為Health First系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)UML類圖和順序圖?
?第一部分要求針對(duì)Training program booking request和Find a Trainer設(shè)計(jì)初步劃分對(duì)象類之后的靜態(tài)類圖并改進(jìn)成最終設(shè)計(jì)類圖,示例如下:
針對(duì)Training program booking request功能設(shè)計(jì)初步劃分對(duì)象類之后的順序圖并改進(jìn)赏枚,示例如下:?
第二部分要求使用合適的原型軟件床架Health First系統(tǒng)原型并展示。?
FIT2001 – Assignment 3: Sequence Diagrams & Design Class Diagrams AND
Presentation & Prototype
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Due Dates:
Assignment 3 is worth 20% of the marks allocated to the assignment component of the unit.
This assignment will give you the opportunity to integrate and develop your analytical,
modelling and communication skills. Specifically, it will help you:
? Enhance your ability in creating design models, specifically design class and
sequence diagrams;
? Develop your modelling skills.
Each team member must accept the digital coversheet on Moodle. Failure to do so will result
in your assignment not being submitted correctly, and thus not being marked.
Please follow the below guidelines:
- The final submission needs to be submitted once (by one member of the team) via
- All team members are responsible for the final submission, and therefore every team
member should review the final uploaded version, prior to its final submission by the
assignment deadline.
- A single document (Microsoft Word document, or PDF) should contain the entire
submission. This file should have a professional structure and layout. The different
sections and documents within should be labelled clearly.
o If you want to attach the original files that were used in the above document,
you may do so. Examples of these can include: the original diagram files,
original files for the attached sub-sections, such as the meeting minutes, etc.
Note: This does not mean that you can omit these sections from the main
submission document.
? For example, some teams would like to include these attachments to
give the marker(s) more options for viewing the original models. Be
aware, however, that markers may not have access to the program(s)
you used to create your models. Hence the PDF is required.
o In this case, there will be multiple files, therefore, they need to be put in a
single compressed folder (.ZIP or .RAR are accepted)
- All diagrams must be prepared using the same software application, to ensure a
consistent, professional presentation.
- The filename of the submission, should follow this format:
FIT2001_Assignment [No]_Team[yourTeamID]_[OptionalTeamName].pdf (.zip, .rar,
or .docx)
FIT2001 – Assignment 3: Sequence Diagrams & Design Class Diagrams AND
Presentation & Prototype
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o E.g. FIT2001_Assignment3_Team1_ABC.zip
Due to the assignment structure, late submissions will not be accepted, and solutions might
be released soon after the due date. However, if there are extenuating circumstances,
please contact your campus lecturer.
Assignment Outline:
This assignment requires you to further document your understanding of the requirements
for the Health First system you have been working on for all your assignments.
Further Information:
An assignment discussion forum has been created and students are encouraged to post
questions about the assignment and the business to the forum. Please read the forum
before posting your question, as your question may have already been answered. Please do
not post answers for staff to review on the forum.
NOTE: Staff will make every attempt to answer questions on the forum from Monday–
Assessment Criteria:
See separate document on Unit Website – Assignment 3 section.
Assignment Requirements:
This assignment will help you understand the business requirements of the Health First
Based on the understanding and analysis you have conducted on the information gathered,
using the Health First Detailed Description document and the associated samples, complete
the following:
1 – Sequence Diagrams & Design Class Diagrams (10%)
1.1 - Sequence Diagrams (4%)
Create a system sequence diagram, and a first-cut sequence diagram for the “Training
program booking request” functionality for the Health First system. Then provide a final-cut
sequence diagram based on the first-cut diagram.
1.2 - Design Class Diagram (6%)
Create a first-cut design class diagram showing only the classes involved in the “Training
program booking request” and “Find a Trainer” functionality. Then, consistent with the other
parts of your model (e.g. sequence diagrams), provide a final-cut design class diagram.
Please Note:
1. The diagrams need to be formatted as per the submission requirements as specified
in the submission section of this document. Please refer to the submission section for
further details.
2. (Optional) If you would like to include the earlier iterations of your diagrams, those
can be attached as an appendix to the end of your submission.
FIT2001 – Assignment 3: Sequence Diagrams & Design Class Diagrams AND
Presentation & Prototype
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3. All diagrams must be completed, reviewed, and revised by all team members. It must
be prepared by all team members using the same software application and cannot be
2 - Prototype Development and Presentation (10%)
This section requires your team to develop the user interface prototype (mock-up also known
as dummy) of a website desired by Jenny for the Health First context. Your team is required
to perform the following tasks:
2.1 Task 1: Create a mock-up prototype showing user interface only (i.e. not a workable
system) of your team’s proposed website for the Health First context for end-users. Use
a suitable prototype software to create mock-up prototype.
2.2 Task 2: Present the mock-up prototype showing the user interface that your team has
completed in Task 1, and orally present it (involving all members of your team*) to your
client (i.e. tutor) in your Week 12** tutorial. Presentation time should not exceed 10
* Oral presentation is a team effort. Non-attendance of a team member will attract 50%
deduction penalty to that member’s individual mark for Assignment 3. Each team member
needs to collaborate equally for presentation.
** Assignment 3 Report needs submission on 18 October 2019 (Week 11) but the oral
presentation of the user interface is in Week 12 tutorial.)
Teamwork Documentation:
Note: This documentation will be used to help assess your teamwork, and may be
used together with the Peer Assessment to moderate your group mark, if required.
Trello is a task management app that gives you a visual overview of what is being
worked on and who is working on it. It is essential that you create a plan, and keep a
record of all your meetings. Trello can help you to facilities all team management.
What to include in the final submission
Assignment 3 plan which must be indicated in the Trello
Agenda/Minutes for all meetings
Please note: Team documentation should be considered with careful attention and
should be recorded on trello; it can serve an important role in and as evidence for
team organisation, communication, individual and team contribution and the team
management. (It is necessary that your tutor can access to your trello, please make
an account for your tutor in Trello).
Please note any assumptions you have made in the completion of the assignment to help
understand the perspective you have taken, the context of your models, and/or the
perceived limitations for each section of your submission.??