? 事件是中立的竿奏,好壞是非對(duì)錯(cuò)袄简,不是取決于事件本身,而是取決于觀察者泛啸,取決于觀察者對(duì)它的看法绿语!看法決定做法,做法決定活法候址!不用對(duì)錯(cuò)看待事物吕粹,唯有因果才能徹悟!所以岗仑,菩薩畏因匹耕,凡人怕果!有了起心動(dòng)念共贏的種子荠雕,才會(huì)有花開(kāi)蝶來(lái)的成果稳其!~安清
格西講筆的故事 - The Pen Thing
01The most important of all the LifeTools that arepresented in all the DCI Levels is The Pen Thing.? If you understand The Pen Thing well, thenyou can achieve all of the Five Goals, or anything else you want in your life.
So here we go.我們來(lái)開(kāi)始吧嘱蛋。
I hold up a pen in front of you, and I ask you, “What is this thing?”我在你面前拿出一支筆,并問(wèn)你,”這是什么五续?”“It’s a pen,” you say.“是一支筆” 你回答道洒敏。“Now suppose,” I continue, “that a small puppycomes in the door right now.? I squatdown on the floor and hold out this same thing to the dog.? What will they do with it?”“但是試想返帕,”我繼續(xù)道桐玻,“當(dāng)一只小狗走進(jìn)來(lái)時(shí),我蹲下荆萤,在它面前揮一揮這同樣的東西镊靴,它會(huì)有什么反應(yīng)铣卡?”You think a moment and say, “Well, I guess theywould bite it.”
“Good!? So do you think the dog sees this thing as apen?”“很好!那你認(rèn)為小狗把這個(gè)物體看作是筆嗎踊谋?”
“Well no, they don’t see it as a pen.? They see it as…something to chew on.? We could say that the dog sees it as achewtoy.”
“So the human sees it as a pen, and the dog sees itas a chewtoy.”
“Nextquestion: Who’s right? The human or the dog?”“下一個(gè)問(wèn)題:誰(shuí)是對(duì)的底洗?人還是狗?”
You think for a moment and answer, “Well, I guessthey’re both right.? After all, the human can use it as a pen; and the dog can equally use it as something fun to chew on. So both of them are right.”
“Good.? Nextquestion then.? Suppose I put the penhere, on the top of this table.? And thenall the humans in the room leave the room, and all the dogs in the room leavethe room as well.? There’s nobody at allleft in the room.? At that time, whichone is this thing: a pen, or a chewtoy?”
You think for a bit longer of a moment, and then yourespond with a shrug of your shoulders, and shake your head.? “Well, I suppose, at that moment when it’sjust sitting on top of the table and everyone has left the room, then we can’treally say whether it’s a pen or achewtoy.? At that particular time, it’sneither one.? It’s just a thing…it’s sort of available, to be either one.”
“Good.? I like that word you used,‘a(chǎn)vailable.’? Sort of like a blank moviescreen, right?? Waiting for someone toturn on the projector and project something on to it.? So what happens, if the human walks back intothe room?? What does this thing on thetable become?”
“Well, as soon as the human walks back into theroom, this thing becomes a pen again.”
“Good.? Andwhat happens if the dog walks into the room instead of the human?? What does this thing on the table become then?”
“Well, in that case, it becomes a chewtoy.”
“Good.? Sonow let’s go a little bit deeper.? Canyou tell me what happens if both thehuman and the dog walk back into the room together, at the very same time?”
You scratch your head.? “Well, in that case this thing on the tablegoes back to being both—both a pen, and a chewtoy.”
你抓了抓腦袋杰捂。 “這樣的話,那么桌子上的物體就回到了兩者都是的狀態(tài)---既是筆棋蚌,又是磨牙玩具嫁佳“ざ樱”
“Great.? Inthat case then, we can say there are two realities going on in the room at thesame time.? They are both in the sameroom, and they are both really here.? Itisn’t like the human’s reality is pushing the dog’s reality out of the room.? The two realities are running in parallel, ina single room.? Am I right?”
