SlateCore\Public\Styling模塊中定義了 窗口風(fēng)格垮兑,描述了widget如何的繪制樣式有决。
- ISlateStyle.h
* Slate Style 接口類
class SLATECORE_API ISlateStyle
- SlateStyle.h
* A slate style chunk that contains a collection of named properties that guide the appearance of Slate.
* At the moment, basically FEditorStyle.
class SLATECORE_API FSlateStyleSet : public ISlateStyle
管理和注冊 各種 Style Set.
* A central repository that can be used to track and manage chunks of slate style data.
class SLATECORE_API FSlateStyleRegistry
* Add a slate style to the repository.
* @param ISlateStyle interface to a user-definable style to add.
static void RegisterSlateStyle( const ISlateStyle& InSlateStyle );
* Remove a slate style from the repository.
* @param ISlateStyle Interface to the style to remove.
static void UnRegisterSlateStyle( const ISlateStyle& InSlateStyle );
* Removes a slate style from the repository (by name).
* @param StyleSetName The name of the style set to remove.
static void UnRegisterSlateStyle( const FName StyleSetName );
* Find a slate style in the repository.
* @param InSlateStyleName The name of the slate style to find.
* @return The slate style, or null if it couldn't be found
static const ISlateStyle* FindSlateStyle( const FName& InSlateStyleName );
* Iterate all the slate style known to this registry
* @param Iter A predicate to call for each known style that returns true to continue iteration, and false to terminate iteration
* @return true where to loop completed, of false if it was terminated by the predicate
static bool IterateAllStyles(const TFunctionRef<bool(const ISlateStyle&)>& Iter);
* Populate an array of slate brushes with all of the resources used by the registered styles.
* @param OutResources Array of slate brushes to populate.
static void GetAllResources( TArray<const FSlateBrush*>& OutResources );
/** Repository is just a collection of shared style pointers. */
static TMap<FName, const ISlateStyle*> SlateStyleRepository;
* Represents the appearance of an SCheckBox
struct SLATECORE_API FCheckBoxStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an STextBlock
struct SLATECORE_API FTextBlockStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SButton
struct SLATECORE_API FButtonStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SComboButton
struct SLATECORE_API FComboButtonStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SComboBox
struct SLATECORE_API FComboBoxStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SHyperlink
struct SLATECORE_API FHyperlinkStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SEditableText
struct SLATECORE_API FEditableTextStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SScrollBar
struct SLATECORE_API FScrollBarStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SEditableTextBox
struct SLATECORE_API FEditableTextBoxStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SInlineEditableTextBlock
struct SLATECORE_API FInlineEditableTextBlockStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SProgressBar
struct SLATECORE_API FProgressBarStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SExpandableArea
struct SLATECORE_API FExpandableAreaStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SSearchBox
struct SLATECORE_API FSearchBoxStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SSlider
struct SLATECORE_API FSliderStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SVolumeControl
struct SLATECORE_API FVolumeControlStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an inline image used by rich text
struct SLATECORE_API FInlineTextImageStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SSpinBox
struct SLATECORE_API FSpinBoxStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SSplitter
struct SLATECORE_API FSplitterStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an STableRow
struct SLATECORE_API FTableRowStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an STableColumnHeader
struct SLATECORE_API FTableColumnHeaderStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SHeaderRow
struct SLATECORE_API FHeaderRowStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SDockTab
struct SLATECORE_API FDockTabStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SScrollBox
struct SLATECORE_API FScrollBoxStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an FScrollBorderStyle
struct SLATECORE_API FScrollBorderStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
* Represents the appearance of an SWindow
struct SLATECORE_API FWindowStyle : public FSlateWidgetStyle;
- SlateBrush.h
* An brush which contains information about how to draw a Slate element
struct SLATECORE_API FSlateBrush
/** Size of the resource in Slate Units */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush)
FVector2D ImageSize;
/** The margin to use in Box and Border modes */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush, meta=( UVSpace="true" ))
FMargin Margin;
/** Tinting applied to the image. */
FLinearColor Tint_DEPRECATED;
/** Tinting applied to the image. */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush, meta=( DisplayName="Tint", sRGB="true" ))
FSlateColor TintColor;
* Default constructor.
: ImageSize(SlateBrushDefs::DefaultImageSize, SlateBrushDefs::DefaultImageSize)
, Margin(0.0f)
, Tint_DEPRECATED(FLinearColor::White)
, TintColor(FLinearColor::White)
, ResourceObject(nullptr)
, ResourceName(NAME_None)
, UVRegion(ForceInit)
, DrawAs(ESlateBrushDrawType::Image)
, Tiling(ESlateBrushTileType::NoTile)
, Mirroring(ESlateBrushMirrorType::NoMirror)
, ImageType(ESlateBrushImageType::NoImage)
, bIsDynamicallyLoaded(false)
, bHasUObject_DEPRECATED(false)
{ }
virtual ~FSlateBrush(){}
* Gets the name of the resource object, if any.
* @return Resource name, or NAME_None if the resource object is not set.
const FName GetResourceName() const
return ( ( ResourceName != NAME_None ) || ( ResourceObject == nullptr ) )
? ResourceName
: ResourceObject->GetFName();
* Gets the UObject that represents the brush resource, if any.
