
L6-U3-P1-1 Listening : Cyber Theft 1

Cyber Theft

John is the owner of a small consulting business.

Last night, some important documents were stolen from John's office.

They were locked up in the safe, and the only way to open the safe was with an 8-digit access code.

Whoever got into the safe must have had that code.

So now, he is trying to figure out who could have gotten it.

- access code

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

Toimprove?security, Johnchanged?the code every month.

He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

As far as he knew, nobody else had it, orhad ever asked to use it to get something from the safe.

There was noreason?for Sylvia to take the documents, so hecouldn’t imagine that it was her.

Thatwouldn't?make sense, and she was completelytrustworthy.

Besides, she was on a business trip, and wouldn't be back for several more days.

So somebody else must have had the code and stolen the documents.

If so, who was it and how did they get the code?

- she was completely?trustworthy.

(1) Only two people in the company were?authorized?to have the code.

(2) He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

(3) There was noreason?for Sylvia to take the documents, so hecouldn’t imagine?that it was her.

(4) That wouldn't?make sense, and she was completelytrustworthy.

One possibility is that the code was written down somewhere, maybe in a notebook.

Sylvia was famous for writing things down.

She had a notoriously bad memory, so she kept a lot of notes.

Maybe she wasn't careful, and someone looked through her notes and discovered the code.

But Sylvia wasn’t that careless or irresponsible.

She would never have written the code down on a piece of paper.

So that couldn't be the answer.

- She had a notoriously bad memory

Last night, some important documents were stolen from John's office.

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

To?improve?security, John?changed?the code every month.

He had the code of course, and so did his assistant, Sylvia.

The only way to open the safe was with an 8-digit access code.

L6-U3-P1-2 Listening : Cyber Theft 2

Another possibility is that somebody hacked into her computer.

She had probably stored the code somewhere on her computer, and the theft was able to get it from there.

But who could it have been?

Suddenly he realized that there was a new IT guy in the office.

Hemaintained?the company’s computer network andprovided?technicalsupportfor thestaff.

Perhaps he was the guilty one.

If anyone could have done it, he certainly had the skills.

He was a security expert, and he had helped Sylvia install something on her computer last week.

To hack into a computer means...to use it to gain unauthorized access to data.

Suddenly herealizedthat there was a new ITguyin the office. Hemaintained?the company’s computer network andprovided?technicalsupport?for thestaff.

If anyone could have done it, he had the necessary skills.

Suddenly he?realized?that there was a new IT?guy?in the office.

She probably stored the access code somewhere on her computer.

Then, John realized that nobody had doune a proper background check on the guy.

One of the other engineers in the company had recommended him, and he seemed nice.

They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn’t check his background very carefully.

Suddenly he had a bad feeling.

Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.

To hishorror,?he found that a large amount of money wasmissing?from one of the accounts.

Therehad been?a largewithdrawal earlier that morning, more than 75,000 dollars.

He thendiscovered?that the money had beenwired to an account in another country.

So, not onlydid?the IT guy get theaccess code for the safe, but he also got the log-ininformation for the bank.

This was adisaster.

Besides getting the access codek, what else was the thief able to do? -He was able to get into the compan's bank accounts

What did he discover when he checked the company's bank account? -A lot of money was missing.

(1) Suddenly he had a bad feeling.

(2) Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.

(3) To his?horror,?he found that a large amount of money was?missing?from one of the accounts.

(4)There?had been?a large?withdrawal earlier that morning, more than 75,000 dollars.

He suddenly realized that the thief might have gone after more than just the access code.

John immediately called the police and reported the incident.

He also called the bank to see if they could stop the transaction.

Unfortunately, they said it was too late; the transaction had gone through.

Just then, John got an email with the subject line: "from the IT guy."

It showed a smiley face and said, "Thank you for being so stupid."

Don’t waste your time trying to find me.

I’ve left the country and will never return.

Be thankful that I didn’t take everything in the account.

This should be a good lesson for you.

It was signed, "Your IT guy".

- the withdrawal of money

Don’t waste your time trying to find me.

Besides getting the access code, what else was the thief able to do?

Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.

They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn't check his background very carefully.

There was no reason for Sylvia to take the documents, so he couldn't imagine that it was her.

He tried to stop the withdrawal of money from the account, but it was too late.

He should have learned to take security seriously, which also means to do background checks.

He was horrified when he found that a large amount of money was missing.

They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn't check his background very carefully.

There was no reason for Sylvia to take the documents, so he couldn't imagine that it was her.

Besides getting the access code, what else was the thief able to do?

Besides getting the access code, he was able to get into the company's bank accounts.

John immediately called the police and reported the incident.

L6-U3-P1-3 Dialogue : Presentation&Feedback

Presentation & Feedback

Well, what did you think of my presentation.

Do you want me to be frank??

I know you worked very hard on it.

Yes, give it to me straight.?

I have my own opinion too, but I'd appreciate your comments and suggestions.

You said you have your own opinion about it.

So how do you think it went?

I thought it went okay at first, but I could feel that there were some bad transitions.

I think I spent too much time on some slides and didn’t express them well.

What kind of feed back does he want?- an honest assessment.

- He thought it was okay but had some problems.

I agree on most points.?

But to me, it was flat.?

Five minutes into it, I had a hard time paying attention.

Flat? Do you mean my voice?

Yes, that’s part of it.?

There was very little passion, almost like you were reading it.?

I’m sure you can do better.

- It has no high or low points.

- She lost interest in it.

There was very little passion, almost like you were reading it.

Well, what did you think of my presentation.

I know you worked very hard on it.

Do you have any suggestions?

First, let me say that I liked the slides themselves.?

The designs were nice and easy to read.?

But the one thing you didn’t do was engage with the audience.?

You focused on the slides and didn’t address the audience.

Oh, I was trying to, but I guess I was too nervous.?

I didn’t want to forget anything.

- He failed to engage with the audience

You have a great smile.?

You need to show that smile and your expressions when you present.?

Make eye contact.

When you present, I notice you always do that.

And you pause between ideas.?

But it seems so easy for you.

For me, I look at the faces in the audience.?

I watch their expressions.?

I really try to communicate with them.?

Once I do that, it comes naturally, because it becomes real communication.

What comes naturally after she trys to communicate with the audience?- She's able to connect with them.

For me, I look at thefacesin theaudience. I watch their expressions. Ireallytry to communicate with them. Once I dothat, it comesnaturally, because it becomesrealcommunication.

I really try to communicate with them.

She pauses between ideas and make eye contact with the audience.

You focused on the slides and didn’t address the audience.

You seem to enjoy it.

Well, I’m always nervous too before I get started.?

But once I connect with the audience, I’m okay.

So connecting with the audience is the key.?

Focus on them and not me, right?

Yes, well put.?

In fact, if you do that, you will have to adjust your presentation.?

It has to flow like in a real conversation.?

We have to respond to each other.?

And the pauses are so that the presentation can breathe.

What helps get rid of nervousness?- Connecting with the audience.

Soconnectingwith the audience is thekey. Focus on them and not me, right? Yes, wellput. In fact, if you do that, you will have toadjustyour presentation. It has toflowlike in a realconversation. We have torespondtoeach other. And thepausesare sothatthe presentation canbreathe.

Hmm, it seems so obvious, but I’ve never thought of it like that.?

That’s a great advice.?

I wish we had talked before my presentation.

If we had, you may not have been open like you are now.?

Anyway, I’m sure your next presentations will improve.?

It takes practice like anything.?

Don’t be too hard on yourself.?

No, I won’t.?

But next time I will do better and I hope you are there.

OK, well, let’s get back to work.

What kind of attitude does he have? - It's positive.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

He has a very positive attitude which should help him grow.

She describes a good presentation as if it were alive and breathing.

A presentation is flat if it has no high or low points, which makes it boring.

