1.For, though elated by his rank, it did not render him supercilious;
render ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?VERB
cause sb/sth to be sth 使成為
render sb/sth + adj. ( formal) to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state or condition 使成為鞋仍;使變得衅疙;使處於某狀態(tài)
仿 ?The word is difficult to render into English.
2.“Mr. Darcy is not so well worth listening to as his friend, is he?—poor Eliza!—to be only just tolerable.”
tolerable ? ? ? ? ? ADJ
fairly good, but not of the best quality 尚好的紧帕;過得去的踱讨;還可以的
that you can accept or bear, although unpleasant or painful 可接受的悴侵;可忍受的箱叁;可容忍的
仿She plays the violin tolerably.
3.“I believe, ma’am, I may safely promise you never to dance with him.”
safely ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?ADV
without much possibility of being wrong 不大可能出錯(cuò)地铡羡;有把握地
仿I can safely say that she will accept the job.
4.There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attachment, that it is not safe to leave any to itself.
vanity ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NOUN
too much pride in your own appearance, abilities or achievements 自負(fù)积蔚;自大;虛榮烦周;虛榮心
the quality of being unimportant, especially compared with other things that are important (尤指與其他重大事物相比)渺小尽爆,無所謂怎顾,不重要
仿The girl couldn't dissimulate her vanity.
5.“Remember, Eliza, that he does not know Jane’s disposition as you do.”
disposition ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NOUN
the natural qualities of a person's character 性格;性情
disposition to/towards sth
disposition to do sth
a tendency to behave in a particular way 傾向漱贱;意向
the way sth is placed or arranged 排列槐雾;佈置;安排
仿She have a nervous disposition.
6.intimate friend ? ? ? ? ? ? ?密友
I do not believe a word of it
Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly; but he may never do more than like her, if she does not help him on.
“There is a fine old saying, which everybody here is of course familiar with: ‘Keep your breath to cool your porridge’; and I shall keep mine to swell my song.”
8.Elizabeth is the heroine, but Sherlock is my favorite character. She is as clever as Elizabeth, but she doesn't have a perfect marriage. This flaw makes her image vivid.