Happiness Habit: Be Generous
By Rick Warren — Feb 23, 2016
“At the moment I have all I need — and more! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me.... They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God.” (Philippians 4:18 NLT)
“你們所送的我都全數(shù)收到了驰唬,而且綽綽有余斋竞;我已經(jīng)足夠了触机,因我從以巴弗提收到你們所送的,好象馨香之氣噪裕,是 神所接納所喜悅的祭物。”(腓4:18 新譯本)
You earn a living by what you make, but you earn the respect and gratitude of others and a legacy and reputation by what you give.
Who are the people in your life you’re most grateful for? They’re the people who’ve invested time, money, energy, and patience in you. The people you’re most grateful for are the people who’ve given the most to you.
The most giving people are the most appreciated people. Paul gives an example of this: “How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned for me, but you didn’t have the chance to help me. Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty. As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News.... No other church did this. At the moment I have all I need — and more! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me.... They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God” (Philippians 4:10, 14-15, 18 NLT).
那些付出最多的人就是那些被感恩最多的人秧倾。保羅舉了一個例子:“我在主里大大地喜樂,因為你們現(xiàn)在又再想起我來傀缩;其實你們一向都在想念我那先,只是沒有機會表示……然而,你們一同分擔了我的患難赡艰,實在是好的售淡。腓立比的弟兄們,你們也知道慷垮,在我傳福音的初期揖闸,離開馬其頓的時候,除了你們以外料身,我沒有收過任何教會的供給……你們所送的我都全數(shù)收到了汤纸,而且綽綽有余;我已經(jīng)足夠了芹血,因我從以巴弗提收到你們所送的贮泞,好象馨香之氣楞慈,是 神所接納所喜悅的祭物】胁粒”(腓立比書4:10囊蓝,14-15,18 新譯本)
Is anybody grateful for your generosity? How many people can you think of who would say about you, “That person is so loving and giving; they have been so generous with me”?
There is no better day than today to thank the people who have been generous to you. You can thank them by calling them or writing a note and letting them know how they specifically invested in you and what it has meant in your life. Then, use those people as your model for how to give of yourself and be generous with others.
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Talk It Over
Who are the people in your life for whom you are most grateful?
How can you show your appreciation to those people today?
How are you investing in the lives of others? What more can you do?