原文來源: 周志華老師
- why writing?
- peer-review 經(jīng)過同行評審猜拾,成為科學(xué)文獻(xiàn)
- fundmental research ---application 分階段性地展示自己的結(jié)果
學(xué)術(shù)界前沿研究 -> 實驗室技術(shù)成熟/工業(yè)界新技術(shù) -> 工業(yè)界技術(shù)成熟
- time arrangement
80% do + 20% write
3 . how to research 耽梅?
topic -> Problem -> Idea -> Concrete work -> paper writing -> submit
從感興趣的topic開始讀論文筒繁,從論文中發(fā)現(xiàn)problem库倘,思考自己的idea,考慮idea的可行性(數(shù)據(jù)能否獲得孤个?數(shù)學(xué)是否過關(guān)剃允?編程是否過關(guān)?idea的創(chuàng)新性?)斥废,concrete work 開始理論研究+實驗分析(不會做找人合作)
- 稿件處理流程
- Journal
- 編輯部/ 主編(Editor-in-chief)收到稿件
- 轉(zhuǎn)給合適的Associate Editor
- AE找reviewer審稿
- Reviewer的意見到AE手中匯總
- AE作出意見: accept/ revision/ reject
- Editor-in-chief 審定
- Reviewer 主要考察內(nèi)容
- Relevance 相關(guān)性
- Originality 創(chuàng)新性
- Signification 重要性
- Soundness 支撐性
- Presentation 表述性
In summy, reviewer will check:
- Does this paper introduce a new problem or provide a new solution to a existing one ?
- What is the main result of this paper?
- Is this result significant?
- technically sound?
- Does the paper provide an assertment of the strength and weakness of the result?
- whether accessible (to most researchers in this area?)
- whether refer appropriate related works?
6 paper writing
- problem X is important
- previous works A,B and C have been done
- A, B and C have their weakness
- your work D
- Theoretic analysis
- Experimental comparsion with A,B and C
- why D is better ?
- Strength and weakness of D
- future works on D
- title
- abstract
- introduction
- previous works
- your contribution
- Support(Theoretic and Experimental)
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Reference