Connecting with the audience is a good way to get rid of nervousness

L6-U3-P1-4 Reading : Depletion of Fossil Fuels

Depletion of Fossil Fuels

A number of scientists are emphasizing the tremendous challenges that will soon be faced when the depletion of fossil fuel supplies coincides with an alarming increase in the global population.They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today. To assume that an abundant source of renewable energy will address this challenge is to ignore the vital non-fuel uses of petrochemicals.

Then there is the challenge posed to the current levels of mobility. As a fuel, gasoline is unrivalled in its portability. Electricity requires bulky batteries and hydrogen is notoriously difficult to store. Biofuels might seem like an alternative, but the energy consumed when converting corn into bioethanol, for instance, greatly exceeds the output when the fuel is utilized. In any case, once we reach a crisis in the food supply, it will not make sense to divert food crops to other uses.

Although there seems to be a widespread belief that the era of oildependency?is coming to an end due to some technologicalremedy, this may bemistaken.Relying on such anassumptioncan lead tocomplacency?and a failure to takeprecautions. Experts may not be able to come up with the kind of solution that can lead to a pain-free transition. Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population. The absence of realistic alternative to fossil fuels will mean that the?first priority will be to curb the demand for food.

The aim of the article is to...highlight the seriousness of the situation.

- It fuels machinery.

To be complacent means ...To be satisfied with things as they are.

If there is an abundant quantity of something,...there is plenty.

They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.?

Although there seems to be a widespread belief that the era of oil?dependency?is coming to an end due to some technological?remedy, this may be?mistaken.

Without these petrochemicals, cropyieldswould be only afractionof what they are today. Toassumethat anabundantsource of renewable energy willaddressthis challenge is toignorethe vital non-fueluses of petrochemicals.

A number of scientists are emphasizing thetremendouschallenges that will soon befacedwhen thedepletionof fossil fuel suppliescoincideswith analarmingincrease in the global population. Theyhighlightagriculture which isheavilydependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary tomanufacturesynthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only afractionof what they are today.

(1) A number of scientists are emphasizing the tremendous challenges that will soon be faced when the depletion of fossil fuel supplies coincides with an alarming increase in the global population.

(2) They highlight agriculture which is heavily dependent not only on gasoline to fuel machinery, but also on the petrochemicals necessary to manufacture synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

(3) Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today.

(4) To assume that an abundant source of renewable energy will address this challenge is to ignore the vital non-fuel uses of petrochemicals.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture pesticides which are important for agriculture.

There is a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end.

As fossil fuels become depleted, there may not be enough food for the growing population.

Without these petrochemicals, crop yields would be only a fraction of what they are today.

Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population.

There is a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture pesticides which are important for agriculture.

Curbing the demand for food will require a reduction in the global birth rate.

L6-U3-P1-5 Reading : Meaning of Catch 22

Meaning of Catch 22

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term 'a catch 22 situation' was introduced.The term has nothing to do with catching anything.It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that’s worth exploring.

First, it’s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims.

One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don’t fly.

Some of the men believed in theprinciples?they werefighting for.They werewilling?to give their lives for their country. But toothers, this was crazy. They thought thewhole?thing was?insane. One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He wasfriends?with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to?ground?him.

When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you’re wasting your time, you’re not crazy”.

Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was.

“There is no point. He’s crazy.” The doctor replied.”?Crazy people can’t decide whether you are crazy or not.”

“Clevinger isn’t crazy! he’s one of the sanest pilots here.”

“So he’s?obviously?out of his head,”said?the Doc. “He’sgot to?beinsane?to keep on?flying?combat missions after all theclose?calls he’shad.”“well, if he’s crazy, why don’t you ground him?”

“I can’t unless he asks to be grounded. That’s part of the rule.”

“So all he has to do is ask?”

“no, then I can’t ground him.”

“So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight.

“Sure, there’s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can’t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”.

“there’s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian.

“it’s the best there is,” the Doc replied.

- to amuse

- It was first used in a novel of the same name.

To be fit to fly means...to meet the required standards.

To believe in principles means ...to have a set of basic truths that guide one's actions.

It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that’s worth exploring.

“Clevinger isn’t crazy! he’s one of the sanest pilots here.”

When Yossarianaskedthe doctor togroundhim, the doctorreplied: “you’rewastingyour time, you’re notcrazy”.

In the novel, theterm'a catch 22situation' wasintroduced.The term hasnothingto do withcatchinganything.?It has a much deepermeaning, and itdescribesa kind oflogicalconundrum that’s worthexploring.

(1) First, it’s important to put the phrase into context.

(2) In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean.

(3) They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. (4) Many have already lost their lives.

(5) The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims.

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22.

Many have already lost their lives.

They were?willing?to give their lives for their country.

The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims.

“He’s?got to?be?insane?to keep on?flying?combat missions after all the?close?calls he’s?had.”

If he asks to be grounded he?isn't crazy.

To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind.

The term has nothing to do with catching anything.?

?It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly.

”?Crazy people can’t decide whether you are crazy or not.”

A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.

They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions.?

Some of the men believed in the?principles?they were?fighting for.

“well, if he’s crazy, why don’t you ground him?”


Once gaining in power, he fought against corruption and began to restructure the government.

If he hadn’t acted against the aristocracy, he wouldn’t have created as many enemies.

He appointed the members of his army to rule while he was away from Rome.

A disabled person is someone who generally needs some kind of living assistance.

With an ageing population, health problems become a growing concern.

Elderly people are often referred to as senior citizens.

She would never have written the code down on a piece of paper.

The only way to open the safe was with an 8-digit access code.

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

After a power struggle, Octavian strengthened his position as leader and ruled the empire for many years.

Caesar should have been aware that many of the senators hated him, but he dimissed his security force not long before the assassination.

He contributed to his own death by not realizing how his actions had angered so many powerful men.

It's expensive to develop new drugs, and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved.

He exercises every day and tries to get enough sleep, but that may not be enough to keep him him healthy.

He would like to retire within the next few years, but he won't be able to unless he has enough money.

Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work inthe country.

The high-ranking positions he had given as rewards had no real authority.

For the aristocracy, to live without power was humiliating.

There's a start-up that has contacted me, and I'm planning to join them as soon as I can.

Those in the labor force are the productive part of the population.

For afuturist like Ray, this would be heaven, a virtual heaven.

Another possibility is that somebody hacked into her computer.

John immediately called the police and reported the incident.

To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them.

The route was published several days earlier in the local newspapers.

Perhaps if he hadn't been so arrogant, or acted like a god he would have surrived.

If the fatal shot had been off by just a little, Kennedy might have survived.

Maybe your plan will work. If so, I'll be the first to congratulate you.

It's clear that he is going to resign because he no longer supports the CEO.

He has suspected that there was a problem, so he isn't surprised by the news.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture pesticides which are important for agriculture.

Agriculture is heavily dependent on gasoline to fuel machinery.

He was horrified when he found that a large amount of money was missing.

L6-U3-P2-1 Listening : Infectious Diseases 1

Infectious Diseases

Despite advances in technology,one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms.

Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.

These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity.

That’s because they are adaptable.

Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases.

As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger.

One of the biggest threats to human survival ...comes from primitive life forms.

(1) Despite advances in technology,?one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms.

(2) Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.

(3) These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity.

(4) That’s because they are adaptable.

(5) Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases.As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger.

There are several kinds of infectious diseases.

Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, are caused by bacteria.

These infections can be treated by antibiotics, which kill the bacteria.

Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus.

These can sometimes be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu vaccine.

An example of parasitic infection is malaria.

Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.

Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control.

And of course these parasites are also adaptable.

- They attack and kill bacteria.

(1) An example of parasitic infection is malaria.

(2) Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.

(3) Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control.

(4) And of course these parasites are also adaptable.

One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms.

Antibiotics attack and kill bacteria.

Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus.

There are several kinds of infectious diseases.

How serious are infectious diseases?

Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic.

It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold.

In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world’s population.

In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people.

The influenza virus that caused it was much stronger than previous influenza viruses.

Its mortality rate was two and a half percent compared to a point one percent in previous influenza epidemics.

It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours.

Schools and businesses closed in many places, andpeople wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air.

What was unusual about this pandemic was that it was most deadly for people aged 20 to 40, rather than the elderly and young children.

The mortality rate indicates ...the proportion of infected people who did

What did people do to prevent the transmission of the viruses through the air? - They wore masks

(1) How serious are infectious diseases?

(2) Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic.

(3) It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold.

(4) In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world’s population.

(5) In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people.

Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic.

People wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air.

Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control.

It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours.

It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold.

Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control.

L6-U3-P2-2 Listening : Infectious Diseases 2

Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines thathave?reduced?the severity ofepidemics.

These vaccines need to beupdated?every year because the virus changes and newstrains?emerge.

What researchersfear?is that a new strain of the virus willdevelop?and cause another pandemic.

Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before.

An unintendedconsequence?of our improved transportation system will be the speedat?which?an epidemiccan spread.

Experts predict that the public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough.

A new strain of a virus is?...a mutated form of the virus.

What has reduced the seriety of epidemics?- Vaccines.

So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring.

This will require global cooperation and the sharing of data.

It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals.

Animals, such as birds and pigs,carry?viruses thatmay mutate?into a strain that can?infect humans.

Such a new strain could?lead to another pandemic well before a newvaccine?could be developed.

Since diseases andepidemics?don’t stop at nationalboarders, this is a global issuerequiring?global action.

The threat of a global epidemic is another example of why we must learn to live together.

One danger is that an animal virus...may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.

So the bestdefensewill be to prevent anoutbreakfromoccurring.Thiswillrequire globalcooperationand the sharing of data.

It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals.

A new strain of a virus is one that has mutated from the original.

Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before.

Such a new strain could?lead to another pandemic well before a new?vaccine?could be developed.

What researchers?fear?is that a new strain of the virus will?develop?and cause another pandemic.

It allows epidemics to spread more quickly.

Epidemics don't stop at national borders.

So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring.

Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before.

An improved transportation system allows epidemics to spread more quickly.

Animals, such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.

Experts predict that public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough.

L6-U3-P2-3 Dialogue:Raising kids

Raising Kids

You know, my husband and I are having a terrific fight over how to raise our son.

What about?

He’s only 4 years old.

My husband thinks I’m putting too much pressure on him.

He thinks it’s the wrong thing to do.


I’m noteven married yet!

That’s my problem.

I wish Ihad?a husband todisagree?with.

Her husband thinks they should...put less pressure on their son.

Iwouldn’tknow. I’m noteven?married yet! That’s my problem. I wish Ihad?a husband todisagree?with.

Well, he thinks it’s important for kids to have time to be bored.


Yes, he really said that.

Can you believe it?

Why does he think so?

Did he have time to be bored when he was a boy?

Well, he grew up in thecountryside.

He said he had to?find things forhimself?to do.

He says he feels sorry for kids these days because their days are sostructured.

Well, he grew up in thecountryside. He said he?had to?find things forhimself?to do. He says he feelssorryfor kids these days?because?their days are sostructured.

From this conversation, her husband probably...has good memories of his childhood.

He said he had to?find things for?himself?to do.

Her husband thinks she should put less pressure on their son.

I wish I?had?a husband to?disagree?with.

Did he have time to be bored when he was a boy?

They are fighting about how much pressure to put on their son.

Her husband thinks it's wrong to put too much pressure on their son

Hmm, I see his point.

But things have changed a lot since he was a boy.

That’s exactly what I told him.

Then he started getting angry.

That doesn’t sound like him.

He’s usually so calm and reserved.

In fact, I can’t ever remember hearing him express an opinion.

Well, the other day our boy said he didn’t like one of his teachers.

It’s an English teacher.

And that got my husband’s attention.

- Their boy said he didn't like one of his teachers.

What happened?

He got angry and said hewasn’t happy with all theemphasis?on English and math.

He said Ishould?find someplace for our boy to do more ofwhathe wants to do.

He said to find the class or teacher who encourages kids to explore things.

That sounds a bit idealistic.

That’s what I told him.

Then he said it’s important to learn how to be independent and not always dependent on being told what to do.

He said that can develop creativity and the love of learning.


But what happens when he is behind of other kids in school?

Won’t he be discouraged?

He said to let the boy deal with it and see what happens.

Some people are competitive and some aren’t.

He got angry and said hewasn’t?happy with all theemphasis?on English and math. He said Ishould?find someplace for our boy to do more ofwhat?he wants to do.

What does she think might happen to a child with falling behind others in school ?- She worries that the child might be discouraged.

Some people are competitive and some aren’t.

That’s exactly what I told him.

People who are reserved don't usually show their feelings.

That souds a bit idealistic.

That doesn't sound like him.

He's uasually so calm and reserved.

Won't he be discouraged?

To be idealistic means to be a bit unrealistic.

He's uasually so calm and reserved.

She worries that the child might be discouraged.

Anyway, it’s an interesting point of view.

It may work for some kids and not for others.

What about your boy?

What do you think?

He has a good imagination.

Sometimes he talks to himself that he really likes music and dancing.

He has a lot of energy.

Sometimes it’s exhausting to be around him.

I guess if I were you I'd just give him a lot of choices and see where his interest take him.

And he needs a place where he can use all that energy.

Yes, that’s what my husband wants to do.

I just get nervous because all his friends are taking classes.

I don’t want him to fall behind.

- She doesn't want their son to fall behind and get discouraged.

Sometimes it’s exhausting to be around him.

I don’t want him to fall behind.

Anyway, it’s an interesting point of view.

What this conversation mostly about ? -?It's about how to develop a child's imagination and creativity.

It may work for some kids and not for others.

I just get nervous because all his friends are taking classes.

Yes, that’s what my husband wants to do.

I don’t know what to say.

Maybe you can do someresearch?andsee?what others advise.

I’m sure you're not the only onefacing?this problem.

At least your husband is takingan interest.

If I everget married,I hope my husband will be asinvolved?as yours is.

But he has to help you with this and not justcomplain.

Yes, that’s what we are fighting about.

I can’t be expected to do this on my own.

We have to do this together.

Good luck.

And wish me luck in finding a husband, okay.

I don’t know what to say.Maybe you can do someresearchandseewhat others advise.? I’m sure you're not the only onefacingthis problem.? At least your husband is takingan interest.? If I ever?getmarried, I hope my husband will be asinvolvedas yours is.Buthe has to help you with this and not justcomplain.

I’m sure you're not the only one?facing?this problem.

I don’t know what to say.

They both think her husband should help more and not just complain.

He said I?should?find someplace for our boy to do more of?what he wants to do.

In fact, I can’t ever remember hearing him express an opinion.

Maybe you can do some?research?and?see?what others advise.

At least your husband is taking?an interest.

I can’t be expected to do this on my own.

L6-U3-P2-4 Reading : Hedy?Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr was born Hedwig Eva Naria Kiesler in 1914 in Vienna, Austria. By the time she was ateenager, shehad?decided todrop?out ofschool?andseek?fame as an actress. She firstappeared?in a Germanfilm?in 1930. She was attractive and talented enough to be in three more films in 1931, but it washer controversial film 'Ecstasy' that brought her worldwide fame as an actress.

In 1937 shefled?from her country and secretly moved to Hollywood, where shereinvented?herself. She changed her name to Hedy Lamarr, with the nick name 'the most beautiful woman in films'. However, Lamarrdefied?the leading-lady stereotype by alsopursuing?an interest in mathematics and engineering. She soon tookup?inventing. Her earliest inventions included animproved?traffic stoplight and a tablet that woulddissolve?in water to create a carbonated drink.

