Lesson54 Sticky fingers
After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-knobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!
/?l?s?n/ /?f?fti/-/f?r/ /?st?ki/ /?f??g?rz/
/??ft?r/ /?br?kf?st/, /a?/ /s?nt/ /e?/ /???ldr?n/ /t?/ /skul/ /?nd/ /e?n/ /a?/ /w?nt/ /t?/ /e?/ /?ɑps/. /?t/ /w?z/ /st?l/ /??rli/ /w?n/ /a?/ /r??t?rnd/ /ho?m/. /e?/ /???ldr?n/ /w?r/ /?t/ /skul/, /ma?/ /?h?zb?nd/ /w?z/ /?t/ /w?rk/ /?nd/ /e?/ /ha?s/ /w?z/ /?kwa??t/. /so?/ /a?/ /?d??sa?d?d/ /t?/ /me?k/ /s?m/ /mit/ /pa?z/. /?n/ /?/ /??rt/ /ta?m/ /a?/ /w?z/ /?b?zi/ /?m?ks??/ /?b?t?r/ /?nd/ /?fla??r/ /?nd/ /ma?/ /h?ndz/ /w?r/ /sun/ /?k?v?rd/ /w?e/ /?st?ki/ /?pe?stri/. /?t/ /?g?z?ktli/ /e?t/ /?mo?m?nt/, /e?/ /?t?l??fo?n/ /r??/. /?n?θ??/ /k?d/ /h?v/ /b?n/ /m?r/ /??n????/. /a?/ /p?kt/ /?p/ /e?/ /r??siv?r/ /b??twin/ /tu/ /?st?ki/ /?f??g?rz/ /?nd/ /w?z/ /d??sme?d/ /w?n/ /a?/ /?r?k?g?na?zd/ /e?/ /v??s/ /?v/ /?h?l?n/ /be?ts/. /?t/ /t?k/ /mi/ /t?n/ /?m?n?ts/ /t?/ /p?r?swe?d/ /h?r/ /t?/ /r??/ /b?k/ /?le?t?r/. /?t/ /l?st/ /a?/ /h??/ /?p/ /e?/ /r??siv?r/. /w?t/ /?/ /m?s/! /e?r/ /w?z/ /?pe?stri/ /ɑn/ /ma?/ /?f??g?rz/, /ɑn/ /e?/ /?t?l??fo?n/, /?nd/ /ɑn/ /e?/ /d?r/-/nɑbz/. /a?/ /h?d/ /no?/ /?sun?r/ /gɑt/ /b?k/ /t?/ /e?/ /?k???n/ /e?n/ /e?/ /d?r/-/b?l/ /r??/ /la?d/ /??n?f/ /t?/ /we?k/ /e?/ /d?d/. /e?s/ /ta?m/ /?t/ /w?z/ /e?/ /?po?stm?n/ /?nd/ /hi/ /?wɑnt?d/ /mi/ /t?/ /sa?n/ /f?r/ /?/ /?r???st?rd/ /?l?t?r/!
- 朗讀(L0):flour/?fla??r/注意不是/?fla?w?r/摹恰,registered/?r???st?rd/辫继,來源 https://tophonetics.com/。
- 其他:
adj. 沮喪的; 失望的; 驚愕的; 驚慌的;
v. 使驚愕俗慈,使焦慮姑宽,使氣餒( dismay的過去式和過去分詞 );
[例句]The committee was dismayed by what it had been told
- 朗讀感受:又是一遍過闺阱,似乎開始熟練起來炮车。好在文章比較簡單,句意和語氣把握一下,都有點(diǎn)分角色朗讀都感覺呢~
- 能否改進(jìn):暫無瘦穆。
- 打雞血:時(shí)間都是擠出來的纪隙,在公交站朗讀都是小case啦,一邊陪娃一邊讀才真正高階好伐(誤~)扛或。加油~