20% British public want to say goodbye to the Monarchy/Royal family in spite of the high expense?
But why?
1.She speaks no wrong(The Queen has performed the art of saying enough, but never saying anything that might offend .None of us has a clue of what the Queen thinks, and this , when you think about it, is what makes her remarkable, and best explains her success. After 60 years as sovereign,her people have barely the vaguest idea of what goes on in her head. Being the planet's most relentlessly public figure and among its most impenetrably private, at once uniquely familiar and entirely unknowable, is a paradox that never lose its power to intrigue.)
2.She provides a ?tangible link to their history ,she reminds them of their past, a sense of belonging
3.The tourism attraction (GB 10 bn )
The Queen pays the income,capital,and personal income tax?
Who to succeed? Charles or William?
Charles will be the monarch after Elizabeth if he is not dead
About the title of ?
戴安娜王妃= the Lady Diana Spencer
凱特王妃=the Duchess of ?Cambridge
They are not the Princesses simply by marring the Prince

Grenadier guards are, actually one of the most highly trained and highly respected regiment; they fight in military conflicts and wars (Iran, Afghanistan ) with real guns containing real live ammunition.
"crack troops, highly experienced soldiers" the queens have some of the best bodyguards available.
The British have a very quirky history. ?In trying to explain the popularity and success of monarchy ,we shouldn't expect the reason to be based on reason, logic is not an important factor. The British readily except their own eccentricity and quirkiness because it reflects an important part of our character. ?we are an old and complicated society that kind of respects the theatrical show of society and all that quirkiness of our character is ?epitomized our monarchy.
We are an odd bunch of people who love the "theatrical show of society"