With the ongoing World War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute the war effort.She designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes. With the help of composer George Antheil, whom she met in 1940, she discovered a way to break up signals and transmit them over different frequencies. Using a method similar to the way player piano work, they designed a frequency-hopping system that would continually change the radio signals sent to a torpedo. While others, including Nikola Tesla, had explored similar ideas of frequency hopping, Lamarr and Antheil obtained a patent for their invention in 1942 for what would become known as spread-spectrum technology.

Although the US Navy did not adopt the technology during the war, it was used during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.For decades Lamarr’s technology remained behind the scenes, but ultimately it led to the creation of today’s spread-spectrum communication technology, such as Wi-Fi networks, mobile phones, GPS and Bluetooth technologies.

Lamarr and Antheil eventually received several awards for their lifetime creative achievements that contributed so much to society.They were inducted into the national investors Hall of Fame in 2014, after her death in 2000.

- the unusual career of a famous actress

- She was known as "the most beautiful woman in films".

- public disagreement

Frequency hopping means to...rapidly switch frequencies to avoid interception of messages.

Although the US Navy did not adopt the technology during the war, it was used during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

They were inducted into the national investors Hall of Fame in 2014, after her death in 2000.

By the time she was ateenager, shehad?decided todrop?out ofschool?andseek?fame as an actress. She firstappeared?in a Germanfilm?in 1930.

In 1937 shefled?from her country and secretly moved to Hollywood, where shereinvented?herself. She changed her name to Hedy Lamarr, with the nick name 'the most beautiful woman in films'. However, Lamarrdefied?the leading-lady stereotype by alsopursuing?an interest in mathematics and engineering. She soon tookup?inventing. Her earliest inventions included animproved?traffic stoplight and a tablet that woulddissolve?in water to create a carbonated drink.

(1)In 1937 she?fled?from her country and secretly moved to Hollywood, where she?reinvented?herself.

(2)She changed her name to Hedy Lamarr, with the nick name 'the most beautiful woman in films'.

(3)However, Lamarr?defied?the leading-lady stereotype by also?pursuing?an interest in mathematics and engineering.

(4)She soon took?up?inventing.

(5)Her earliest inventions included an?improved?traffic stoplight and a tablet that would?dissolve?in water to create a carbonated drink.

She first appeared in a German film in 1930.

She designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes.

Her controversial film 'Ecstasy' that brought her worldwide fame as an actress.

By the time she was a?teenager, she?had?decided to?drop?out of?school?and?seek?fame as an actress.

By involving herself in mathematics and engineering. she broke the dominant stereotype.

With the ongoing World War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute the war effort.

Something is controversial if it causes public disagreement.

She defied the leading-ladyh stereotype by pursuing an interest in mathematic and engineering.

L6-U3-P2-5 Reading : The challenge of AI

The challenge of AI

The internet and smartphones have changed the world and how we relate to each other.

Instead of meeting in person, we increasingly interface through handheld devices.In a sense, real people are being removed, replaced by technology and virtual friends. Some people even say that they prefer to confide in their virtual friends rather than their real friends!

AI, or artificial intelligence, is another technology that is highly disruptive.

With AI, smartphone and other devices will have even more capabilities.They will be able to converse with us and tell us jokes. They may even become personal tutors, and replace our online human tutors.They will be able to do this because they will have access to our life histories.They will know what kind of problems we have, our preferences, and any content we want to learn or practice,they will be able to adapt to our needs and be available at any time. And all this will be at less cost than using a human.

In fact, the substitution of AIs for human labor has the potential to transform our world. Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. Many workers will become redundant, replaced by machines that can perform cognitive tasks better than people. An even greater danger is that they will develop personalities and become more interesting than people.Work is already underway to produce AI companions for lonely people.

Are these development something to worry about or something to welcome? How are they different than developments in the past, such as the industrial revolution? Cars replaced horses; machines and industrial robots replaced factory workers.

Since the shift to AI is inevitable, the challenge for policy makers will be to help existing workers acquire new skills. Future generations must be prepared for a workplace populated by AIs that will continue to develop and take on new tasks. Are we up to the task?

This article is intended to be...provocative.

According to the writer what is the challenge for policymakers誊辉?to prepare workers for a new type of workplace.

If you confide in someone,...you open your heart.

Something is redundant if it...is no longer needed.

They will be able to do this because they will have access to our life histories.?

With AI, smartphone and other devices will have even more capabilities.

Futuregenerationsmust be prepared for a workplacepopulatedby AIs that willcontinueto develop and take on newtasks.

WithAI, smartphone and other devices will have even morecapabilities.They will be able toconverse withus and tell us jokes. Theymayeven become personal tutors, andreplaceour online human tutors.They will be able to do thisbecausethey will have access to our life histories. They will know what kind of problems we have, our preferences, and any content we want to learn or practice,they will be able toadapt toour needs and beavailableat any time.

(1) AI, or artificial intelligence, is another technology that is highly disruptive.

(2) With AI, smartphone and other devices will have even more capabilities.

(3) They will be able to converse with us and tell us jokes.

(4) They may even become personal tutors, and replace our online human tutors.

(5) They will be able to do this because they will have access to our life histories.

AI, or artificial intelligence, is another technology that is highly disruptive.

They will be able to adapt to our needs and be available at any time.

Are these development something to worry about or something to welcome?

Instead of meeting in person, we increasingly interface through handheld devices.

Since the shift to AI is inevitable, the challenge for policy makers will be to help existing workers acquire new skills.

The internet and smartphones have changed the world and how we relate to each other.

They will be able to converse with us and tell us jokes.

Already work is underway to produce AI companious for longely people.


Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

She advises him to show his smile and be more expressive.

To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them.

With the ongoing World War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute to the war effort.

Something is controversial if it causes public disagreement.

She designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes.

People who are reserved don't usually show their feelings.

Some people are competitive and some aren’t.

Maybe you can do some research and see what others advise.

To hack into a computer means to use it to gain unauthorized access to data.

Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population.

He maintained the company’s computer network and provided technical support for the staff.

Instead of meeting in person, we increasingly interface through handheld devices.

He said to find the class or teacher who encourages kids to explore things.

She's afraid their son will fall behind and get discouraged if he doesn't take classes.

There is a widespread belief that the era of oil dependency is coming to an end.

Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for.

Only two people in the company were authorized to have the code.

She defied the leading-lady stereotype by pursuing an interest in mathmatics and engineering.

In Hollywood she was known as the most beautiful woman in films.

Her controversial film,Ecstasy brought her worldwide fame as an actress.

Maybe you can do some research and see what others advise.

I just get nervous becouse all his friends are taking classes.

People who are reserved don't ussually show their feelings.

L6-U3-P3-1 Listening : Prison Experiment

Prison Experiment

In 1971 psychologists created one of the most important experiments in the history of psychology.

The experiment, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, looked at the impact of situations on human behavior.

The researchers, led by Philip Zimbardo, wanted to know how situations could affect how people behave.

In particular, they wanted to know if good people would change their personalities and lose their values.

In the experiment, participants were divided into two groups.

One group became prison guards and the other group became prison inmates.


The experiment was set up in Stanford University’s psychology building.

A group of 24 students was chosen to play the roles, 12 guards and 12 prisoners.

The students came from a large group of volunteers who wanted to participate in a psychology experiment.

Those who were chosen had no criminal background and had no significant medical or psychological problems.

They agreed to participate in the experiment for one to two-week period.

The experiment was scheduled to last one to two weeks.

In the experiment, participants were divided into two groups.

It was one of the most important experiments in the history of psychology.

A group of 24 students was chosen to play the roles, 12 guards and 12 prisoners.

The prisoners had to remain in prison 24 hours a day during the experiment.

