on your strength.
Third, choose to serve your customers, neighbors and friends rather than yourself.
Harvard found that the most successful people are able to do all three of these things at the same time. The results were stunning.??Those who did this were wealthier, had healthier interpersonal relationships, and achieved a great sense of accomplishment.??
So remember, in order to remove procrastination from your life, focus on doing the things that make you happy . And that happyiest people are those who focus on tasks that enjoy?that?benefit, not just themselves, but those around them - serve others.
In our next lesson we will learn about the two other methods to overcome procrastination.
Thank you being with me together today. Have a wonderful day!