* The object may be a UMaterialInterface or a UTexture.
* @return The resource object, or nullptr if it is not set.
class UObject* GetResourceObject( ) const
return ResourceObject;
* Sets the UObject that represents the brush resource.
void SetResourceObject(class UObject* InResourceObject)
ResourceObject = InResourceObject;
* Gets the brush's tint color.
* @param InWidgetStyle The widget style to get the tint for.
* @return Tint color.
FLinearColor GetTint( const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle ) const
return TintColor.GetColor(InWidgetStyle);
* Checks whether this brush has a UTexture object
* @return true if it has a UTexture object, false otherwise.
bool HasUObject( ) const
return (ResourceObject != nullptr) || (bHasUObject_DEPRECATED);
* Checks whether the brush resource is loaded dynamically.
* @return true if loaded dynamically, false otherwise.
bool IsDynamicallyLoaded( ) const
return bIsDynamicallyLoaded;
* Get brush UV region, should check if region is valid before using it
* @return UV region
FBox2D GetUVRegion() const
return UVRegion;
* Set brush UV region
* @param InUVRegion When valid - overrides UV region specified in resource proxy
void SetUVRegion(const FBox2D& InUVRegion)
UVRegion = InUVRegion;
* Compares this brush with another for equality.
* @param Other The other brush.
* @return true if the two brushes are equal, false otherwise.
bool operator==( const FSlateBrush& Other ) const
return ImageSize == Other.ImageSize
&& DrawAs == Other.DrawAs
&& Margin == Other.Margin
&& TintColor == Other.TintColor
&& Tiling == Other.Tiling
&& Mirroring == Other.Mirroring
&& ResourceObject == Other.ResourceObject
&& ResourceName == Other.ResourceName
&& bIsDynamicallyLoaded == Other.bIsDynamicallyLoaded
&& UVRegion == Other.UVRegion;
* Compares this brush with another for inequality.
* @param Other The other brush.
* @return false if the two brushes are equal, true otherwise.
bool operator!=( const FSlateBrush& Other ) const
return !(*this == Other);
void PostSerialize(const FArchive& Ar);
void AddReferencedObjects(FReferenceCollector& Collector);
* Gets the identifier for UObject based texture paths.
* @return Texture identifier string.
static const FString UTextureIdentifier( );
* The image to render for this brush, can be a UTexture or UMaterialInterface or an object implementing
* the AtlasedTextureInterface.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush, meta=( DisplayThumbnail="true", DisplayName="Image", AllowedClasses="Texture,MaterialInterface,SlateTextureAtlasInterface" ))
UObject* ResourceObject;
/** The name of the rendering resource to use */
FName ResourceName;
* Optional UV region for an image
* When valid - overrides UV region specified in resource proxy
FBox2D UVRegion;
/** How to draw the image */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush)
TEnumAsByte<enum ESlateBrushDrawType::Type > DrawAs;
/** How to tile the image in Image mode */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush)
TEnumAsByte<enum ESlateBrushTileType::Type> Tiling;
/** How to mirror the image in Image mode. This is normally only used for dynamic image brushes where the source texture
comes from a hardware device such as a web camera. */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Brush)
TEnumAsByte<enum ESlateBrushMirrorType::Type> Mirroring;
/** The type of image */
TEnumAsByte<enum ESlateBrushImageType::Type> ImageType;
/** Whether or not the brush path is a path to a UObject */
uint8 bIsDynamicallyLoaded:1;
/** Whether or not the brush has a UTexture resource */
uint8 bHasUObject_DEPRECATED:1;
* This constructor is protected; use one of the deriving classes instead.
* @param InDrawType How to draw the texture
* @param InResourceName The name of the resource
* @param InMargin Margin to use in border and box modes
* @param InTiling Tile horizontally/vertically or both? (only in image mode)
* @param InImageType The type of image
* @param InTint Tint to apply to the element.
FORCENOINLINE FSlateBrush( ESlateBrushDrawType::Type InDrawType, const FName InResourceName, const FMargin& InMargin, ESlateBrushTileType::Type InTiling, ESlateBrushImageType::Type InImageType, const FVector2D& InImageSize, const FLinearColor& InTint = FLinearColor::White, UObject* InObjectResource = nullptr, bool bInDynamicallyLoaded = false );
FORCENOINLINE FSlateBrush( ESlateBrushDrawType::Type InDrawType, const FName InResourceName, const FMargin& InMargin, ESlateBrushTileType::Type InTiling, ESlateBrushImageType::Type InImageType, const FVector2D& InImageSize, const TSharedRef< FLinearColor >& InTint, UObject* InObjectResource = nullptr, bool bInDynamicallyLoaded = false );
FORCENOINLINE FSlateBrush( ESlateBrushDrawType::Type InDrawType, const FName InResourceName, const FMargin& InMargin, ESlateBrushTileType::Type InTiling, ESlateBrushImageType::Type InImageType, const FVector2D& InImageSize, const FSlateColor& InTint, UObject* InObjectResource = nullptr, bool bInDynamicallyLoaded = false );
FSlateBrush定義了如何繪制一個slate元素,它擁有 畫刷類型锌云、UV、Image對象等扰路。