Guards worked in teams of three and were assigned to work in eight-hour shifts.

Unlike the prisoners, they were free to return to their homes between shifts.

Hidden cameras and microphones were used to observe the behaviors of both the prisoners and guards.

- The guards

The simulated prison included three small prison cells, 6 feet by 9 feet.

Each cell had three small beds and held three prisoners.

There was also a closet that served as a solitary confinement room.

This was used to isolate prisoners who needed to be punished for bad behavior.

Guards wereinstructed?not to physicallyharm?the prisoners in any way.

Prisonerswere to be addressedby their assigned numbers and never by name.

To prevent?eye contact with the prisoners, guards wore mirrored sunglasses.

This was done todehumanize?the relationshipbetween?guards and prisoners.

- To prevent?eye contact with the prisoners

To physically harm someone means...to physically hurt them.

(1) The simulated prison included three small prison cells, 6 feet by 9 feet.

(2) Each cell had three small beds and held three prisoners.

(3) There was also a closet that served as a solitary confinement room.

(4) This was used to isolate prisoners who needed to be punished for bad behavior.

The guards were assigned to work in eight-hour shifts.

The prisoners had to remain in prison for the duration of the experiment.

To isolate someone means to keep them apart from others.

Hidden cameras and microphones were used to observe the prisoners and guards.

L6-U3-P3-2 Listening : Prison Experiment

Though?the experiment wasdesigned?to last for 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days.

It had to be stoppedbecause?of?what was happening to the participants.

The interactions between the prisoners and guardshad?become?hostile?anddegrading.

The guards had becomeaggressive?andbrutal, and the prisoners werepassive?anddepressed.

As a result, five of the prisonershad to be released?early because of thesevere?negative emotions.

Even the researchers were affected, and they began to overlook what was happening.

Instead of halting the experiment, they let it continue.

They themselves had become dehumanized by the situation they had designed.

Finally, they realized that the experiment had to be stopped.

To become dehumanized means...to no longer act or feel like a human being.

The interactions between the prisoners and guardshad?become?hostile?anddegrading. The guards had becomeaggressive?andbrutal, and the prisoners were?passive?anddepressed.

(1) Even the researchers were affected, and they began to overlook what was happening.

(2) Instead of halting the experiment, they let it continue.

(3) They themselves had become dehumanized by the situation they had designed.

(4) Finally, they realized that the experiment had to be stopped.

What this experiment demonstrates is the powerfuleffect?that situationscan?have on humanbehavior.

Given a?position?of power, people can begin to behave differently?than?they normally?would.

They can begin to behave in an aggressive manner while those with no power can became passive and depressed.

In other words, the experiment shows that situations can cause abuse of behavior.

This experiment demonstrates that situations...can have a powerful effect on human behavior.

There are some important criticisms of this experiment.

One criticism is that it is an example of unethical research.

It went on longer than it should have.

It is also unrepresentative since the participants were mostly white, middle-class males.

Despite?the criticism, the experimentremains?an important study of human behavior.

Recentexamples?of the Stanford Effect may include thetreatment?of prisoners of war by American soldiers in the Iraq war.

Otherpossible?examples including bullying at school and gang behavior.

According to the head researcher, Philip Zimbardo, it helps toexplain?how ordinary people sometimes turn evil.

If situations do influence people behavior, thenmanaging?situations can be a way ofcontrolling?people.

- Its participants were mostly white, middle-class males.

(1) There are some important criticisms of this experiment.

(2) One criticism is that it is an example of unethical research.

(3) It went on longer than it should have.

(4) It is also unrepresentative since the participants were mostly white, middle-class males.

There are some important criticisms of this experiment.

It went on longer than it should have.

Those with no power can became passive and depressed.

Despite?the criticism, the experiment?remains?an important study of human behavior.

The interactions between the prisoners and guards?had?become?hostile?and?degrading.

In a bullying situation, some students take on a new, evil personality.

A degrading experience makes people feel worthless.

Those without power can become passive and depressed.

L6-U3-P3-3 Dialogue : A Test of Characters

A Test of Characters

Hi, what’s so urgent?

When you message me, you seemed really upset.

Yes, I was.

I was confused and I still am.

I need your advice. You’ve known me for a long time.

You are my best friend.

So what is it?

I’ve been offered another job.

Oh, that’s usually a nice thing. So what’s the problem?

The problem is that they are our strongest competitor.

He messaged him because he is confused andhe needs advice.

Oh, you mean Beta Corp.

Right, they've made me a great offer, more than double my present salary.

Ah, I see.

So thedilemma?you’re facing is whether to take it or not.

Yes, that’s itexactly.

It will be abetrayal?of everyone I’ve beenworking?with for more than 10 years!

It makes mesick?to even think about it.

But I’m reallytempted.

It’s a LOT of money.

What is the temptation?to take the job and the higher salary.

So thedilemma?you’re facing is whether to take it or not. Yes, that’s itexactly. It will be abetrayal?of everyone I’ve beenworking?with for more than 10 years! It makes mesick?to even think about it. But I’m reallytempted. It’s a LOT of money.

When you message me, you seemed really upset.

I’ve been offered another job.

Right, they've made me a great offer, more than double my present salary.

Look, I’ve known yousince?our student days.

If you took that job, you would be betraying yourself.

Yes, I know that.

I wish they hadn’t made me such an offer.

So why are you asking for my advice?

If I were to say it’s okay to take the job, would that give you an excuse to take it?

You are the one who has to live with yourself.

To be betraying someone means?...to be disloyal.

Look, I’ve known yousince?our student days.?If youtook?that job, youwould?bebetraying?yourself.

Honestly, what would you do?

If Iwere?in your situation, I'd probably feel thesame?way.

And to be honest, I hope Iwould?be able tostay?true?to myself.

Isuppose?if my familywere?reallypoor?and introuble, I’d betempted.

But even then, to betray my friends and colleagues, who would I be.

It’s a realtest?of character.

If Iwere?in your situation, I'd probably feel thesame?way. And to be honest, I hope Iwould?be able tostay?true?to myself. Isuppose?if my family?were?really?poor?and introuble, I’d be?tempted.?Buteventhen, tobetraymy friends and colleagues, who would I be.?It’s a realtestof character.

Honestly, what would you do?

I?suppose?if my family?were?really?poor?and in?trouble, I’d be?tempted.

If you took that job, you would be betraying yourself.

Yes, those are my thoughts.

And I’m not sure what my wife will think.

Look, I know your wife.

I think she will be proud of you if you do the right thing.

Yes, she probably will.

And in the end, I’m not sure I can ever trust Beta Corp.

They are a branch of cutthroats.

They have no integrity.

- He sees them as cutthroats.

So I think the answer is clear.

And one more thing, I hope you do the right thing even for me.

We need the people to stand up and do the right thing.

If you were to betray yourself, it would discourage everyone who knows you.

You have a lot of influence and people look up to you.

I don’t want to lose faith in humanity.


That’s what I thought you would say.

I'd be disappointed if you thought I say anything different.

We look up to people who...we respect.

I don’t want to lose faith in humanity.

We need people to stand up and do the right thing.

I'll do the right thing, whatever the consequences.

I know there will be people who will think I'm being a fool for turning it down.

Yes, but there are the ones who matter.


To you and saving the world. Ha Ha...

-He will turn down the offer.

I'll do the right thing, whatever the consequences.

But even then, to betray my friends and colleagues, who would I be.

Some people will think he's a fool for turning down the offer.

He messaged him because he is confused and he needs advice.

If I were to say it’s okay to take the job, would that give you an excuse to take it?

L6-U3-P3-4 Reading : Digital Intelligence

What Happened to Films

Media and technologies are reprogramming the human brain, changing how we think and live in significant ways. Nobody really knows how this will affect the future, and few seem to care. The tendency is to let it happen and go with the flow, despite warnings from some that all is not well. Nobody can stop progress. Still, it’s fun to reflect on changes to see what might be lost.