“Okay.? Sonow let me ask you another question.? Ifthe pen only becomes a pen when the human walks back into the room, then is thepen coming from the pen, or is the pen coming from the human, from the human’smind?”
You answer: “Well if the pen only becomes a penwhen the human walks back into the room, then the pen has to be coming from thehuman, from the mind of the human.? Ifthe pen were coming from the pen, then the pen would be a pen before the humanwalked back into the room.”
Now this is where we want to be, to reallyunderstand where things are coming from in our life—things like a successfulcareer, or a beautiful partner.? We neverreally think about it carefully; but if we do, then it’s quite obvious.
Everything is coming from us.
But how arethey coming from us?? Is it something wecan control?? For the answer, let’s go onto another LifeTool, called The Video Camera.
How Seeds Make Things
Ahuman and a dog look at the same long, silver-colored stick.? The human sees it as a pen, and the dog seesit as a chewtoy.
But why?
Wecan explore one opinion about this right away. Some people talk a lot about positive thinking.? I can make the world right if I just stayhappy and positive.? If the pen issomehow coming from my own mind, then I can just look at the silver-coloredstick and make it a pen by wishing itwas a pen.? By positive thinking!
Well,as we’ve seen, it must be true that the pen is somehow coming from my ownmind.? Whether I can control the processin the present moment—whether I can change this silver-colored stick intoanything I want, just by thinking positive—is something we have to check out.
Solet’s do that.? Say to yourself, “We justproved, with the dog and the human thing, that this pen is coming from my ownmind.? If that’s true, then maybe I canjust think of it in a different way, and it will become a different thing.”
Let’scheck and see if that’s true.
Right now, wherever you’re sitting to read these lines, please find apen and pick it up.? Hold the pen up inyour hand, tightly, and close your eyes. Go into a really peaceful place—go ahead, we’ll give you a minute.
Therenow?? Okay.? Keep your eyes shut, and think realhard.? Or you can wish real hard, or evenpray real hard.? Wish that the pen was a big diamond.? Focus your thoughts on the pen, think positive, and say to yourself: “If this thing is coming from me,then I choose that it will be a big diamond,instead of a pen!”
Saythat to yourself for about a minute and then open your eyes and look at thestick.
“What do you see?”
“Apen.? The thing is still a pen.”
“Is it coming from you?”
“Yesit is, we proved that already, with the human and the pen and the dog and thechewtoy.”
“Sojust because it’s coming from you, is it coming from you because you want it to?? Canyou choose what it’s going to be, in this present moment?? Can you just close your eyes, think positive,and wish this thing into being adiamond?”
You laugh and say, “Well, apparently not!”
Pleaserealize that this is a very important thing to understand when we’re trying tofigure out where pens—or great careers and great relationships—are comingfrom.? It must be true that the pen is somehow coming from me, from my ownmind.? But it must equally be true that this doesn’t mean that I can turn it intoanything I want, just by wishing, in the present moment.
So then how is the pen comingfrom me, from my own mind?? PLEASE UNDERSTAND that if we can figurethis out, then we can make anythinghappen that we want to happen.
Solet’s look at where the pen is really comingfrom.
Inside of our mind, inside of all of our minds, are millions andmillions of tiny seeds.? When somebodyholds up a silver-colored stick in their hand, something happens—in just a tinyfraction of a second.
IfI have a pen seed in my mind, then in the same millisecond that the personpulls the pen out of their pocket and holds it up in front of me, the pen seedbreaks open.
Out comes a small, luminous image of a pen;you can imagine this image as being about a quarter inch high, and shining likea light bulb.
In the next split second, the mind throws this image out there, on topof the silver-colored stick—sort of like somebody sticking an adhesive pricetag on something at the store.? Thismakes the silver-colored stick look—tome—like a pen.
It all happens so fast that—unless we are meditating very deeply, veryregularly—then we never, in our whole life, catch our mind doing it.? That’s why everybody instinctively feels thatthe stuff around them, and the people they meet, must be coming from out there, from their own side, ratherthan from their own mind.
