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附:《Cheat Sheet: All Facebook Messenger Bots Interactions》
在今年4月下旬的昨晚的 F8 開發(fā)者大會上贩疙, Facebook messenger事業(yè)部副總裁 David Marcus,宣布了新一代 Messenger 平臺的誕生——即 Messenger Platform 2.0。目前Messenger chat平臺上有11000多個機器人荆针,覆蓋娛樂粤剧、財務、食品飲料、健康健身静袖、新聞以及效率等個大類寡痰,我們就其主要類別的聊天機器人進行了體驗抗楔。
即將添加的 Discover Tab 則是專屬的聊天機器人尋找區(qū),為用戶所在區(qū)域內最好的聊天機器人和商業(yè)交互提供露出氓癌。在 Discover Tab谓谦,用戶能找到最近使用的 chatbot ,瀏覽 chatbot 分類贪婉,看到正在流行的 chatbot反粥,以及進行搜索。用戶可在進入對話環(huán)節(jié)之前,看到 chatbot 的功能介紹才顿。
The Wall Street? Journal莫湘,BBC ,CNN郑气,washtong post都是媒體類最先加入機器人浪潮的幅垮。
messenger chatbot借助其平臺的優(yōu)勢乌叶,人機對話也保留了和普通用戶對話時的很多有趣的功能。比如能針對某段話進行點贊柒爸,有7種情緒表情可以使用准浴,點擊情緒表情后的動效也使得功能增色不少。小瘋機器人的平臺也可借鑒這種功能捎稚,用戶能對小瘋的某段回復進行有針對性的反饋標記乐横,比如設計幾種情緒表情“不感興趣”“喜歡”“憂傷”等貼在回復上求橄,可以幫助小瘋進行機器學習。
由于目前的Messenger版本還沒有更新Discover Tab 葡公,所以只搜索到了僅有的一些娛樂chatbot.? Trivia Blast是一個提供知識問答的機器人罐农。Swelly是一個生活類的投票機器人, 值得一提的是當我進行了好幾組投票之后催什,它會主動問我的年齡涵亏,以便推送更適合我的投票。這種循序漸進的獲取用戶信息的方式蒲凶,會讓用戶更容易接受气筋。
電商類的chatbot,做的比較好的是優(yōu)衣庫的Uniglo IQ 和時尚購物助手chatShopper .
Uniglo IQ只給你推薦當季新品,針對服飾這種非標類的商品旋圆,建立了一套很流暢的導購閉環(huán)路徑裆悄。用戶點進來,第一步:先通過底部的藍色標簽讓用戶選擇大類是”女士“還是”男士“? 第二步:選了大類后會直接推送熱門款式合集給你臂聋,你可以點開看,也可以繼續(xù)通過標簽篩選服飾品類是“襯衫”還是“T恤”或南。第三步:篩選衣服的型號和顏色? 第四步:推送有貨的門店地址給你孩等。
如果用戶在某個環(huán)節(jié)停下來了,Uniglo IQ會很貼心的告訴用戶“Or tell me exactly what you're looking for.”? 采够。我試著打了一些不相關的話語給它肄方,它會明確的回復“I think that's out of my territory. How about this stuff? ?? or ??”。它會一直跟用戶強調自己的功能蹬癌,是一個目的明確的chatbot权她。
相比Uniglo IQ? ,? chatShopper更像一個時尚顧問,它不會像Uniglo IQ一樣按照類目層層篩選東西給你逝薪,它一上來就會問你要不要看看這批“blue sneakers" ,你看到喜歡的可以直接購買隅要,也可以加入心愿單《茫或者你還可以傳一張圖片讓它給你找相似款步清。
期待Messenger的bot 商店正式上線滚局,這樣用戶就能輕松方便的體驗更多有趣的聊天機器人了。
Cheat Sheet: All Facebook Messenger Bots Interactions
The very first screen that your users will see once your bot is discovered is the “Welcome” screen where you can introduce your bot using 160 characters maximum.
Use this screen to set expectations for your users and communicate your main functionality.
Once a user taps the “Get Started” button, your interactions begin with the welcome greeting from your bot. Try to be specific about the experience you have created, clarify your functionality, and describe the next steps to encourage users to respond.
The welcome message is a good place to share the basic commands, keywords, or terms people can use to ask for help. Use buttons to add more structure to your messages.
You can personalize your bot experience using a user’s profile data?—?such as name or location?—?to pick the right language or the correct time zone.
There are several message types your bot can use: text, files, and rich media such as image, video, and audio. Any attachments can be uploaded directly or you can provide them via a URL link.
You can also send structured messages that help users complete tasks, get information, or answer their questions. Try to keep the text on the buttons under 20 characters (including spaces).
Don’t use standalone questions as this this could encourage people to respond in the ways you don’t support. To avoid that add buttons with the specific answers to the message and ask people to choose one.
If you require a greater hierarchy, use a generic template that allows you to use a combination of text, images, and buttons. Photos in the generic template are 1.91:1. If you want to send multiple similar messages, use carousels.
Navigation (persistent menu)
One of the elements that will help people keep from getting lost is the persistent menu. It is always available, and it should contain top-level actions that users can access any time. Persistent menus communicate the basic capabilities of your bot and allow easy access to the bot’s functionality.
This menu will automatically appear in a thread if the user returns after being away for a long time.
The Facebook Messenger platform has several convenient templates like receipts or list templates for the commerce experience and airline templates for sending people their itineraries, check-in reminders, and flight status updates.
Buttons give people choices and direct them toward certain actions. There are several types of buttons you can use.
URL buttons. These send people outside Messenger. Make sure you do not use URLs for every button and try to build more interactions within Messenger.
Buy buttons. These open a native checkout dialog box and allow people to make purchases quickly.
Share buttons. These open a native share dialog box in Messenger and allow users to share a bot’s message with any Facebook friend.
Webviews open convenient ways to avoid the limitations of the platform and to show users any information in any format you like inside Messenger. Webviews support HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and allow you to create experiences that look and feel like part of the thread.
Quick Reply is another type of button inside Messenger. When this button is tapped, the buttons are dismissed so users can’t change their selection. You can use images inside Quick Reply. There is also a special type that will prompt a person for his or her location.
On the cheat sheet below, you can find all the tools available to help configure the experience people have with your bot .
To find out more details on each element and get to know the technical details, please visit the Facebook Messenger platform guidelines.