Looking back to classic movies andcomparing?them with what we have today, we see manysimilarities. However, there are major differences. In particular, classic movies succeeded withfew?if any special effects. The camerafocused?more on faces and expressions, like in the movie Casablanca. Violent actions wereseldom?shown?ingrue some?detail but wereinferred?from thesituation. Storylines focus on character and personal dilemmas. Much was left to the imagination. And of course, sex was hinted at, but never shown, except in seedy theaters.

Some of the best movies took place in a single location, such as on a lifeboat or in a jury room.Would such moviesdraw?an audience today? Those movies depended on writers who could build?drama into theinteractions?between characters who had character. Thisrequired?an interest in humanpsychology.?It also required audiences to have a similar interest, who couldempathize?and be moved. Do those audiences exist today?

Flash forward to the present. So many movies are filled with fast-moving special effects, explicit violence, and lots of sex. We have become voyeurs, addicted to getting thrills through the experiences of others. Subtle emotions? Psychological dilemmas? Or just plain escape! Of course, there have always been escape movies - Bollywood movies with stars dancing in the streets. It’s just the balance which has shifted.

Classical music and jazz played for more than a few minutes. People concentrated and took time to enjoy and savor it. But now, immersed in media, there is no time. Experiences are quick and shallow, measured by the number of likes.We flee into the noise, perhaps to escape from ourselves.

What do you think? Or has it always been this way?

To be explicit means...to say or show clearly and in detail.

If you have a tendency to do something, you are likely to do it.

Some of the best movies took place in a single location, such as on a lifeboat or in a jury room.

The camera focused more on faces and expressions, like in the movie Casablanca.

Classical music and jazz played for more than a few minutes.

Much was left to the imagination.??

This article is an interesting commentary on technology and human behavior.

People concentrated and took time to enjoy and savor it.?

The tendency is to let it happen and go with the flow, despite warnings from some that all is not well.

- Its purpose is to raise awareness of the effects of technology.

- They?were?inferred?from the?situation.

A voyeur is someone who ...gains sexual pleasure from watching others.

If something is gruesome to look at, it is ...awful to the point of being sickening.

We flee into the noise, perhaps to escape from ourselves.

So many movies are filled with fast-moving special effects, explicit violence, and lots of sex.

Thetendencyis to let ithappenand go with theflow,despitewarnings fromsomethatallis not well.

Classical music and jazz played for more than a few minutes. Peopleconcentratedand took time to enjoy andsavorit. But now,immersedin media, there is no time. Experiences are quick and shallow,measuredby the number of likes.?Wefleeintothe noise, perhaps toescapefrom ourselves.

(1) Some of the best movies?took place?in a single location, such as on a lifeboat or in a jury room.

(2) Would such movies?draw?an audience today?

(3) Those movies depended on writers who could?builddrama into the?interactions?between characters who had character.

(4) This?required?an interest in human?psychology.

(5) It also required audiences to have a similar interest, who could?empathize?and be moved. Do those audiences exist today?

Storylines focus on character and personal dilemmas.

Character-based movies needed audiences who could?empathize?and be moved.

People concentrated and took time to enjoy and savor it.

Looking back to classic movies and?comparing?them with what we have today, we see many?similarities.

Those movies depended on writers who could build?drama into the?interactions?between characters who had character.

L6-U3-P3-5 Reading : Digital Intelligence

Digital Intelligence

The impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. Experts predict that 90% of the world’s population will connect to the internet within 10 years or less.Evolving technology has become an unstoppable force, reshaping our societies, ignoring national borders, and interconnecting economics.There doesn’t seem to be any way to control it. However, one fact is certain: our kids are at the center of it.

Today’s children are born into a digital world.They use technologies and media from the time they begin to walk.Sometimes they have difficulty distinguishing between the virtual and the real worlds. In fact, children spend more time immersed in technology than they do with people, including their parents. It is estimated that they spend an average of 7 hours a day in front of some sort of digital device.

With the ever increasing amount and flow of information, digital proficiency may be the next survival skill.Therefore, it is essential that children learn how to develop that skill without losing themselves in the process.Guiding them is a challenge we need to face.

First, we need torealize?that with so muchexposureto content, there are bothopportunities?and dangers. What and when is somethingappropriate?for children, and at what age? Whodecides? Media is sopervasive?andaccessible, yet there is noconsensus?about what issuitable. People have differentperspectives, not only aboutcontent, but also about how togovern?access.

Governmentsmust?also decide whatcontrols?arenecessary.Policies must be put into place and standards set.?Whatever the decisions, the consequences will be enormous.

It seems naive to sit back and let children make their own decisions and explore whatever captures their fancy. So technology has presented us with a huge dilemma that will shape the future. Without a doubt, it’s an issue that parents and governments will need to address. Not only children need to develop a digital intelligence, but so do each and every one of us.

When something is appropriate for someone, it is suitable.

To distinguish between two things means to tell them apart.

What is the author's major concern about the impact of technology?- its potential effect on children.

- it is no?consensus

When people are in a dilemma, they ... face a difficult choice.

When there is consensus, there is ...general agreement.

Evolving technology has become an unstoppable force, reshaping our societies, ignoring national borders, and interconnecting economics.?

Therefore, it is essential that children learn how to develop that skill without losing themselves in the process.

Evolving technology has become an unstoppable force, reshaping our societies,ignoringnational borders, and interconnectingeconomics. There doesn’tseemto be any way tocontrolit.

Today’s children areborn intoadigitalworld.They use technologies andmediafrom the time theybeginto walk. Sometimes they have difficultydistinguishingbetween thevirtual and the real worlds. In fact, children spend more timeimmersedin technology than they dowithpeople,includingtheir parents.

(1) Media is so?pervasive?and?accessible, yet there is no?consensus?about what is?suitable.

(2) People have different?perspectives, not only about?content, but also about how to?govern?access.

(3) Governments?must?also decide what?controls?are?necessary.

(4) Policies must be put into place and standards set.

(5) Whatever the decisions, the consequences will be enormous.

The impact of technology is widespread and accelerating.

They use technologies and media from the time they begin to walk.

Policies must be put into place and standards set.

Not only children need to develop a digital intelligence, but so do each and every one of us.

So technology has presented us with a huge dilemma that will shape the future.


Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus.

One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms.

It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours.

A group of 24 students was chosen to play the roles, 12 guards and 12 prisoners.

The experiment was set up in Stanford University’s psychology building.

The prisoners had to remain in prison for the duration of the experiment.

Today’s children are born into a digital world.

They use technologies and media from the time they begin to walk.

The impact of technology is widespread and accelerating.

Animals such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain?that can infect humans.

Experts predict that public health systems will be?overwhelmed?and unable to react quickly enough.

As the experiment continued, the researchers lost their ability to think objectively.

This experiment demonstrates that situations can have a powerful effect on human behavior.

Given a position of power, people can begin to behave differently than they normally would.

L6-U3-P4-1 Listening : Rent or Buy 1

Rent or Buy

(1)John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time.

(2)They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up.

(3)Last year, John wasn’tsure?about his jobsituation, so they agreed todelay?the decision.

(4)They?also invested some money in the stock market, and theirinvestments?are doing well.

Linda really wants to have a place of her own.

She is growing impatient and doesn’t want to wait any longer.

She wants to sell some of their investments and put the money into a nice house.

They delayed their decisionbecause John was uncertain about his job.

She's growing impatient and is tired of waiting.

(1)John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time.

(2)They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up.

(3)Last year, John wasn’t?sure?about his job?situation, so they agreed to?delay?the decision.

(4)They?also?invested some money in the stock market, and their?investments?are doing well.

John is against buying now because he thinks prices are too high.

He is also worried about the high cost of living in the area.