Justbecause things are coming from our own mind doesn’t mean they’re not real.? If you think that’s true, then draw amoustache on your face right now with a big thick black pen.? Then go and spend the better part of an hourtrying to wash it off.
The lesson: Things are coming from my mind, but that doesn’t meanthey’re not real.? Mental seeds are so good at making allthe stuff around us that things work: wecan use the pen that our mind makes to write a letter!? And that letter can get us a new job, or getus in trouble with our girlfriend or boyfriend!
(Bythe way, this is all because the letter that the pen that comes from our mindmakes is also coming from our mind—and the place where one makes the other isalso happening in our mind.? But more onthat in another DCI level!? For now, wecan say it’s 100% definite that things are real: that pens are out there,outside of our mind, and that we can pick them up and write with them.? You know that!)
Ifall this is true, then we can design theworld and the people around us, just by learning to plant the right seeds.? We can’t wishthings into happening, but we very surely can plant things to happen.
Solet’s look at how we plant a seed in our mind, for something like a pen!
The Video Camera
So we’ve already learned how a mental seed turns into a pen: the seedcracks open, and out comes a quarter-inch, luminous image of a pen.? And then the mind slaps this image onto asilver stick and it becomes a pen.
IfI had had a different seed, I might have seen the same silver rod as achewtoy.? And that would make me a dog, do you see?? But that’s a discussion for another day.
Let’sstick to exploring how we plant aseed, for something like a pen.? Once weunderstand that, then we can plant seeds for all the things we want in ourlife—for all 5 Goals.
To plant a pen seed, the first step is to find someone else who wants apen.? Because, you see, seeds are a lotlike echoes, or basketballs.? To plantone, you have to have someone to bounce against.
Yousend the energy out, and then you plant a seed for what you want to bounce backto you.? One detail: if you want a blueball to bounce back to you, you have to send out a blue ball first.? This has to do with the fact that the seeds forthings—even things like watermelons—make the same thing as what they came from.
Thatis, you will never get a watermelon plant from a lemon seed.? The reason for this has to do with theborders that separate “you” from “me”; but that’s a discussion for another day!
Afteryou find someone who wants a pen, you have to give them one.? Now in this act of giving there’s a lot oftechnique involved, but we’ll go over that later.
Nowas you’re handing your pen to another person who needs a pen, who iswatching?? Obviously the other person is;but you are watching too.? As I watch myown arm reach out and as I watch my fingers open and let go of the pen, animage of what I see is making its way into my brain, through the window of myeyes.
Thisimage enters the mind and actually “presses” on it, in the way that you mightpress your thumb hard into the palm of your other hand.? If you press your thumb hard enough, and thenlet go suddenly and lift up your thumb, you can see an indentation left on theskin of your palm.
Thisim-pression made on the mind turns into a seed in the mind.? What this means is that our mind is like avideo camera, recording everything we ever see. In fact, the mind also makes a recording of everything we hear, orsmell, or taste, or touch, or even just think.
? This is especially true if we see ourselvesdoing anything at all—good or bad—towards somebody else.? So in the Diamond Cutter System, everythingwe do really is recorded somewhere:in our own mind.? It doesn’t matter ifsomeone else ever witnesses what we do or not, because we witness everything we do just by being there when we do it, justby being aware of ourselves; and this witnessing automatically plants a seed inthe record of our own mind.? In fact, itis said that when we reach a certain level in meditation, we can actuallyaccess all these past recordings.
It’sgood to know that nothing we ever do to help someone else—such as a visit to anelderly person at the nursing home—is everwasted.? It always comes back to us, as something wonderful.? This is one of the most important principlesof the Diamond Cutter System.
The seeds created by the recordings stay in our mind for our entirelife, until they ripen and open into something or somebody in the world aroundus.? How fast and how strong theyopen is something that depends on how wehave planted the seed, and how well we take care of it after planting.?