This is beginning to make the area less attractive to companies.

Unless a company is innovative and successful, it can’t afford to do business in the area.

Salary levels have risen so quickly that companiescan?no longerafford toattract?good workers.

Good workers won’t come unless they are paid enough to buy a house.

So many companies are relocating or moving overseas where costs are lower.

- They can't afford to stay because of the high cost of living.

It makes it more difficult for companies to stay.

Salary levels haverisenso quickly that companiescanno longeraffordtoattract?good workers.Good workerswon’tcomeunlessthey are paid enough to buy a house.

Linda really wants to have a place of her own.

They invested some money in the stock market.

Unless a company is innovative and successful, it can't afford to do business in the area.

John is worried that once companies start to leave, housing prices will come down.

Only fools are buying now, paying prices that are probably 10 to 20% higher than they should be.

He wants to buy when prices have fallen to a more reasonable level.

Until then, it doesn’t make sense to buy.

-He thinkshousing prices will come down.

- He thinks that companies will move out of the area, causing prices to weaken.

If companies leave the area, people will lose their jobs and the demand for housing will decline.

He remembers what happened in other countries just a few years ago, when prices climbed and then fell 15%.

Many people lost their homes because they owed more on their homes than the homes were worth.

When they lost their jobs, they couldn’t pay the mortgage.

They couldn’t sell either, because the selling price was less than what they owed to the bank.

So they had to move out and the banks took possession.

Now prices are rising again so the same thing could happen again.

A cycle of boom and bust which people tend to forget.

- Unless they can pay cash, they'll need to get a loan from a bank to help pay for it.

A cycle of boom and bust when...an economy grows too fast, then takes a rapid fall, and the cycle begins again.

Linda has a different view.

She thinks he worries too much.

She thinks if they buy now, prices will continue to rise.

If they don’t buy now, they will miss the opportunity and regret it later.

She isn’t worried by the possibility that the prices may drop in the future.

She isn't sure, but she thinks prices will continue to rise.

If they don’t buy now, they will miss the opportunity and regret it later.

She isn’t worried by the possibility that the prices may drop in the future.

She thinks they will regret it later if they don't buy now.

L6-U3-P4-2 Listening : Rent or Buy 1

Another reason John is against buying a house is that he doesn’t have confidence in his new company.

It is no longer growing as fast as it used to.

Though the management talks about a bright future, he has doubts.

They say great things to keep everyone motivated, but he doesn’t trust them.

When he does a SWOT analysis of the company, he is even more concerned.

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

The company's strength is based on technology that is very competitive.

But technology changes fast and what’s good now will soon be out of date.

Continuous innovation is necessary.

- He doesn't trust them.

In the SWOT acronym, the O stands for opportunities.

The company’s weakness is that it hasn’t developed an alternative to what it has now.

Nobody is working on the next generation.

There are already signs that their technology is nearing the end of its life cycle.

There're still opportunities if the company is willing to hire new people or acquire a company with new technology.

The main threat is that other companies are spending more on research and development.

The main threat facing the company is thatits competitors are spending more on research and development.

The company still has opportunities if it takes steps to acquire new technology.

So based on his analysis, the company is okay for the next year or two.

But beyond that, its future is questionable.

As a result, John doesn’t want to buy a house now and take on a huge debt.

Until he has more confidence in his situation, he doesn’t want to take the risk.

If he would to buy a house now, it would mean ...taking on a hugedebt.

His wife thinks he’s too conservative.

She has waited long enough and she doesn’t want to wait any longer.

So John’s dilemma is how to balance his wife’s happiness against the risk of losing a lot of money.

One thing for sure is that she isn’t happy as things stand now.

She’s been waiting for a long time and he loves her.

So the decision seems clear.

John knows exactly what to do.

Maybe some flowers and a celebration?

What are they going to celebrate?The decision to buy a house.

They say great things to keep everyone motivated, but he doesn’t trust them.

She has waited long enough and she doesn’t want to wait any longer.

Based on his analysis, the company's long-term future is questionable.

They are going to celebrate the decision to buy a house regardless of the risks.

If you sell your home at a price less than what you paid for it, you'll take a loss.

He has to decide between his wife's happiness and the risk of losing money.

Though the management talks about a bright future, he has doubts.

His wife thinks he’s too conservative.

If he were to bug a house now, it would mean taking on ahuge debt.

L6-U3-P4-3?Dialogue : A Job Interview

A Job Interview

Yes, I've been enjoyed listening to you and learning more about your background.

Your experience is impressive, and it’s obvious that you do good work.


What you're trying to do here interests me.

I think there's a lot of potential.

As I said, I'm ready to leave my present job if the opportunity is attractive enough.


As I’m sure you are aware, it won’t be easy.

That’s a lot of uncertainty.

We need a strong, committed team.

Sure, I understand.

He's ready to leave his job if the opportunity is attractive enough.

For him, an attractive opportunity is one that has good potential and can provide adequate salary and benefits.

- It's interesting and has potential.

As for what we can offer you.

First, I want to stress again that we are a startup.

The people we have working here now are on reduced salaries.

I understand.

I’m willing to take less?than what I’mbeing paid?now; but I have two children, so I’ve got toconsider?that too.

I'll need to at leastcover?our basic living expenses.

The purpose of this exchange is toestablish reasonable expectations about salary and benefits.

- It's a startup, so the employees are also investors.

- He needs to earn at least enough to pay for his family's basic living expenses.

As I’m sure you are aware, it won’t be easy.

He's ready to leave his job if the opportunity is attractive enough.

The people we have working here now are on reduced salaries.

We need a strong, committed team.

I think there's a lot of potential.

Your experience is impressive, and it’s obvious that you do good work.

OK. We have twoways?we can do this.

Both of them have youstarting?at a reducedsalary.

One will give you abonus?after each round offinancing.

With the other, you can start with ahigher?salary,but?the bonus will be smaller, ornone?at all.

What is the time frame for the financing?

That depends on a lot of things.

We're hoping to get the next round of financing within 6 to 9 months.

We don’t want to go to our investors too early because we want to be in a strong position.

And for that, we are only to perform.

For now, we have enough cash to cover us for about a year.

- They want to wait until they can negotiate from a position of strength.

OK. We have twowayswe can do this. Both of them have youstarting?at a reducedsalary. One will give you abonus?after each round offinancing. With the other, you can start with ahigher?salary,but?the bonus will be smaller, ornone?at all.

- They're hoping to get it within 6 to 9 months.

Okay, that makes sense.

Well, I’ll talk to my wife and see what she says.


You need to cover your expenses, but not enough to have savings.

The less you ask for now, the greater your bonus is as you move forward.

That’s the idea.

Got it.

I'll get back to you tomorrow.

- They needed to be rewarded for taking a larger risk.

For now, we have enough cash to cover us for about a year.

That depends on a lot of things.

We're hoping to get the next round of financing within 6 to 9 months.

only enough to cover expenses.

a smaller salary meansa large bonus

Well, I’ll talk to my wife and see what she says.

What is the time frame for the financing?

We're hoping to get the next round of financing within 6 to 9 months.

Well, what do you think?

He’s impressive.

I think he’s someone who can strengthen our team.

I think so too.

If he can accept a low enough salary, we should hire him.

That will show that he believes enough in our plan to take on the risk.

If he canaccepta low enough salary, weshouldhirehim. That will show that hebelievesenough in our plan totakeon therisk.

What if he asks for more than we can afford?

In that case we cansee?if he'll considerworking on a short-term project first.

That way he could keep hispresent?job, and we could try tobring?him in later.

It wouldlower?his risk.

I doubt if he would consider that, but it’s worth a try.

Yeah, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Whatever, we should try to avoid losing him completely.

- See if he'll consider working on a short-term project.

What if he asks for more than we can afford?

If he can accept a low enough salary, we should hire him.

Whatever, we should try to avoid losing him completely.

I doubt if he would consider that, but it’s worth a try.

I think he’s someone who can strengthen our team.

Whatever, we should try to avoid losing him completely.

Well, I’m optimistic.

I think he will decide to join us.

He’s the kind of guy who likes a challenge.

From what I could tell, we certainly won’t have to push him to get things done.


He'll feel the pressure just like the rest of us.hah

From what Icould tell, we certainly won’t have topushhim to get thingsdone.

He'll feel the pressure just like the rest of us.

They're optimistic because they think he'll join their company.

That will show that he believes enough in our plan to take on the risk.

What advantage would he have by agreeing to work on a shot-term project?

They don't want to go to investors until they can negotiate from a position of strength.

The opposite of the optimistic is the pessimistic.

If they want a bonus, they shouldn't ask for more than needed to cover their expenses.

They're optimistic because they think he'll join their company.

Their alternative plan is to see if he'll consider working on a short-term project.

For them to strengthen their position, their employees need to perform well.

He's the kind of guy who likes a challenge.

As I said, I'm ready to leave my present job if the opportunity is attractive enough.

The opposite of the optimistic?is the pessimistic.

L6-U3-P4-4 Reading : How Tech Improves Life

How Tech Improves Life

Paralyzed people can now control artificial limbs by thought alone. This is possible because of the development of technologies which involve connecting the brain to a computer or other electronic devices.One well-known use of such technology enables deaf people to hear. The device hasseveral parts.One part is surgically implanted into the inner ear. There it stimulates nerves to cause the sensation of sound. The other part sits behind the ear and works like a miniature microphone.

Another new device allows those who have lost an arm or a leg to control their artificial limb just by thinking.The first human volunteer to try this out was Matt Nagel.Matt was paralyzed from the neck down due to a vicious knife attack.

The process ofimplanting?the device into Matt was quiteinvolved. First, a circular piece of his skull wasremoved. Then atiny?plate with hair-thin electrodes was inserted?into his brain. it was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controlsmovement. This platedetects?the electrical signals in thebrain?that usually control hand movement. From the plate, thin cables were connected to a small computer which decodes the signals from the plate and converts them into commands. Hopefully, these commands would control the artificial hand attached to Matt’s arm.

Shortly after the operation, Matt was surrounded by the surgeons as he stared at his artificial hand with hope. To the delight of the crowd, the hand started moving, and the fingers closed, becoming a fist. At that moment Matt made history, he became the first person to control an artificial limb by using a device surgically inserted into his brain.

Since the operation, Nagel has continued to test the technology and further investigate its capabilities. Using thought alone, he can now perform a variety of tasks.He can control a TV and even open emails.Such uses of technology are inspiring and bring joy to our hearts. It is powerful evidence that technological advancements will improve our lives.

- to educate the general public

- by converting thoughts into commands

Something which is artificial is...not natural.

When something emerges, it...appears.

One well-known use of such technology enables deaf people to hear.

The first human volunteer to try this out was Matt Nagel.?

Such uses of technology are inspiring and bring joy to our hearts.

It was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controls movement.

To the delight of the crowd, the hand started moving, and the fingers closed, becoming a fist.

- inspired

- the brain

- the bone of head

To convedrt into means about the same as to...change into.

The first human volunteer to try this out was Matt Nagel.

He can control a TV and even open emails.?

The first humanvolunteertotrythis out was Matt Nagel.?Matt wasparalyzedfrom theneckdown due to aviciousknifeattack.

The process ofimplanting?the device into Matt was quiteinvolved. First, a circular piece of his skull wasremoved. Then atiny?plate with hair-thin electrodes was?inserted?into his brain. it was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controlsmovement. This platedetects?the electrical signals in thebrain?that usually control hand movement.?

(1) The process of?implanting?the device into Matt was quite?involved.

(2) First, a circular piece of his skull was?removed.

(3) Then a?tiny?plate with hair-thin electrodes was?insertedinto his brain.

(4) It was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controls?movement.

(5) This plate?detects?the electrical signals in the?brain?that usually control hand movement.

One well-known use of such technology enables deaf people to hear.

The first human volunteer to try this out was Matt Nagel.

Such uses of technology are inspiring and bring joy to our hearts.

It was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controls movement.

To the delight of the crowd, the hand started moving, and the fingers closed, becoming a fist.

There it stimulates nerves to cause the sensation of sound.

The process of?implanting?the device into Matt was quite?involved.

Using thought alone, he can now perform a variety of tasks.

L6-U3-P4-5Reading : Investors Beware!

Investors Beware!

When people talk about investing, they are always looking for the best advice.Many are willing to pay a lot for it. The problem with this, however, is that many financial advisor give the wrong advice. Ultimately, decisions must be made by the investors. Here are some guidelines that may help investors save a lot of money.

First, a key to successful investing is time itself. What makes many investors rich is that they have invested over a long time. This allows their investments to grow, even if they weren’t active investors. Unfortunately, most people don’t start saving enough until it’s too late.That lack of time limits the power of compounding.So the best advice is to start saving as soon as possible.

What abouteconomic?projections and earnings growthestimates? The truth is, nobody knows. What they reallyreflect?are people’s feelings about the future. It’sinteresting?to note that someone whobuys?a low-cost index fundon average?does better than someone who invests inan expensive?fundmanaged?by famous experts.With investing, simple and basic can earn a bigger return than complex and expensive. Sometimes the pros don’t know what they are talking about. They just talk as if they do.

What about risk and volatility?One thing for sure is that the stock market will fluctuate.Since 1900 one of the largest index funds has returned about 6% per year. Compare that to the average difference between any year’s highest close and lowest close which is 23%. When an expert tries to explain why the market is down, they are really trying to explain why the sun goes up and down.

And finally, beware!The financial industry is dominated by people whose only interest in your wealth is how much they can charge you.?Unfortunately, thelouder?a financial expert is, the moreexposure?he will get eventhough?he’s often wrong. This is one of the most important things to know about finance. Don’t be misled by experts.

In investing, compounding means to increase in value ...due to gains in both the investment and its accumulated?interest.

In investing, the market refers to the stock market, where shares of companies are bought and sold.

Sufficient time is needed for investments to take advantage of the power of compounding.

What does the article warn investors about?- Being misled by experts.

What is needed to take advantage of the power of compouding?-Sufficient time.

In investing, compounding means to increase in value ...due to gains in both the investment and its accumulated?interest.

In investing, the market close refers to?...the value of the stock market at the end of the trading day.

That lack of time limits the power of compounding.

One thing for sure is that the stock market will fluctuate.?

The financial industry isdominatedby peoplewhoseonlyinterestin yourwealthis how much they canchargeyou.Unfortunately, theloudera financial expert is, the moreexposurehe will get eventhoughhe’s often wrong.

The financial industry isdominatedby people?whose?onlyinterestin your?wealth?is how much they canchargeyou.Unfortunately, the?loudera financialexpert is, the moreexposurehe will geteven?thoughhe’s often wrong. This is one of the mostimportantthings to know about finance. Don’t bemisledby experts.

(1) First, a key to successful investing is time itself.

(2) What makes many investors rich is that they have invested over a long time.

(3) This allows their investments to grow, even if they weren’t active investors.

(4) Unfortunately, most people don’t start saving enough until it’s too late.

When people talk about investing, they are always looking for the best advice.

With investing, simple and basic can earn a bigger return than complex and expensive.

So the best advice is to start saving as soon as possible.

It’s?interesting?to note that someone who?buys?a low-cost index fund?on average?does better than someone who invests in?an expensive fund managed by famous experts.

According to the author, the industry is dominated by people whose only interest is in getting paid.

What makes many investors rich is that they have invested over a long time.?

One thing for sure is that the stock market will fluctuate.

Since 1900 one of the largest index funds has returned about 6% per year.

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